Taiji - Awareness
If we stop the demand for captive dolphins we stop the slaughter #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/3f4E6VsAIP
For every dolphin hunted and taken into captivity another 17 are killed #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/6B3kn95FBI
In the 2021-2022 season, it is estimated that 547 dolphins were slaughtered, while 140 were taken captive.#WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/i6HCzZcovW
From September to March every year, the Taiji fisherment hunt for wild dolphins which end up in captivity or are brutally killed #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/z6VRyFSHwF
Once the Dolphins are driven into the notorious cove they are subject to a brutal selection process, panicked dolphins often sustain injuries #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/HSFZcV0m29
Pod members are seperated in the cove, nursing infants ripped away from their mothers, pods are torn apart #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/MN7qkesYd8
Dolphins witness the killing of their pod members and will often be swimming in the blood of their slaughtered pod mates #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/0JTYqVQwAl
Please don’t support captivity, tell everyone you know that visiting a dolphinarium or swim with experience ensures the longevity of the dolphin hunts #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/aYhJP9kOFf
Dolphins stolen from the ocean for the captive industry are deprived of their basic rights, they are often deprived of food to train them #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com pic.twitter.com/i6HCzZcovW
Be an Ambassador for Dolphins, say NO to the dolphin show, say NO to captivity. Do not support these barbaric dolphin hunts #WOWvTaiji #Taiji website: www.wowvstaiji.com