ExaMPI Workshop 2024

ExaMPI Workshop 2024

ExaMPI24: Workshop on Extreme Scale MPI
Sunday, November 17th, 9am-5:30pm

Held in conjunction with SC24: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, November 16-22, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Sunday, November 17th, 9am-5:30pm

The aim of this workshop is to bring together developers and researchers to present and to discuss innovative algorithms, concepts, implementation and applications of the Message-Passing programming model. With the ExaMPI workshop series, we aim at creating a forum for open and potentially controversial discussions on the future of MPI in the Post-Exascale era.

Important Dates

Paper Submissions Close: 21 July 2024 (AOE)  9 August 2024 (AOE) [No further extensions]
Paper Notification: 25 August 2024 6 September 2024 

Accepted Papers Camera Ready Due: 12 September 2024 27 September 2024

Submission Website



For queries relating to the workshop, please contact Matthew Dosanjh <mdosanj@sandia.gov>.

For queries concerning papers (submission, deadlines, publishing, etc.) please contact Amanda Bienz <bienz@unm.edu> or Whit Schonbein <wwschon@sandia.gov>.