Winter school on local geometric Langlands theory

Winter school on local geometric Langlands theory will take place at University Paris 7, January 15-19, 2018.


Local Geometric Langlands is the study of the totality (technically, 2-category) of (DG)-categories equipped with an action of the loop group G((t)). The most basic examples are the category of Kac-Moody modules, the category of (twisted) D-modules on the affine grassmanian or the affine flags, the Whittaker category on G((t)), and the principal series category.

As far as we know, this will be the first workshop on this subject. Our goal is introduce the key objects of study, explain the current state of knowledge, indicate the long-term goals (as we see them), and formulate a series of more accessible (yet interesting) conjectures.


  • Dennis Gaitsgory

  • Sergey Lysenko

  • Sam Raskin

  • Simon Riche

If you want to participate please click here.