Jana Willer Gold

I'm a theoretical linguist acknowledging the value of experimental research. I am interested in theoretical and experimental modelling of morpho-syntactic variation (conjunct agreement, object agreement, feature markedness, ellipsis, PCC) in a variety of languages (Slavic, Bantu, Indo-Aryan), as well as in conceptual problems that arise at theory-experiment interface. My experimental morpho-syntactic work supports free on-line platforms (PCIbex, R). 

I am Departmental Lecturer in Experimental Syntax/Psycholinguistics at the  Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford.  I hold a Honorary researcher status at the Department of Linguistics at UCL. I previously held a Research Associate position on the ESSB Project (Agreement Mismatches in Experimental Syntax: from Slavic to Bantu, PI Andrew Nevins) and EMSS Project (Coordinated Research in the Experimental Morphosyntax of South Slavic Languages , PI Andrew Nevins) at the Department of Linguistics at UCL.

Vitae @ CV , PhD 

Contact me @ jana.willer-gold@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk

Recent publications
