Welcome to Wergeland Lodge!

Wergeland Lodge 2-021 is the Sons of Norway Lodge in Bellingham WA.

We are dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Norwegian heritage and culture.

The Sons of Norway is an international organization where members come together in celebration of Norwegian heritage, culture

and our relationship with the other Nordic Countries.

Our meetings are now at:

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 1720 Harris Ave., Bellingham, WA.

(Fairhaven, cross street - 18th. Enter door from parking lot on north side.)

All meetings and events have been cancelled due to the corona virus and "Stay at Home" order.

NOTE: Meetings or gatherings may be cancelled in case of inclement weather.

However, our Anniversary Dinner we choose to think of as merely being postponed until the first date possible for

the Lodge to gather once again.

September: No Lodge business meeting or Friday potluck.



Meet the past Wergeland Lodge Presidents

Sons of Norway information and links

Some History of Wergeland Lodge

Archives : Wergeland Lodge 2-21, seehttp://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:/80444/xv145599/

Info, Table of contents, etc. New submissions to Ruth Steele, Archivist, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies.

Ruth.Steele@wwu.edu, 360-650-7747.

NOTE: this is for reference only. Do not contact Ruth for questions about Lodge events, etc.