Wei Xu

Computational Scientist, Trustworthy Artifical Intelligence (TAI) Group Lead

    Computational Science Initiative | Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY, 11973

    Email: xuw AT bnl DOT gov

Research Professor

    Computer Science Department | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 11794

    Email: wxu AT cs DOT stonybrook DOT edu

My research interests include but are not limited to Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for scientific applications, Explainable and trustworthy AI, Digital Twins, Performance evaluation for classical and quantum computing, and Visual Analytics. Previously I also worked on Virtual Reality, X-ray Imaging and High performance computing for medical and scientific domains.

My current funding resources are DOE's ASCR and SciDAC programs as well as BNL's internal projects (e.g., LDRD and NSLSII)

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