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May Videos

Beth Moore

I hope you're doing well on this very springlike Weekly encouragement! day. I am praying for you and I love you, praying for goodness and growth for you and for me. It's rainy in this part of our world. It has been this way for much of this week. And we do know that rain produces growth. True for our physical world. True for our spiritual, mental, psychological world. I am frequently, well … awestruck … by the parallels of our physical world to our spiritual lives. "Into every life, the rain must come". We've heard that many times, possibly somewhat begrudgingly (at least in my case). I am grateful for the Weekly encouragement! message I am sharing with you today. It is impacting my thinking so powerfully and I am grateful for this. I just feel I absolutely have to share this with you so that you will receive the tremendous gift I did. Today's message is the story of the grapevine! I know of people who own vineyards. I never knew that they had one of the most amazing secrets to life because of their experience with the grapevine. I believe I can never again take for granted something that is a part of my life, a part of your life, too. This gift is called "stress"! Even as I am writing this, right now, I sense there is a wincing. Rightly so. The word "stress" creates a response in me and you. I completely understand. But. The grapevine! And oh, the wonders of how God has orchestrated every detail to speak love and life and hope to us. What I learned from the grapevine in today's Weekly encouragement! video message is very special. Did you know that stressed vines produce the best wines? If given perfect conditions of moisture and soil and climate, grapevines produce less healthy grapes. If however, the grapevine is given less than perfect conditions with challenges, more healthy grapes are formed. With thicker skins! Part of today's Weekly encouragement! video message encourages me to not take offense easily. The stress of family, for example, might just be an opportunity. If the climate in my family or in my work environment or in any other arena of life isn't perfect, just like a grapevine is encouraged to do, possibly I can begin climb-it change. Stress causes the grapevine to climb which is part of producing healthier grapes. I am clinging to this message, just like the grapevine clings to anything it can, to climb-it. And even though I have previously felt intimidated by stress, I can be encouraged that this is safe because the real grapevine is Jesus. This is who I cling to. I pray great nourishment for you, as I experienced, from this Weekly encouragement!

April Videos

Gary Clarke

We are coming to the end of April, beginning a beautiful May. I hope this spring time has been very kind to you. Where we have been able to meet with an extreme variety of weather. I do love the spring time. I am praying for you as I share this message, and I love you! Thank you for the privilege of sharing these messages with you. As I mentioned a variety of weather, variety also applies to the Weekly encouragement! message today. And as I am praying for you, I am aware that I am praying for a wide variety of friends who receive the Weekly encouragement! We! That's the key. Jesus called a variety of people. When they came to Jesus, they were not perfect, just like you and I. They were called, and that meant fellowship was involved. They likely had to work out differences. Just like you and I. And, Jesus was well aware of cultural differences and the pain of this. People groups were opposed to one another, even such that they would not fellowship together and this had been the case since even before or at least during ancient Egypt. But Jesus introduced the concept of loving your neighbor. It had been accepted that there are those we, because we are of a certain people group, reject and look down upon. Enemies. Have also been present since ancient history. But I love the definition from today's Weekly encouragement! speaker. The suggested definition is enemies are people whose story I don't yet know or understand. This turns enemies into people with stories. I am trying and praying to see people in this light. I admit that I struggle with this, at times. I am challenged by today's Weekly encouragement! message. And I am encouraged by it, too. We! That's the key. We are created by we. This applies both physically and spiritually. There isn't any place where we are not fellowship beings. And we are different so that we can be in fellowship with one another. Please pray with me that I might have fellowship with those whose story I don't yet know or understand.

March Videos

February Videos

January Videos


December Videos

Michala Stannard

Thank you for allowing me to share the Weekly encouragement! with you today. I do not take this opportunity lightly. Your time is valuable. You are valuable. And, I believe value is added to my life because you let me be part of your life via the Weekly encouragement! I am praying for you for this Christmas. Will you take a moment to let me know how you are doing as we approach Christmas? I would love to hear from you. Partly because it has been a hard year, and I considered that as I listened to today's Weekly encouragement! message about imagination. Many of us have experienced growing up with hearing the words "your imagination is a powerful thing", or perhaps as parents or teachers, you share this with the young people in your life. But in this year, in 2020, maybe the imagination comes into play because our minds have been tested very seriously. Locked at home in seclusion, our minds are an open target, meaning that we can tend to drift into destructive mindsets, thereby creating destructive habits and patterns in our life and future. I have learned that this year has been a difficult year for people struggling with pornography. Even before the pandemic and isolated lives this has led to, pornography was a serious danger. The Bible encourages us to take every thought captive to the mind of Christ. And therein is freedom, liberty. I may not agree with some of the intensity of imagination in today's Weekly encouragement!, yet I very much want to bring solutions to our 2020, especially as we approach Christmas time, that will offer practical advice for how to train your imagination. In my example of pornography, the mindset has to change to overcome this darkness. This is true in any destructive mindset. I use this example, because pornography is one of the most destructive mindsets and 2020 has created an atmosphere of isolation that breeds and feeds opportunities for the ugliness of pornography. And it doesn't have to be this way. No one has to give in to this destructive mindset and not to any destructive mindset. I am bold. I am not afraid to say the word "pornography". In fact, just the opposite. I am fierce over annihilating this ugly thief. Please call out to God and get hold of the tools He's given to overcome. Let yourself see something better for what's ahead. If imagination can help, please make use of this tool in a productive and positive way. If we can imagine the ugly (even pornographic) visions (videos that play in the mind), we can imagine a productive and positive future where we value ourselves and others more like God values you and me. Destructive imaginations call me and you worthless. Don't let all who have worked to build value into you … and me … be thrown away just because 2020. You have no right to blame 2020! Because this is a year for strengthening in your heart to the pulling down of strongholds. I earnestly implore you to see something better ahead. I don't know what 2021 will be. But you and I are called to agree with God in good. In putting my name in the scripture to imagine who I am and who I am becoming. For the good and the glory of God, for purpose and great meaningfulness.

Please allow me to be part of your journey via the new, upcoming interactive feature of the Weekly encouragement! More details coming soon!

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

Grant Partrick

I hope this is a beautiful Friday for you, a beautiful Weekly encouragement! day. We! day, what a great time for me to share encouragement with you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your Friday. Please know I am praying for you with every message I send and today's Weekly encouragement! message is really very special. We are approaching Christmas, and I am going to guess that many of us are reflecting on how 2020 has been a hard year. Christmas is an opportunity to look over the past year, and it's been a time of reflecting ever since the first Christmas. Many of us know the story of the manger where Jesus was born, but, do we understand what was leading up to this special birth? What were they reflecting on when this Christ Child was laid in a manger? Throughout the Old Testament (the Bible is divided in two sections called the Old Testament and the New Testament), but throughout the Old Testament, God was revealing Himself through dreams, visions, through prophets. The Old Testament is full of God speaking, breathing, bringing into life and miracles. Then, silence. So it seemed, for 400 years. That's four centuries. You and I know what it's like to wait. 2020. Waiting for answers. So did Zachariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. Hear what their names mean. Zachariah means "God remembers" and Elizabeth means "God's covenant". God remembers God's covenant. But this is something we are so unaccustomed to. Waiting. It's hard. Yes, so, what were they reflecting on during the first Christmas? There were 400 years of what seemed like silence from God, but, the story actually is told in history. Listen to what incredible things we've learned by studying history, namely in the story of Alexander the Great! During what seemed like 400 years of God's silence, this famous person of history, for his own reasons, was a tool in God's hands to formulate a written language. It was this necessary key that lead up to the birth of the Christ Child in the manger. It is the way we come to have a Bible. The Word of God in flesh, incarnate. Had it not been for this written language, we would not have a Bible. But … it was part of the plan. So also is waiting part of the plan for you and me. What seems like waiting for you and me is actually God working. To bring about the necessary parts.

I am being led in strong ways to open doors for an interactive Weekly encouragement! and I'm excited for what is ahead for me to share with you VERY SOON. Please stay tuned for what I hope will be an amazing opportunity with you, with me.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

November Videos

David Marvin with Jennie Allen

I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving! As I say those words, I realize that this has been a very different Thanksgiving. I know that mine certainly was. I missed the presence of my family (meeting via video this year), but, we are in different times. And we are in different in many arenas of our lives. It's important to acknowledge this. To admit that we are facing things we've never faced before and that, if we speak with honesty, this year is a struggle. We have choices of what we can do with "struggle". I pray that you are always encouraged to search for and receive God's answers, and this is my hope as I share the Weekly encouragement! That God's answers will become more readily available to your heart and mind. You are not alone, if you're looking for answers in 2020. This is definitely the season for looking for answers. Everyone is doing it and it is fashionable and acceptable to look for answers. May I gently encourage you that there are wise and unwise ways to look for answers. In 2020, one answer I need to know is who I am in God's eyes. What is my value, my worth, maybe my purpose and hope? May I take this opportunity to assure you that you are valuable. That, even though you may have doubts about yourself and your circumstances, God has spoken confidence into you that you are fully loved. His word is key, reinforcing what He has put in my innermost being of the great value He places on me. Others who encourage your faith in Jesus are key, as well. Though we are social distancing in many areas, may we not social distance in emotions. They are real and they are becoming more evident to some of us in 2020. We are more aware of our emotions, many of us, while some are becoming more aware, still. Isolation has led to difficult heart realities. Possibly 2020 hasn't created some difficult heart realities, but rather, 2020 has revealed difficult heart realities. In you and in me, both the wise and the unwise ways we look for answers are becoming more evident. Today's Weekly encouragement! is a candid look at this journey and how we can navigate well. I have an advantage, possibly. I have training and background geared to helping people find answers. I am being led in strong ways to open doors for an interactive Weekly encouragement! and I'm excited for what is ahead for me to share with you VERY SOON. Please stay tuned for what I hope will be an amazing opportunity with you, with me.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

Wow! Please check out the new designs! Go to the Weekly encouragement! website below and stay tuned as our We! GO GoFundMe page (below) will soon be updated.

Andy Stanley with Sarah Bauer Anderson

I hope this is a beautiful day for you, a gentle leading into Thanksgiving week. I pray you will receive abundance in the things God pours over your life to keep you strong, healthy, hopeful. Sharing a Thanksgiving message in this hard political world may seem a little awkward, but, this could be one of the best Thanksgiving messages I've seen. In a few days, many of us are planning to gather around tables, either in person or via video, and the theme of Thanksgiving may seem tempered by 2020. Difficult pandemic, political, personal news from this year. I am so challenged by what I see of Jesus recently, that He wasn't politically siding when He walked on earth. He may have even seemed to jump isles, healing a blind beggar, then inviting Himself to the home of a tax collector. Remember the recent Weekly encouragement! message? Don't trip over stumbling blocks. When it seems Jesus isn't who we think He should be, perhaps He isn't about one side or another. I struggle to receive this. Yet, I heard a question in today's Weekly encouragement! message that opened my eyes. "What does it feel like when I'm wrong?" The thoughtful answer … "It feels like I'm right until I see that I'm wrong." We have gold before our eyes, the opportunity to engage in civil discourse. We have strong convictions. We can talk about these things. I'm hoping I can become more proficient, more professional, more profitable, more personal, in sharing my convictions in civil discourse. And listening to your convictions in civil discourse. The best ending ever is included in today's Weekly encouragement! A prayer, beautiful and challenging, I leave it with you and invite you to make it part of your Thanksgiving table …

Craig Groeschel

Thank you for the opportunity to come to you, via this special Weekly encouragement! venue, every Friday with what I hope is bringing meaningful and purposeful connection for you. The words to lead into today's message are coming a little difficult for me. I am an observer. I observe people. I observe society. I observe environmental, atmospherical, even the animal kingdom for ways I can better understand what I feel God is wanting to speak. To me. To my world, possibly. And we have different concepts about who God is, sometimes, and different ways we see Him. I appreciate my sisters and brothers who receive the gentle touch of God through relationships, experiences, the environment they've known, grown up in, or are part of right now. Trusting people, others, community is important to many of us and it speaks of trusting that God is at work in everything we are surrounded by, everything that touches us. I see great faith in this and I want to encourage people I love to not lose this special confidence. There are times, maybe even political times, and maybe it has nothing to do with political emphasis, but there are times when the challenges seem too great and we feel powerless. I hope you find encouragement in seeking God's answer through others, people, community. Also through the Bible, the holy Scriptures. Prayer. May I also suggest and encourage you that no matter what you are facing, no matter what I am facing, God is exactly what I need, possibly by using others, experiences, and He is who I need, sometimes in the form of other's kindness and encouragement. And He can come through with more than I need in any trouble I face. A so special story from the Bible demonstrates this in today's Weekly encouragement! I am grateful for the literal representation the Bible offers for things I'm grateful are not as literal as they were in the Bible, the old testament, especially. Such as today's example of a horrendous and evil army that terrorized and sought to defeat kingdoms around them. They sought to be the bully … until … one day … They came against the children of God and His kingdom. When God's people (yes, you heard that right!) when God's people couldn't muster enough army, enough strength, enough faith, hope, and love in their own supply, God offered to them that they simply be still. Maybe that's all I need, as well. To simply be still. There is much more in God's endless resource to meet the problem and the pain and the trouble I feel. He might meet us with something special through our relationships, community, in any way that He desires, and we'll know a provision in this time that demonstrates He is more than enough. I've experienced this, as I appreciated the eloquent demonstration in the offer of today's Weekly encouragement! video message to put into words something that really requires more than words. No matter where we are at (politically) or not politically, He can meet us with more than enough. I pray great encouragement for you from today's Weekly encouragement! video message. I pray you find more than enough provision to meet you in every trial you face. And that you experience this touch from God, in any form He chooses to bless and meet you with.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

Steven Furtick

Thanks for spending this special Friday with me. I hope it's one that says special to you, because, that is who you are to God. What a tremendous privilege and pleasure it is for me to be with you on Fridays (on any day that you catch me), to encourage and bless you, to lift you up in your reaching out to God. How very special to me. I think I can safely say that this has been a rough week for many of us. No matter what side of the political divide. It's challenging and even painful at times. We think we see it one way or another, and maybe it doesn't happen the way that we see it. Maybe there are a lot of things in life this way. And one of the tough parts is that I don't know an answer. And possibly I don't have an answer because I am basing my beliefs off the wrong things. That I haven't known that He (God) sees me, that He saw me even before I was born. His love for me is based on something very deep. There are times when circumstances in life, life events, cause me to doubt that He loves me, cause me to think I am not who He says I am. This happened in the life of John the Baptist and what an amazing picture is painted in the Weekly encouragement! video message from today. (It's a real picture, and real portrait that I want you to see.) When we base our beliefs off the wrong things, we can jump to conclusions faster and longer than anyone in the world book of records! What a great drop of love God placed in the story of John the Baptist, the one who was the forerunner, the one who was the pointer out of Jesus. And just incredible that our generation, we get to be the ones who experience this love, as much as, if not beyond, what John the Baptist himself experienced. The very one who announced to the world who Jesus Christ was, he experienced prison and eventually death for his stand for righteousness. This facing prison and death created doubts in his mind. So it does also for you and me, at times. But there was an answer. For John the Baptist. It's the same answer for you and me. Stumbling blocks will come, but don't trip over these stumbling blocks. I gently plead with you to listen to this video message, because of political challenges … or political successes. Because of life challenges … or life successes. The things that are not happening in your life should not defeat you. You are loved more than these things. Don't trip over the stumbling blocks. God's love is for you.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

October Videos

Rocky Nti

My prayer for you is that you will find great encouragement and hope today, that you will know that God is for you. And I pray that you will receive something really special from today's Weekly encouragement! Events coming up have possibly created a sense of shaking for some. Weeks, months, and even more have lead up to this time of election. Times of intensities in emotions, possibly questions in your own affiliations and loyalties. No matter what side of the aisle you're on, I continue to hear the phrase "there is a lot at stake". Possibly we tend to feel this way in many situations in life, but I was directed to examine that this can depend on what we are building? We have put much energy, affection, and love into building the things that we've built in our lives, whether it's relationships, financial standings, businesses, even houses. And all of us have experienced 2020 with considerable impact. Have things that we have built seemed to burn in 2020? I know, I have confidence, about what I listened to from today's Weekly encouragement!, but, I was extremely blessed, heart touched, to receive the powerful words and truth … that just because my house has burned down doesn't mean God isn't for me. Think of Job, in the Old Testament. When my house burns, who am I and what do I do? The truth is that I am loved by God … and I build again. There is a musical interlude, right in the middle of today's Weekly encouragement! video message. It is really a part of the message, with spoken word on both sides of the musical interlude. While I can sometimes try to ignore this kind of musical interlude, I feel that, just like me, you are going to be drawn through this musical word to continue to receive something powerful God is distributing in this message. We may not always hit the mark in what we are building, even if we love God and know His love for us. God's love doesn't mean we won't experience fire. But Christ in me is fireproof. When things around are burning down, Christ in me never will. This is good news going into this election. May I encourage you, no matter the results of these next few days, Christ in me is fireproof. No matter the experience of 2020, Christ in me is fireproof.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

Robby Gallaty

We are nearing a special time, as you are aware of, election time. I am so honored to be able to share with you each week, simply and from the heart, as I pray to encourage and bless you, as I pray that you will know that you are loved. May the Weekly encouragement! provide real arms wrapping around you because that's how powerful God is, that He can reach out with just a word. As we come into this election time, I understand there are anxieties. Polarization sometimes, it seems. But I want to speak peace today. Not because we need to agree. I am more and more impressed what a tremendous grace, a tremendous portrait, this America is. We can have strong feelings that look to separate us, but, these strong feelings on opposite sides of the questions are what give testimony to the strength of America. We are free to differ. Because we are, may we please be free to use these differences to find real solutions that will bless our country, but not only us. This will bless the world because that is who America is. When we have financial and natural resources, we seek to bless those less fortunate around the world. Therefore, we may be on the brink of tapping into a human resource, the ability to work across political borders to find real answers to real questions. I used the word polarization earlier. But I don't think this is what I am seeing. I believe I am seeing people with strong convictions. This is the time that is ripe for finding solutions. Recently, I've also been impressed with a specific reality of the life of Jesus. I've always kept it in my heart that He is fully God. Maybe I'm the opposite of many people, however, it's been easier for me to think of Him as fully God. Easier than thinking of Him as fully human. I have pondered that how He was able to go through the things He did was directly related to Him being fully God. But, He experienced emotions like we do. We are experiencing a full plate of emotions via political and current social and economic, health related concerns. I am going to venture to say that anxieties have been part of some of our experiences in this greatly packed 2020. A valuable statistic that I learned from a study done that quotes that 40% of what we worry about never happens was in today's Weekly encouragement! If we are fully human, as Jesus was fully human, can't we steal some of the truth that He clung to? That our lives are in the hands of our Heavenly Father, if we accept His forgiveness, and acquiesce this heavenly relationship. Anxiety is real for many. The heavenly relationship Jesus brought to us is available to us through prayer, letting our requests be made known to God, by offering thanks and gratitude. Thanks and gratitude are like avenues, leading to peace, strength, and knowing God. It isn't easy to be thankful in current day stressors. I believe this is key, however, in the political and socioeconomic climates we are in. Remember that Jesus was fully human, too. He had to wrestle to be thankful to accomplish the will of God. Possibly we do, too. And possibly we can experience greater peace, answers for anxiety that may try to hinder us.

If I can pray for you, please let me know.

please email me at

Thank you so much!

For International friends …

I recently learned about a device that will allow you to view YouTube videos from some restricted areas. It's called VPN and is about $3 US dollars. I have limited information that's geographically specify. Please see more here …


or you can connect by email


please email me at

I wanted to take a moment to mention a potential opportunity to participate with the Weekly encouragement! email series. We have a very diverse community and I want to make this email series available to more who may know English as their second language. My hope is to provide transcripts of the video messages. These would be done in English as a support for international community members. If you feel like you would like to participate in this opportunity,

Hoping to encourage us all to trust God

for the answered and the unanswered questions!



Why don't you friend me on your Facebook page? If you would like, I will post my Weekly encouragement! on your Facebook page each week. Truly, I enjoy the work he has given me to do with the Weekly encouragement! and I want to share it with as many as I can. If you are already on my friend list, send me a private message and ask me to post the Weekly encouragement! on your Facebook page! Here I am…

Julie on Facebook

Volunteer opportunity…

The Weekly encouragement! has experienced some success in sharing with a part of our society that experiences incarceration, for one reason or another. I am hoping to begin to share the Weekly encouragement! with another part of our society that is sometimes forgotten. I am referring to those who are in nursing home settings. If you would be interested in working with me to begin to offer the Weekly encouragement! in nursing home settings, please let me know. I would be glad to work with you on this special project. Every life is valuable in God's eyes. That's really what I most want you to know as I share the Weekly encouragement!

Joakim Lundvist

I am grateful for the opportunity to share the Weekly encouragement! with you. My prayer is always that this will bring you hope, encouragement, and a special place in your week to look forward to. I hope with each Weekly encouragement! message, you will sense the great love of God being poured out for you. God is going before you, and very strong in my heart today is the thought that someone has been praying for you. Is it possible that God orchestrates our lives, very wonderfully, through prayer, through connecting with heaven on our behalf? In the old testament of the bible, God specifically set aside a place on earth for us to meet with Him. It was called the temple. A specific people group was able to go to the temple and to know that God would meet them there. But today. Because of what Jesus did on earth, bringing heaven to us, the temple is you and I, anyone who has become a follower of Jesus. People used to go to the temple, in the old testament. Now the temple goes freely where you and I are. I am excited to share such incredible stories as I heard in today's message, stories of people living their lives in this way, as God's building designed to reach out to people in need. Please do not miss the incredible stories in today's message of special people who touched my life and gifted me with new hope and great encouragement for this current world. Mostly, I hope you can see Jesus because this message came to you.

Kyle Idleman

I, and some very dedicated We! GO friends, are praying for you, that the peace and purpose and power of Christ is present and bringing you hope. If you haven't yet come to know We! GO, please be sure to check out the Weekly encouragement! website linked in this message, where you will see a new page, "We! GO Community Outreach". I look forward to the start of We! GO, and to being an encouragement in our community and beyond. Especially with our political landscape and the intense emotions that have gone along with it. People on very different sides, and each of us possibly feeling pressed to be on one side or the other. The sides seem quite opposed. The bottom line is we have to choose. For some, this can be stressful, not knowing the right confidence. I learned there's even a push to write in "Jesus" on your ballot! May I gently ask that you do not do this. However, consider that while you and I feel a battle to choose the right candidate, all the while, we can rest in God's choice. He chooses you, not a democratic or republican Presidential candidate. He has chosen you and me to be His light in this very present darkness. Being chosen is peace and purpose for me, you. When Christ walked on earth, it was Jewish tradition for the Jewish rabbi to accept applications for being his follower. Jesus broke tradition by inviting others to follow Him, not based on degrees of learning and rote of scriptural knowledge. It was simply that He chose them. This is peace, knowing God chooses me and I don't have to apply and maybe make the cut or not. God chooses me and this is peace. Of course, there are sometimes uncomfortable circumstances, but the God of peace still rules in the heart of the follower of Christ. Because we are confident that the same power who raised Christ, it raises us.

Please accept this gentle warning that the close of this message is sensitive material. Also note the message starts at minute 23.

Nick Nilson

I know you and I have been living in a difficult political year, and I hope we are doing the right things to keep our focus. Some of us watched a political debate this week. Please be encouraged to keep your focus on things above. He is doing a good work. And I get the sense we are involved in what God is doing. I believe I hear Him gently persuading that we are His instruments. That He's fitting us together for a great purpose, healing and restoring. The difficult things that may frustrate (and even make us angry) … these things are the fuel to a good work He's doing and it's because these things, seemingly devisive on the surface, are meant to pull us together to raise up the very beautiful purpose of God in the world. In the world, He created us for the divine purpose of fellowship. It's a crash into my mind that things I disagree with, things that challenge my thinking, are meant to open doors to fellowship with you. And with people I disagree with, people I have a hard time with. I'm understanding this and praying to be able to do this. It's a stretch for a fallen humanity, too. I feel powerfully touched by the fact that Jesus was most connected to humanity when He cried out on the cross to God His Father, "Why have You forsaken Me?" I believe it's possible He left us (only as our hearts in pain try to configure in our minds that we are alone) … to find each other, too. We cry out to God, but He made us in His image, to reflect Him to each other. We need Him. We need each other. Maybe this is the why for in our political landscape? We experience pain because of our difficult disagreements. The space created is for us to find Him. Maybe we do so partly in working together and this fellowship like we've never known before … supplies healing and restoration. In essence, can we disagree enough to come together and find solutions? This is keeping my focus above. This is needing you to help keep me above water in our political landscape and our very personal landscape.

September Videos

Tim Dilena

I hope this has been a good week for you. This has been a good, yet busy, week for me. I look forward to sharing more of this busy week with you (it's pretty special!) soon! You are in my prayers. You are of incredible value, and I am so grateful to know you, if even only through the lens of Facebook. Sometimes, even if I don't know you, there are experiences in life that we share. I'm saying this to reassure myself, in a way, that I'm not alone when it comes to letting my anger become larger than it should. In the current economic and social, political atmosphere, this seems relevant. There is anger. With each other. And it's important to me to know I'm not alone and that God doesn't reject me because I might let it get out of control, at some point. Would it surprise you and me to know that God actually comes close when I may have lost control of my anger? This is important in the current problems we face. I say this because I sense that this could have happened to you and me. Even if we are followers of Jesus. I am pondering over my own words right here, right now. I feel like I've said this same type of thing, possibly repeatedly, highlighting that even followers of Jesus experience trials in their faith, even failure, seemingly. And I'm finding out that I'm grateful for the truth of the scripture, the bible, because it is very real. It doesn't gloss over the hard stuff. In fact, it highlights it. Because it highlights that God is a God of forgiveness. And I have to admit that I don't like how God actually allows me to come to the disappointed in myself place, allowing others in my life to be part of His process to make me more like Him. When I'm at my most disappointed with myself place, He is close, pointing me to my future in Him. We are, some of us, up close and in each other's space in this season. I find great encouragement in what I learned from today's Weekly encouragement! It's in knowing the difficulties I experience through this season of life, like is true for each of us, these difficult days may be God's preparation for our future in Him. I pray I can trust Him through these times, looking with hope to the future He is preparing me for.

Josh Morris

I’m very happy to join you for the Weekly encouragement! on this beautiful September day. I hope you’ve had a good week. This is my prayer, and that you are continuing to draw close to God through the person of the Holy Spirit. In our current intense days, praying and seeking answers as we feel the societal impact from issues of today, I hope more good words on love is very appropriate for you. Getting to know the Holy Spirit is a current societal answer. In the current quiet covid shutdown, it seems we are finding opportunities to look into God’s face, to know God’s heart more than we have before, to be more acquainted with the Holy Spirit. There are sometimes different thoughts on the role of the Holy Spirit in this life. I hope today’s Weekly encouragement! helps bring together the oneness of the very beautiful presence of the Holy Spirit in this sometimes challenging atmosphere. The deepest truth of my faith is love, and this is also one of the most prominent characteristics of God through His Holy Spirit. I hope to demonstrate His love more adequately as I learn more of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. The truth is that God left something undone in our world. It’s why we must come together. Politically, this seems impossible. On a smaller scale, it often seems impossible, so how can we even begin to imagine our society and our politics coming together? The guest in today’s message very cleverly relays this by sharing a prank story. I had never heard this statement before, but, God … played a prank on us … Because we are His workmanship, He calls us to something so special. He gave us this purpose … please find it in a truly special word. This is beautiful.

Please note that the teaching message begins at minute 30, so, you are free to listen to the full video clip, or skip to minute 30 for the Weekly encouragement!

Steve Dixon

Thank you for the privilege of praying for you, specifically for vision in this 2020 year. So honored for this opportunity with you. I shared last week about chartering previously unnavigable waters in this intense year, learning new things about the world around us and about ourselves, about myself. Part of the vision of this difficult season may have revealed brokenness, something not easy to realize, yet vital in a difficult world as we process and navigate through to where I believe God is bringing us. 2020 isn't about bringing us to disappointment to leave us in a hard place, but I believe it's about opening new paths to God's purpose and the abundant life He promises. Possibly you and I feel broken because of the pandemic and such a broad spectrum of effect we have experienced from this. Broken doesn't mean discardable in God's economy. Could it be that brokenness brings us to new opportunities to experience an effective touch from the Holy Spirit? Not that God creates brokenness, but that the pandemics of life reveal brokenness that is already there. And God wants restoration. Not restoration of this world, applying temporary solutions for what's broken, but restoration that increases the value of the vessel. I learned in today's message about a truly special technique, first innovated in Japanese culture. Kintsugi. It has virtually changed the culture, and has potential to change the way we see broken. Because broken is where God pours gold in. My gentle encouragement, for myself and for you, when I see broken areas of my life, quite powerfully revealed in the pandemics of my world, I desire for the author of life to pour His gold in, increasing the value of my life for how I navigate previously uncharted waters of life and experience hope for my future. Today's message is a very powerful word, so insightful, and I pray blessings of true restoration and healing for you.

Ben Stuart

In this very unusual time, I count it a great privilege to come to you with special encouragement from the Weekly encouragement! and I pray hope and love for you with each message. This is your inheritance in the Weekly encouragement! I know this is a hot time. Climatically, dramatically, politically. And somehow, Jesus is in the midst of this. Yet, Jesus wasn't leaning in the very charged climates of His day. He, in fact, called people from opposite sides and they came together. They were actually in the same room, because the One who had the answers was leading them. Remember? The start of 2020? Perfect vision was the theme of this year, as we began, seemingly innocent of the coronavirus. Then this became pandemic. Perfect vision doesn't fit pandemic periscopes. The 2020 vision was and is for good things, a closer aligning with what God wants for this world, our world, but instead we have shutdown and isolation and pain, for many people. Maybe for you and me, too? And screams in some of our ears, "how could this coronavirus experience be perfect vision" for 2020? And, possibly gently I hear Him saying, "preparation, vision is seeing not just externally, but inside, as well" during the solitude. Solitude can breed difficult things, even things associated with sexual perceptions because there is a tremendous stream of inappropriate information on sexuality and inappropriate expressions such as pornography. This leads to anger because pornography is misuse and taking from, stealing, to get what you want. I pray you are being careful of seeing what is being expressed from your heart because, I just sense that what happens in the quiet will be released in the open. We must take care with these solitude moments. What is being released in our hearts is vision, visual, of what is released in our future. This 2020 solitude, if we can sense this quiet, this solitude, is revealing "cracks" in our armor, in our hearts. Resultantly, I also strongly sense God is ready to pour gold in, the things revealed today become the strength and beauty God is revealing in us. I hope to gently affirm you are stronger than at the beginning of this year, though you and I may feel broken. If seeing some difficult things in my heart has happened because of 2020, then also with this is God pouring gold on the cracks that have been revealed. To heal and strengthen and make beautiful. Jesus wasn't leaning right or left, He was drawing people to Himself to change the climate and cause people to rise above the political and all arenas where climate change was needed. It was effective then and I believe it is effective now. 2020 may be looking inside as well as externally, seeing the beautiful way God heals broken things, and working together for this "perfect vision"!

August Videos

Lisa Harper

I hope this has been a good week! You’re in my prayers and I’m grateful to have this opportunity to pray for you as this walk becomes deeper and, sometimes difficult. With the atmosphere of this year, I have a sense of quiet. Shutdown, less factory and business operations, classrooms empty, churches, theaters, restaurants without service happening. And I telescope this into some of our personal lives. You've been drawn into a quiet space, something we used to call "study hall", but this learning is about who I am, who we are on the inside, hopefully it's also about who God is … personally to me, how He communicates with me, with you. Maybe you and I have realized there is more than one voice trying to tell us how to identify ourselves. Some of the voices from the past may have tried to get your attention and these voices may not speak to you in ways to build you up. I listened to this message early in this week, and it gripped my heart. Because I began to realize, as I listened, that Jesus wants to be the One to grip my heart and … stop everything … to look into my eyes, to look into your eyes, and communicate with me. That He sees, that He hears me when the world might want me to be silent. As I listened to today's Weekly encouragement!, I realized that I'm following the One who stops on His way to purpose … because I need Him. What a moment in eternity. I pray you have this with Jesus, the One who stops on His way to purpose. For you. As you cry out and think no one hears.

I hope you receive a blessing from every episode of the Weekly encouragement! and I hope this finds you well. Please know that I pray for you with every message I send. Such a tremendous privilege I have, so, thank you for allowing me into your life in a very special way. Especially now, I pray you receive blessing each time you receive the special words I share, both in what I write and in the video messages. Today's message portrays what is a current battle in churches (and other public gathering places). To meet or not to meet? The decision is possibly a work in progress. There are strong and adamant positions on both sides of this question, some determined to not meet currently and some determined to definitely meet, currently. I believe my concept was altered from the video message I am sharing, today, in the Weekly encouragement! And I'm not referring to my personal course of action, to meet or not to meet, but rather, to making the most of opportunities God lays before me. I believe it's possible this could be the most exciting time for the church to be alive in, right now. Reaching out in creative ways not dreamed of prior to the coronavirus impositions. Church should not be about coming together to a building, necessarily, but more so about coming together to be builders of what God envisioned for the world He created. The building isn't always the answer, while building up purpose and effectiveness in sharing God's love, is the answer. Do you see how this can impact my attitude in the battle to meet or not to meet? The presentation is much sharper than my words here, today, portraying that we've allowed ourselves to believe we have to be "in it to win it!", referring to how I, possibly many of us, view our Christian faith. As a competition. And the message I'm sharing demonstrates this isn't … quite literally … Jesus. It is actually the opposite. Jesus was in it to loose. The person who shares today's message is a very respected person of faith, and very well known. While these credentials don't always substantiate the information, I felt this word spoke hope to my heart. You may view it very differently from how I saw this. But I know I've "been in it to win it" to my own fault. I'm called to be in my faith to see others win. I hope I can express faith in such a bold way. Will you pray this for me? I don't find this faith easy. Maybe that's the real battle?

DawnCheré Wilkerson

I pray you are having a beautiful day, that the sunshine brings healing to your soul. Because the Creator is behind it. I believe the sun seeks to touch the earth and manifest God's presence in ways we may not have yet imagined. Yes, I am a nature lover, but, it's because I believe everything in nature points to Him. Solitude. However, I don't have to be in specifically nature appointed atmospheres to reach out for, and to obtain, solitude. Solitude isn't mystical, it isn't isolation. The verbal picture I painted here may have caused you to take in God's fresh air, just thinking about it. It evokes a sense of closeness with God. Something that might currently be on your heart? And, I want to assure you, I guarantee, closeness with you is what God is seeking. It's on His heart. The shut down, lock down, even upheavals in many arenas that have placed us inside our homes are opportunities to unite with God and His heart for closeness with you, with me. For many of you, life activities haven't changed that much as you're still in your going about, yet, even so, you're stopping to reflect, to ponder, and I challenge you to give those moments to the presence of God. To be purposeful to say, "God, this is Your moment!" The way I say that is even a little presumptuous because EVERY moment is God's moment. He is working with and walking with you and me. He is seeking every opportunity to be with you, with me, to look into our eyes and say, "I love you!" And just being in that presence, it catapults me into new life and new breathing and new hope. Don't be deceived. God is real. He is really seeking every opportunity to be close with you. I mentioned the sunshine manifests God's presence in our lives, but, I can't close without saying that the rain, it very much also manifests God's presence in our lives. Maybe everything is meant to bring us closer with God? Please take every turn, with me as I pray to be this way, to listen to His word in our hearts.

Earl McClellan

I hope you are having a really good start to August, traditionally the start of school. I'm sorry for what unpredictable things you are experiencing, while praying for strength and hope for you and I. I believe this is a time of receiving instruction from the Lord, and I'm challenging myself to receive this instruction and gain His joy. With today's presentation, I have to offer some hesitation to say that controversy has surrounded the fellowship from which today's message was spoken. Unpredictable words, words that offend, were spoken. Sometimes my words are unpredictable. But God's grace isn't. Offense is an appropriate topic in light of today's Weekly encouragement! message. The message is strong. History has allowed things that God never would. Keeping people out because of a sense of privilege. Even in church. This has been done based on a multitude of perceived offenses, from color, social status, education, and today's offense … well … how about if I let the message say it for me. (Hint, my personal experience is a picture of this, though I have been blessed to have been protected from this offense to a large degree.) Jesus is about including others. The exact opposite of keeping people out. He's about drawing them in, helping them learn. Bringing them, bringing you and me, from a place called nowhere and nothing (where we might be feeling we are at today because of coronavirus interruptions in life?) to a place of honor. And Jesus has compelled us to be about this work, drawing people in because of His love shed abroad in our hearts. This interchange is where we gain His joy. I pray this for you.

PLEASE note that the first portion of this video shares specifically an interchange about the controversy I mentioned above. If you're interested, you are free to listen to that segment of today's video, however, if you would like to go to the message as I have described it above, believing it will touch your heart in tremendous ways, go to minute 12 of today's Weekly encouragement!

July Videos

Christine Caine

Intense days we have. Yes? Intense feelings, emotions, debates (and it isn't just about our social climate as concerns the different colors around us … funny … I always thought rainbows were good signs? Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight?) Yet now we have many colors thrown in as we put on face masks. Face masks are hard. I fully agree. They stand for very unsavory things in society. Free speech, it's hard to talk through a face mask. They stand for limited freedoms. Are we being conditioned, following rules we don't agree with? And just the whole 2020 experience. This can lead to intense days, feelings, emotions, debates. It's like we've run aground on our way to bigger and better days, dreams, plans. I somewhat think we can have a corporate "sigh" on this topic, that we've run aground. Here we are, stuck in 2020, when we should be going places, seeing things, living another life we created in our minds, albeit with the voice of the Holy Spirit, if we are following Jesus. Doesn't He move us in forward directions, looking to and believing for opportunities to serve Him? Paul, in the New Testament of the bible ran aground on his way … to serve Jesus!? On his way to one of the greatest opportunities for ministry he had known. And in this place where he "ran aground", he became part of the most incredible awakening of people he had not known he was called to. He ministered love to them. Ok, I sorta was sidetracked on face masks earlier in this note. There's political incisions in the wearing of face masks. Cutting into the fabric of freedom. They make me feel like I've run aground, taking a route God didn't intend, so it's intense. Yet it's like we're in another culture. If I follow Jesus, how does He intend for me to exemplify His love in this environment, in this culture? Been thinking, Darwin is about survival of the fittest. Jesus is about "doing for the least of these". The one I might think is the most insignificant might be exactly why I've run aground. Those who I wage war with can possibly be won, one with Him. No, not by giving in to what opposes Christ. Standing up for Christ is far more brave than making choices about masks. If I see masks as a political tool, I can end up hating masks. If I see masks as an opportunity to show God's love, I can benefit from the place I've run aground. And perhaps move into the greater ministry He has for me. Please know I understand we have to be careful in this highly charged political climate. Yet, Paul whom I spoke of earlier in this note, did his ministry in chains, for a difficult percentage of his time serving Christ. I hesitate that we could easily miss this. We've run aground … to serve.

Dharius Daniels

The things we've experienced in 2020, it is my prayer and hope, that these things are places of growthfullness. Preparation. It's characteristic of God to use the unexpected to form growth and character, to teach me, us, when we're not even aware He is teaching. Resultantly, we're not even aware that the lesson leads to blessing, likely even blessing you and I weren't prepared for previously. I want what I experience to matter. I think you do, as well. I'm very thirsty for learning in this 2020 lens. I don't think God has brought us here to leave us in a bewildered state, though pain can hinder our vision, but rather I believe He is doing a deeper work and our 2020 vision will be far better for the surgery of purging my, our lives of false securities and even hatred that I never knew was there. Have you seen yourself more clearly this year? I think I'm trying to. It isn't always easy, but it is love enough to make clear what the realities are that chase me.

Andy Stanley: An Interview with Stuart and Kellee Hall

The truth about COVID-19 may have little to do with physical realities. It is hard to grasp what the truth is surrounding COVID-19. Many theories exist. I believe that many are not true, yet some are true. Much fear surrounds the story of COVID-19, especially with the uptick in cases recently. I believe there are increased successes in treating this condition from knowledge that has been gained. I also believe that there are misunderstandings about the seriousness of COVID-19. I have heard it stated repeatedly and in different scenarios, that "COVID-19 is no respecter of persons". Today's story is about someone who is strong, yet nearly lost his life to COVID-19. And, I am seeing something in the variety of stories we hear. Coupled by social unrest, there is a marked divisiveness societally. We have difficulty agreeing about what's wrong, so, we have difficulty agreeing about the right directions in overcoming this difficult scenario. I believe there is great hope in realizing this. When conflict is present, so also are answers that are yet to be discovered, maybe even answers that are pleading to be seen. Could it be possible that conflict means that we actually really are together, discovering each other as we pray for intervention? Conflict isn't about what's wrong and possibly not even about the pain of the present. Maybe it's about moving higher in terms of grasping for resolution. I'm sharing today's story because COVID-19 presents a serious threat to many people, even if you and I are not one of the many people for whom the threat is real. I stated in my first sentence above, "the truth about COVID-19 may have little to do with physical realities". In this and in all points of our current conflicts, one of the answers pleading to be seen is that, I know this is true for me, that I need to value others as better than myself (Philippians 2:3). If I could do this, possibly I could get past much unnecessary conflict in my life? And find that I'm more alive in doing so. This is my prayer. And I pray, I implore you, that you will receive and be deeply touched by today's story…

God is very intentional about times and seasons. He is not reactive. He remains in control, though we may not see or understand. We've never been able to see the whole picture, but rather, we've been called to live by faith. When we make decisions, we do so with faith that even if we make decisions that don't have the appearance of resulting in what we thought should be the result, God still takes the places we come to and uses these places for His good purpose in our lives. This is freedom. The Fourth of July reminds us of the freedom those who have gone before us fought for and our parents worked for. Knowing we can trust God with our decisions, good and bad, is a deeper freedom every tongue, tribe, and nation can embrace. Jesus isn't about white or black supremacy. He is about God being supreme in our lives because He sees the whole picture and is forming in us eternal purpose. We step forward in decisions we make with assurance, not of the results we see, but assurance, of His love being greater than our results. You and I are not supreme in any of our races, sports, socioeconomic status, the list is endless. God is supreme. Because He is love and this is assurance of the outcomes in our lives. He is my outcome. I pray you daily find that He is your outcome, over and above everything else. This time, this season, is full of purpose.

Martin Luther King

The Fourth of July gives me a sense of freedom to share something patriotic. It’s been in the news quite a lot lately. The news is about a difficult word, and I don’t feel strong enough to say it most days, because it’s the word hatred, though we call it other things. Anything that causes me to not value another as much as I value myself. It’s because life is fast (or at least, it was fast) and we can go from place to place in a matter of moments. Anesthetized ourselves rather than empathized ourselves. The sophisticated society that we are, freedom to worship God, this all means so much. It means we have the tools. “Jet planes. They’ve made the whole world a neighborhood, but not a brotherhood.” It also means we must stay awake as necessary societal change, on all sides, requires sobriety. The above statement in quotes was spoken by Martin Luther King. Remaining awake through a great revolution. I call what I’m sharing today “patriotic” because we can destroy ourselves from within if we don’t hold to the great commission. You and I say, “I thought the great commission was to go and make disciples”. And we are right. But the words belong to Jesus. We are to make disciples of Jesus. Another statement from today’s message by Martin Luther King, “We must work together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.” With the global pandemic and our own societal unrest, while somewhat calmer because of a few weeks of time and distance from the events, we can step back and evaluate. Even if we hold to societal schisms, the truth is in us. The place where God pours out His love and grace, and says I’m enough. I don’t fully know this so I’m afraid. Fear needs this remedy. The reality that I’m enough. Because, if I think I’m not enough, I think you aren’t either. These are lies that create fear, the root of anger. Violence erupts from anger, essentially from fear. We are a sophisticated society, we have the tools. God made you and me enough, complete in Him. If we fear and become angry, violent, we do not sense that we are complete in Him. Violence and hatred is behind pollution of the mind and heart. Maybe the COVID-19 coronavirus inadvertently cleared environmental pollution by shutting down society. Can our current societal questions help clear internal pollution, as well?

June Videos

Paula White

Sitting, relaxing, resting. From Psalm 91:1 "he who dwells in the secret place of the most high will abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This might be the most appropriate time of the past century or more to take a seat. To understand and know that the work is complete. The scripture from above refers to resting under the powerful protection of God. When disease, famine, fear and calamity try to come against us, please be encouraged that these have no rightful place. Today's responses determine tomorrow. I implore you to make Christ the center of your life so that He can shadow you with His powerful protection. Know that I understand our world isn't perfect. Please also know that you and I have responsibility. I believe the greatest responsibility is to abide in Christ. When we abide in Christ, we have the proper position that allows us to be seated, as the scripture says, with Him. It's the place of joy. I want to take a seat, rest in Him, and experience this protection. You and I do not have to be powerless in today's economy. We are becoming more aware of the enemy in spiritual darkness, trying to claim things in our lives that do not belong to him as we experience this difficult social, economic and even spiritual atmosphere, but we have gold in our repertoire because of a real relationship with our Heavenly Father. Please gain much help from today's Weekly encouragement! message to find joy in this sometimes difficult and painful world. We might be experiencing a nighttime that is part of a new day. I want us to win life and enjoy the new day God is preparing us for.

John Maxwell Hosts Simon Sinek

The atmosphere has been a little heavy this year. In this atmosphere, possibly individuals come to light. People that we point to and look to as leaders. Every intense atmosphere such as what we have experienced sees this come about. God raises up someone to speak into what you are experiencing with hope and encouragement. The Abraham Lincolns and Martin Luther Kings (interesting that these leaders both encompassed the same societal dilemma at different degrees.) There is a lot of talk societally about having a "conversation". Possibly complicated with the thought of virtual conversations, there is still much hope in this prospect. And one of the best places to begin a conversation is by valuing others. The cross speaks reality. The vertical beam represents our relationship with God. The horizontal beam, where the arms of Jesus were stretched out, represents our relationship with others. Didn't He make this so simple? Last week's Weekly encouragement! message shared about Samaria, some area, that was part of Jesus' heritage as a Jew. I have areas that cloud in my relationships but I have hope because of Jesus. Maybe because of Samaria? I'm invited into conversations because of areas that need fixing? I hope I am invited. Do you think it's possible that we have relationship complications so that we can draw closer to God and to one another. I believe we have gold in front of us. Value others. Jesus died because of this. He rose again because of hope. We're still hoping, so maybe we're still rising to meet this challenge, to meet others because we value them.

Possibly very timely, as I previously mentioned I was putting together resources, there is a new page available on the Weekly encouragement! website. Look for "How to follow Jesus" where you will find steps that will assist you in following Jesus. I did this because I need help with some areas, sometimes. I hope this is valuable to you, as well. Please go to the second tab on the Weekly encouragement! website to find "How to follow Jesus".

Steven Furtick

A few months ago, people were running here and there, crazy schedules, we were busy people, and frequently reportedly tired. According to today's speaker, we received a heavenly alignment and schedules were cleared. During the past few months we have not been running here and there with crazy schedules. Yet still reportedly, in many cases, tired. I deeply try to not associate with the word "tired". It's difficult to fight this but I don't want to miss life, I don't want to miss moments. Funny that the conclusion drawn from what I stated above is that tired isn't necessarily correlated with busy. One key points from today's message is that perhaps we are carrying burdens, sometimes multi generational burdens that try to drain our energy. Fighting stereotypes and more from generations past. It might be different things for different ones of us, but, we can be confident that we have a savior who identifies with us. I hesitated just a bit because I felt like saying that Jesus was tired seemed a little sacrilegious. Yet, clearly scripture states Jesus was tired when he sat down by the well, going through Samaria. Some area. Wow! I get amazed when something comes to light in scripture like this. We all have Samaria, some area. It can create this tired feeling, Jesus knows. But He went through this for you and me. He did it so He could meet with us, with you and me, spend time with us and see into our eyes. So He could become the man! THE man. I deeply implore you to take this in. I promise it doesn't end with being tired. It brings us to being healed because He knows what it's like to have Samaria. Some area. He knows. This gives me hope. I pray you find hope in this Weekly encouragement! message today.

Possibly very timely, as I previously mentioned I was putting together resources, there is a new page available on the Weekly encouragement! website. Look for "How to follow Jesus" where you will find steps that will assist you in following Jesus. I did this because I need help with some areas, sometimes. I hope this is valuable to you, as well. Please go to the second tab on the Weekly encouragement! website to find "How to follow Jesus".

Special visit with a friend

I had the opportunity to visit with a friend who is close to me. I specifically called her because I wanted to have a better understanding of what's going on in her family's life, specifically related to the recent Minnesota incident. I don't personally know a lot of specifics in this story. I haven't followed it closely, I haven't watched the videos, but it's impossible not to be aware. Without watching the videos and following it closely, I already know. And so do you. It's deep in the fabric of our society. It stems from before the Civil War where slavery was the deepest, darkest part of American reality and history. A few years ago, I penned this thought, "it is possible that those who have a darker skin color than mine, have missed a great deal of their rich heritage of being builders of America by virtue of being a large part of the substance that brought America to the degree of prosperity and ingenuity we experience." Their heritage may be far deeper than that of many other segments of our history. Still, without watching the videos and recent news coverage, I knew what the story was about. Possibly about a stereotype. Yet I think it's much bigger than stereotype. In the bible in the book of Philippians, Chapter 2, we see this, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others … Christ Jesus … made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." I have this problem. I don't look to the interests of others as much as I should nor as much as I believe I want to, and probably not in the way Christ did for me. Others better than myself is plain. Maybe we call it racism. I think it's deeper. I think it is a problem of not valuing others as God would call me to value others, regardless of their outer appearance. I have this problem. I pray for change in my heart. I want to value others as God calls me to value them. My friend is deeply eloquent in today's Weekly encouragement!, and I appreciate her sensitivity to share from her perspective and to express grace to those who hear this message. She knows what it's like to live through this. Yet she continually keeps her heart turned toward God's love and forgiveness. You will know she is from somewhere outside of America and, therefore, she has a very specific perspective. Listen attentively to her beautiful accent. You will be glad you did.

May Videos

Jentezen Franklin

There's a great story in today's Weekly encouragement! about a farmer with a barn that was leaning. Possibly, we all have traits like this barn, leaning toward things and dispositions that we don't want to lean towards. Somedays, I lean towards anger and hurt when I don't want to. I feel that I possibly could be the one person who has the most leanings toward things I don't want to. Maybe it's the COVID-19 pandemic. It has successfully "unmasked" leanings in my life. Maybe yours, too? I hope to not be overcome by these leanings, but rather, to find myself being propped up on my leaning side so as to not fall. Leaning can be dangerous, but only if we choose not to do something about it. Of course this means that there is an answer and that this doesn't have to be dangerous. We can lean on the one who loves us. If we have a support group that demonstrates this love, they also are called to prop us up. In this COVID-19 environment, I hope one lesson is to come alongside. I need to learn this and I hope that society (this includes you and me) can take this valuable information and learn to come alongside. Are you finding leanings in your own life in this pandemic? Will you pray with me to recognize these things and invite the one who loves us (including His people) to support me, you, in these leanings? To keep us from falling. There is hope.

Ravi Zacharias

It’s been a few weeks, now, of a very changed scenario in your home and mine, lockdown and sometimes even isolation. When I reflect on this time, I realize that it’s been a lot of thinking. I’m guessing I am not alone in this. Maybe there have been questions about purpose and meaningfulness. So it’s appropriate that I share someone who is very intellectual in presentation for today's Weekly encouragement!. The presenter has done a tremendous amount of thinking, known as a Christian apologetic, meaning that he studies the reasons for why we believe in Jesus. This also means he has processed a tremendous amount of opposition. Opposition is sometimes called persecution, a word we don’t use often. Yet it is real. I thought about this as I watched the video. “Persecution doesn’t tell me where I should go, it tells me where I should stay.” And this is connected to calling. In your thinking recently, there have been special things on your heart. I believe God is calling people, in this difficult time, to understand that there’s purpose for their lives, your life, my life. The Weekly encouragement! today is profound, so timely, though you’ll notice it’s from earlier this year before pandemic was a thought, offered by a friend who God called home to heaven just a couple of days ago. I believe this is for you and me, in our contemplation. Will you please connect with me if God is speaking to your heart and you want to know more, you want to open your heart to what He’s doing today? Please know my prayers are with you as you look for answers, like I am also doing, and know that you are loved, so valuable because of the specific person God made you .. for a purpose.

Nick Nilson

It seems like I’m walking in the fog, these days. The picture isn’t clear and I very much want a better view. It is sometimes scary. Maybe you relate to some of these feelings? I too often try to figure it out, even before the pandemic. Without feeling like I have a lot of options, however, I see little alternative than to seek answers from God. This means I trust Him as I become stronger in faith, and, in turn, I begin to find myself rising above circumstances. There are circumstances in all of our lives today that cause us to seek answers from God. Why did God allow the pandemic? Isn’t He strong enough to stay the wave of pain? As I seek God for answers to my questions, I incline my heart to trust Him and to allow my faith to become stronger. As I experience this faith walk, I rise above circumstances that the enemy has intended to defeat me. This is the ideal that I pray for my life. My circumstances might not ever have been “perfect”. Have yours? Just perhaps God has already been at work in my life, in your life, building faith so I can rise above and not become discouraged by circumstances. I pray this is true in me, in you. You see, when the pilot travels through fog, the secret is to break up above the fog. Then, the view is more clear. Ah, wow, that’s what I was praying for to begin with. I want a better view. So I seek God, and while I’m yet in the fog, I trust Him, my faith grows, and I begin to rise above circumstances. Oh how I pray this would be my heart and my inclination. I hope you are praying for increase in the darkness. To be stronger in faith, allowing Him to bring you higher and see greater depths in your faith walk.

Beth Moore

A shaken world. So many aspects of family and society shaken by global news and realities. With this weekend being Mother's Day, it seemed so appropriate to share this message. It was spoken at a conference sometime back before social distancing was a word and before our current global circumstance, yet every word seems to speak rather specifically about our current atmosphere. May I say that some are possibly being bold (without courage) and not yet aware that they are not invincible. Courage is deeper. It understands realities and faces the truth with the empowering of the Holy Spirit and the greater reality of a personal relationship with God. Perhaps more than we have previously been able to comprehend, there is a difference between being a person of faith and not. I am a person of faith, yet … I somewhat hesitate to say this … I am shaken by global news. Maybe you have been, as well, and are looking for a place to feel secure. I think it's OK to say this. Didn't God say "I will yet once more shake the heavens and the earth". Meaning that the heavens can also be shaken? I believe this is saying that God is moved by our suffering. This is a sense of security to me. Not that God is indifferent to our suffering but that He is instilling in us personal courage. He is moved such that He speaks to His children courage in the night. I believe He is speaking that into you, into me, today. If I am a person of faith, am I also being gently called to be a person of courage? It doesn't happen in the walls of church. It starts at home, where we are. I pray it starts with me. I pray we find courage in this storm.

Louie Giglio

There is something of an intriguing paradox in the Christian faith. Some say that faith keeps us from poverty and sickness. Some say that faith keeps us in the midst of painful trials, including poverty and sickness. I want to be so careful in my wording of that. I believe that God is a protector and shield in my life, yet, you know that I experience very painful physical and emotional realities. Some say that God uses pain and suffering to do a work in our hearts. We are experiencing painful days, you and I, in the midst of the pandemic. Characterizations of who God is as interpreted through this pandemic are prevalent. May I adjure you to be very careful in how you interpret God, today. He created the world to be perfect. We are made in His image. We want our world to be perfect. Our world isn't perfect because of sin. God in me wants something better, but, in the same sentence, God in me has peace in the storm. Just as we experience personal freedom, we also experience personal responsibility. Please be encouraged to ask how God wants to use this situation to work in your life what He wants to work in your life. Diamonds originate in the deepest part of the earth, requiring a traumatic experience such as a volcano to bring them to the surface. The process to form a diamond requires intense heat and intense pressure. Maybe God sees something so beautiful in your life that can result from the intensities you are experiencing today, if you allow Him. God is the solid rock. Faith can ask what God wants to do with all we are experiencing.

April Videos

Lisa Osteen Comes

Last week, I mentioned that you possibly are looking toward God, your face turned toward him, looking for and hoping for answers. However, this week’s message reminds us that God has His face turned toward us, toward you and me. While I struggle to believe, somedays, there is a security in knowing that, when I am afraid, God has His face turned toward me. He is absolutely listening to my prayer. We live in uncertain days. There is fear and fear is real. We are instructed to encourage ourselves in the Lord, and, even as one of the Bible characters from today’s message prayed, we also have to pray. His words “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You (God)“. And then he remembered the things God had done for him in the past. If you feel like you don’t know what to do, focus on God. That He is bigger than the problems, even in the midst of the pandemic. I mentioned above that we live in uncertain days, but, we never know what the future holds in our world where sin is present. Our days are not more uncertain than they were a year ago. It’s just that we can see the evil more clearly because of the pandemic. Seeing this evil is a reason to pray, like the Bible character from today’s message, “when we don’t know what to do, we will fix our eyes on You, God”. Gain peace from Him. Be secure in His love because of the power of God at work, even if I can’t see this. Because I’ve known His goodness. Because He has rescued me in the past. Because He is still able to rescue me. Be diligent to keep safe and follow the rules for safety in this pandemic, but, trust that God is working when we can’t understand. And remember to encourage yourself in the Lord. Please don’t focus on the enemy, don’t focus on the virus, know that God is bigger, He has been faithful in the past, His promises are still true.

Craig and Amy Groeschel

Something speaking to your heart is important in my vocabulary. I say this often in the Weekly encouragement! because I know how important it is to me. Maybe in these days called crisis, maybe many of us are seeking for this, maybe I'm not alone. Right now, I believe that Jesus has your face before him? Whether you are voicing it out loud or pondering it in your heart, there are questions. I listen to a lot of messages from a lot of people from Joel Osteen to Tim Timberlake to Erwin McManus to Bill Johnson to Charles Stanley to Andy Stanley, etc. and many more, but, none of them say that I can point you to them for answers. They are pointing to Jesus. We are shut in right now. Please don't miss this opportunity to turn your face to the only one you can turn to. He is the answer and I'm learning more about what that means. The answer is a person. The person is Jesus. Someone who can show you the wounds. The wounds tell the story of victory. May this be the outcome of crisis in your life and in my life. You see, in my book, wounds shouldn't make victims. They should make victory, even for the most hurt souls. But, especially in this time of being shut in, lockdown, the kind of victory I am speaking of comes only from turning your face to Jesus. I believe with all my heart there are questions for you, for many of us, in this difficult time. Please let Him be the answer. I promise He will answer with love.

Julie Steward

Ben Stuart

Sharing a brief video I put together this afternoon, this Good Friday. Please note that I am very amateur, but my prayer is that the video I share will encourage you. Maybe a personal note from me can touch your heart and add something special to your Easter weekend. I hope so. As well, I am sharing a thoughtful message for today's Weekly encouragement! that was given last Sunday on Palm Sunday. Endurance. Today's crisis may have a lot to do with endurance, and this message is meant to impart courage. You and I may not see a way through, yet history shows us something different. This crisis experience is painful and difficult, yes. But God makes a way. I've often encouraged my own heart with the illustration that our life is like a tapestry and we can only see the underside of that tapestry, but God sees the beauty that's being woven in. What good father doesn't let his child experience pain? And really, humanly, is it even possible for a father to stop a child from seeing pain in our world? Whether we have wanted to or not, we have all faced it these last few weeks, that we live in a fallen world. Because of Easter, Resurrection Sunday, I pray we can also face the greater truth. That we can hope. We can do this by believing in Jesus and all He did for us on the cross. Please be encouraged to be hopeful in a hurting world and to carry hope to those around you.

Dan Paterson

The question of pain and suffering is pretty evident in our world today. In fact, it's more than a question now. It's a reality and, whether your personally facing it or you're experiencing it the way many people are, cautioned, aware of, pervasive in thoughts and speech, conversation around the pandemic, you and I are a part this story. From ancient days, the question has been asked as to how a good God can allow suffering. I admit that today's message has a lot of intellectual depth, but, it's purposeful in conveying that suffering and the question of it is much more than an intellectual question. Today's message comes from someone who details a great deal of pain and even the difficult choice to run away from God in the midst of the pain. The premise is that we know that there's a lot of pain in our world today. Quoted in today's message is a sentence from famous author CS Lewis, "Pain is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world that it’s in need of rescue." This boldly states that there are consequences and that we want to avoid the consequences that are apparent in a fallen world. And a world that knows a heavenly hope. Please carefully hear as this speaker portrays that suffering doesn't deny that there is a God. There is a God, and he is God especially because he suffered with us and for us, a wounded healer … who we follow to reach a world in pain. I pray this deeply ministers to pain in your life today.

March Videos

Layton Germann

Maybe you have lost something really important over the last few weeks. Maybe you lost even someone close and extremely important. Everyone is facing this battle. It continues and we don't know what the scenarios will equal from here on out. No matter the tremendous loss you might feel right now, I believe God wants to draw near to you and that He wants you to draw near to Him. Of all days, today is the day to pour your heart out to God. I could truly say this of any day, but, globally, even economically and personally, being shut in with God as we are today means that there is an opportunity. Oh, yes, we thought opportunities were cut off from us because of jobs and social and economic status, but, this might be the best opportunity of all to pour out and reach out and extend love. The woman in today's story had experienced the death of her husband (I've been seeing stories on Facebook even in the last 24 hours, as well, and today's bible story isn't ancient but very real today) and the pain that she knew caused her to shut her eyes. With great care and pain, she was able to open her eyes and look at what she had and find God's provision. Then, pouring out from what she had, found her with no lack. She had to get shut in with God for this season. Maybe, so are you? Shut in with God could be a story that changes your life. I pray this for you in our social economy, that the story is finding Him in the most difficult places you are in. And pouring out from His love.

Robert Madu

The world changed overnight. And I somewhat question if I should end that statement with a question mark? Did it really change overnight? Or are the problems, maybe the contradictions, that were present before, just now being manifest in the deeply horrific way that they are possibly exhibited toward God on a constant basis? Isn't it a deeply difficult thing that we experience intense dissension, again, contradiction, that tears at our own hearts and if that be the case, then it tears at the heart of God in a powerful way. Boldly demonstrated in today's message is the story of those who are disabled. Don't you dare look away from this very pertinent very today message because of the word "disabled". And there is SO much more to this message than about those who are disabled. It really is a sideline chosen to demonstrate something tremendous. It's about our society. Maybe we are on the brink of breakthrough in society, where contradictions become the synergism for miracles. Maybe when two people who are seemingly different and whereby it seems there are contradictions, maybe when they come together, there's the synergism for miracles like never before. Maybe we're missing it when we only see the contradictions and focus on these? Maybe what the culture calls a contradiction, the kingdom calls a collaboration. Please receive something powerful and eye opening and vibrant from this absolutely specific for this day kind of word. I pray it brings hope, life in place of despair, and that you not be overcome by the present state, even the present real danger. Perhaps, isn't it true that our contradictions, our dissensions, are what is dangerous if it cuts people off? If it expresses that we are better, more elite, higher class. I guess I just also want to say, don't let social distancing create social disdain. I've seen and done this. It isn't from God. Please hear this tremendous today word.

Erwin McManus

I have ruined the reputation of Jesus. How could He want to come into my life? How could He want to invade my house? Today's message is gold. Demonstrating the deep love of God, and that we have to sometimes be very careful in listening for the voice of God. You and I often may experience a lot of noise trying to crowd out what's important. Or we may have the appearance, looking good, but have no fruit. Leafy, like the fig tree Jesus came to, finding no fruit. Please take this amazing message, find a way to cancel the noise, and let the voice of God produce fruit in and through you. He speaks to the places we feel disqualified in, invading lives with love and acceptance. Dining with us when we don't feel this love and acceptance. Then, by acceptance causes fruit to rise and change the world. Please cancel the noise to hear the sound of His voice. We ruin His reputation. And He came for this.

Havilah Cunnington

I believe God speaks to your heart, my heart, because he is a personal God and he cares deeply about the details in your life. I believe he can be very specific, if we listen. This is important because we are all in a spiritual battle. Perhaps you've heard me say this before, but, I very much want to be more adept in fighting the spiritual battles in my life (and in your lives) because they are tremendous and they can become part of mapping our lives. We are advised to take up the word of God when we are in a battle. I learned today that the word of God may mean the specific word of God to my heart. By this I mean a scripture that God has clearly placed as a mantle on my life. Something that I can own. Something that I can stand on, something that you can stand on. Because I know the spiritual battles are real. And I don't want you to be convinced to sacrifice what the enemy wants to take from you. Nor do I want him to be allowed to do this in my life. Some steps to life are to acknowledge that we are in a spiritual battle and we have an enemy. To overcome the enemy, we need an understanding of how he works. Please be strong in the Lord. Pray with me to be equipped to fight the spiritual battles in our lives. May this strengthen and encourage you.

February Videos

David Arcos

It's still very much February. In fact, we get a bonus day this leap year (something that I think is so much fun, don't you?!) February has become known as the month of love because of Valentine's Day, so, it seems that I am supposed to share this relationship oriented message today. The Bible is like gold. Woven into the pages, scriptures, is such depth that I long for in understanding, and that I appreciate when I see how someone can unravel the wisdom and make it simple for us to understand. Many people struggle to involve themselves in good and healthy relationships. But there is hope and God has a way. And this is almost too fascinating, but immensely beautiful. Discovering secrets for relationships in the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on the rock, the way of a ship in the ocean. What poetry, what wisdom. I hope you will see the hope, I pray you will see the wisdom. Please receive blessing and dare to look to God's truth as evidenced in ways you may not have seen before. Thank you for the opportunity to experience something new in the scripture, reviewing this timely word on love, God's way. I hope you are encouraged.

Jon Thurlow

I hope this finds you well on a beautiful Friday. In struggling to know what to share today, I was very much hoping to share something unique. I like to see God be creative in the messages each week. I hear many tremendous messages and I'm grateful for what God allows me to do. I've heard some good messages again this week, but, the word on my heart is "love, not strength". Ultimately, maybe that is the word on God's heart, as well? Jesus wasn't sent to show how big and strong God is, but to demonstrate God's love. In this is real strength. Today's message is meant to be sensitive and soft, worshipful. This is a worship set and it's titled "You see me". If you listen carefully, you will hear that there definitely is a message, in song rather than spoken word. Today, perhaps you need to hear that God sees you and He is not a God who is aloof and distant and uncaring. He sees you and He speaks (possibly sings) over you in gentleness and love. He sees you. Finding the love of God reveals the true strength of God. I pray you find love and real strength in Him and that this worship set opens the door to His story toward you, that He sees you. And everything in His heart toward you is love.

Ben Stuart

What a privilege I have to greet you today on this Valentine's Day! You and I might be like many people, thinking about relationships today and sometimes throughout February (always?) I believe God has the best plan for romance and yes, He definitely cares about this very special part of our lives. It's been there from the beginning, detailed in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, where God brings two people together to be part of His special plan, and the lineage of Jesus. It isn't an easy route. I pray that the guidelines from today's message will direct you, to Him, in making decisions about this important place in life.

Sadie Rob Huff

Clarity. Can be a problem. For much of my life, I have specifically prayed for clarity and it’s because, at different points, I have felt confusion. This being 2020, we’ve talked a lot about vision. It’s the year of vision. I believe many of us have been “focused”, (pun intended) on vision for this year and, I hope that means seeking God‘s vision for this year and more. Sometimes, the vision is for what’s ahead of us. We see it clearly, yet, the steps to the realization of the vision may not always be clear in terms of how this brings us to the vision God has given us. Today’s speaker will share about having dyslexia. A difficult problem that many have overcome with the right tools and techniques, and God’s provision. What is shared today describes that words do not look like what most of us see them as in dyslexia, so, the speaker has a technique of sounding out the words and relying on knowledge of the words in order to be clear. Likewise, we may have vision for something God has shared with us and we must rely on God’s word to be clear. It requires trust more than clarity. If we feel we have clarity, we might be inclined to not trust God and His word. Instead relying on our vision. So, in God’s vision, may we pray for trust more than clarity. Please pray to harness trust. To wear it with beauty and grace.

January Videos

Katia Adams

The enemy is full of lies. We live in a world half alive because he has spoken into the would bees in our lives. Be(s). I want to speak life and hopeFULLness. Because this is the real truth. I am more than I have ever believed I am in Christ. You are more than you've ever believed you are. Sometimes, we are faced with opposition from both the inside and the outside. We have allowed ourselves to incline to words that try to destroy. Being strong isn't one of the options. Being strong is necessity to combat the lies of the enemy and this strength comes from realizing who we are in Jesus. Please let Him don on you His righteousness. Today's message is deeply impactful and I pray your eyes and your heart receive true nourishment.

Charles Metcalf

I am wrong sometimes. I don’t always have the perspective God has, nor even the perspective He wants me to have. Sitting there with gloved hands in front of my face. Trying to keep from the pain. I am, however, trying to gain God’s perspective because I have to. I can’t keep hurting, myself or others, because I am hiding in who I believe I am, weakness and all. Seeing that God has moved in specific ways in my life to gift me, when all the while I’ve argued with Him that what I have and who I am aren’t right, the pain and the deep struggles are not what I’m equal to. Did you know that Paul, someone who wrote most of the New Testament in the Bible had a difficult something in his life that he asked God to remove? Even though he wrote much of the New Testament, he was "difficult in speech". What if he had been eloquent? What if he had been gifted to speak in such ways that this was how he spent his life … instead of writing? How I ask myself questions, sometimes, right now. What if God intends to use things in my life, deeply difficult things, for greater purposes than I can understand today? And possibly He’s gifting me when I’m putting the gloved hands in front of my face, asking Him to take it away.

Andy Stanley

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement to me. I appreciate that you let me know how these messages are blessing you. I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you and I am honored by your kindness.

In the last couple of Weekly encouragement! messages, we talked about the new year and new decade. However, there's another very pertinent conversation piece in this new year. Many of us are talking about politics. There's great diversity in the political landscape, and, I believe this can lead to very exciting things in our future. I previously have been intensely involved in following this important landscape, yet recent years persuaded me to step back from this intense following. I shouldn't have done that! It's so important, vitally important, to keep informed politically. I hope to step back into following politics more closely, yet with a very different tenner. I have been and still am quite one-sided in my views. I am learning that I do not have to be one sided in my acceptance and honoring of others who differ in opinions politically. Jesus spoke directly to our today's culture. He specifically prayed for us, as pointed out in today's message. That we would be one, even as He and the Heavenly Father are One. It's the absolute gospel. This applies, beautifully applies, to political conversation and attitude. It was prevalent and relevant in Jesus' day. And today. We say we want to reach a lost and dying world with the hope and love of Jesus. Yet, others are won ... if they see we are one. Rugged words to my soul. Pray and strive with me for this higher call in Christ following today. I pray you will hear this with a full heart to want His love more in our communities.

Christine Caine

We are still easing into a new year, and a new decade, aren't we? It takes catching my breath for a moment. I hope this has been a good week beginning a good new decade for you. I have had challenges this week. Those things that would try to distract. Distractions can take our focus away. Different generations can have different distractions and today, we have social media. Social media is one of those distractions such that there is an acronym associated with it, FOMO. Fear of missing out. But, we don't want to miss out on the abundant life that God has for us by scrolling through the lives of others. Instead, possibly we need to be committed to digging out the things in our lives that have crowded us, even in our society, and kept us from what God wants for us. Digging is work. It requires commitment. A need it quick society inhibits this work if we are not careful. We might look back and see that there are things in our social history that definitely need digging out. Our spiritual history, as well, for many. Possibly many in our current generations have FOMO. To be free from this, a simple gesture of laying it down before God is necessary. I learned a much better form of FOMO in today's message. A healthy fear. I hope you and I can adopt this healthy form of FOMO by digging out what's stopping God's best for this new decade. Let's please look at this new decade with hope and commitment.

Dharius Daniels

Happy New Year in this beautiful 2020 day! I hope you're looking forward to something amazing that God is doing in your life and in our world. Maybe it's amazing growth and maturity? Maybe He wants to do something more in your life than what you have experienced before? These two question mark experiences are very related. As you and I look back at places we've been, we possibly see the difficulties and crisis times He's brought us through as the definite footprint of where faith and maturity, and even patience, has grown. Asking God to do all He has for me, and for you, is a good way to begin this New Year and new decade. God doing all that He has for me may not have to do with me getting more. Christianity isn't entitlement. Being an American isn't entitlement. God is working in and through us to do all that He wants to accomplish through us, and yes, for us. When he is able to accomplish something tremendous through us, don't you know that we, you and I, experience the best that God has for us? I hope we don't settle for less than what God has for us in this new year and new decade. 2020. May it be clear vision for all God has for us. May we not shrink back from what He wants to do in our lives. All is good in the One who loves us and who calls us to deeper paths with Him. Make it a clear view year by walking close with Him and seeking to hear from Him the path He has for us. He loves you enough to catch you and to keep you from falling.


December Videos

Inez Marrinan

Here's a unique, simple word for 2020. Quiet and humble, unlike some messages you see. It is intended to be a prophetic word for the new year. Prophetic means looking into the future and seeing what God has for us, so, I share this with hope and love. I know that not all words that claim to be prophetic are true, yet, I felt something solid, light, and hopeful in today's message and I wanted to share it with you. Please accept my word of caution when you look at things that claim to be prophetic. There may not be the right angle of God's heart and I caution you to not believe something that produces a difficult spirit in you. Part of today's message talks about drawing closer to God, spending time with Him and listening for His voice. This is one way to avoid deception and being lead in a wrong direction. An emphasis upon listening to His voice for today's message is being prepared for what God has in store for you and in rightly handling what He has brought you through. There is a scripture that says His mercies are new every morning, so, possibly see 2020 as a new morning and that all things are made new. I pray excellent things for you in 2020, this new year and decade. The future has promise because of Jesus. I want to hold this in my heart and I pray you will, as well.

Julie interview's Erika

Thank you for tuning in to today's special episode of the Weekly encouragement! This is very fresh as yesterday evening, Thursday evening, I had the opportunity to sit with a friend of mine who recently experienced something incredible of God's hand of protection. If you follow me on Facebook, you might have seen the picture, very dramatic picture, of the little red car that was on its head. Literally! My friend was driving home after clinicals one day and, as it gets sometimes around here, there was ice on the road. We sat and talked about this yesterday evening and I am grateful for my friend's openness and willingness to recount this episode with the purpose of encouraging your faith as you see real evidence of God's hand of protection, and the likelihood of angels surrounding this special young lady. As we completed this video yesterday evening, I apologize for the video quality of my voice. Nevertheless, my young friend did an amazing job and you will hear her story clearly and you will hear how this has impacted her faith. This is the something special I was hoping for when I sent you last week's Weekly encouragement! message. Please feel free to comment on the video and let me know if this has touched your heart!

John Lindell

Christmas is … God is speaking. Please breathe this in for just a moment. God is speaking. Through the word, also known as the Bible. Today's message points to the life of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. God spoke to Joseph in a dream, two dreams for today's message. So, God might speak through the Bible, through a dream, or something in our world, your world, my world. Through a friend, or when you're at the altar in church. I consider it such an honor to remember this today, such a special thing to think about the fact that God is speaking. Christmas is many things, I hope it is many wonderful things for you, but, no matter what connotations Christmas has for you I hope that this message will open the door for something incredibly special. Listening. And, just as in today's message, let it be coupled with courage and with following the steps that God has for you. For to listen and to hear what God is speaking, there is also that we do what God is asking. Please be sensitive to His voice. It guides the trajectory of our lives. Follow one step to find the next as He is gentle and kind in allowing only what we need, not wanting us to be overwhelmed with too much. How good He is to reveal only one step at a time, often, so that we develop trust and can be secure in letting Him speak into our lives.

Enjoy this and receive something special, and, I'm hoping to do something very special for next week, as well! I think you won't want to miss it!

Jefferson Bethke | John Mark Comer Interview

substitute video

Silence breaks in, into this busy Christmas and holiday season, pleading with us to take notice. This might be the farthest thing from our minds during this season. To find a way and a place to be silent before God, contemplative even. I have a strong sense, the times and the signs point to this, an urgency to be listening. To be quiet before Him in the hustle and bustle of the world, but also of Christmas. Some of us have bought into the lie of what Christmas is about and have interpreted this season as stressful and monetary. Individually and within our family groups, we know this, however, society and commercialism seem opposed to what the quiet and still small place where Christmas began reveals to us in His story (history, you know?). Christmas wasn't mentioned in today's message, yet I am bringing it in because this message about silence seems so appropriate for us today. It seems I've always been so drawn to Christmas. Memories of family gatherings, excitement and fun, but also the depth and meaning of the God of the universe coming down, to my plane, my place, so I could be in relationship with Him. A story of valuing me, you. That we are the ones valued by God obliterates the stressful monetary emphasis of modern day Christmas. Please let this make your Christmas, the quiet and still small place where Christmas began. Find truth in becoming quiet, peace in silence if you are holding Him in your heart and life properly and allowing Him to lead.

November Videos

Allison Tucker

I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving, as did I. Celebrations with incredible food, bountiful harvest. And we shouldn’t be over with Thanksgiving just because it’s Friday. You know and understand that already, I’m sure. Being thankful is a daily practice, not just once a year. The American Thanksgiving, according to today’s message, was a mirror of something from the old testament in the Bible. Something called the feast of Tabernacle‘s. It was a celebration of thanksgiving to God for the completion of harvest. The Bible, particularly in the old testament, gives pictures of, uses symbolism in reality and in practical ways, to demonstrate the prophetic message of Jesus. There was much symbolism in the rituals that were practiced by the Jewish people in the Old Testament and the feast of Tabernacle‘s was something that held many rituals with great symbolism. Remember that this was thousands of years before Jesus, however, one of the symbols from this practice of the feast of Tabernacle‘s was to bring water from a stream, the pool of Siloam, and to pour it out before the Lord as a thank offering. This was to be a symbol of what Jesus would represent to us. He is the living water and anyone who comes to Him will never thirst again. I pray as you listen to today’s message that you will know and understand the living water of Jesus, that you will be drawn to Him in your thanksgiving and that this thanks will continue to live in your hearts and lives.

Jim Howard

Yesterday can sometimes be the hardest day in life. This is one of the biggest reasons there's Jesus. And Jesus is why there's much joy ahead. Can I, can you realize overcoming what's behind me, you, results in today and tomorrows being the best days? Owning responsibility for the past, by inviting Jesus into it, can correct the future, making it full of joy unspeakable. I was diligently looking for a Thanksgiving message to share with you for the Weekly encouragement! this week, but, the thankful heart messages just didn't seem right, not what I thought I was supposed to share with you this week. I came across this and realized that Thanksgiving is best when not shadowed by hurt and pain from the past. So, therefore, this might be the very best Thanksgiving message. I hope this is a best Thanksgiving for you, not because there isn't or hasn't been something hurtful, painful. But because what's been finds comfort, healing, in Jesus. I'm hoping this for myself, too. Overcoming, I always (maybe always) thought it was about strength. But maybe it's about joy, too. I pray you find joy this Thanksgiving and beyond …

Manouchka Charles, Luke Barry, and Adrian Molina

Having everything I want doesn't give me rest, peace, joy. Taking an extra fifteen minutes on Instagram isn't restful. Letting the things of this world consume me doesn't provide rest for me. Sometimes, even sleep doesn't provide rest. This is an important word to us, isn't it? But are we able to complete rest with excellence? I say that like this is a verb, rest. It is an activity, yes, and there are things, activities, that lead to better rest. Again, it isn't just about sleeping better. Rest is a high calling. It's a place we enter to hear the voice of God. And hearing the voice of God has been an overriding theme of the Weekly encouragement! for quite some time. I believe it's an overriding theme in the Christian life because when you know Jesus, you want to know Him more. In fact, I believe that these principles apply to every important relationship. The best way to hear someone is to be still, to listen. If my spirit isn't at rest, I'm not fully attentive to the one I'm listening to. It is no different with God. Today is a tagteam of preachers, young followers of Jesus, and they've thought a lot about this and have come up with some practical ideas and solutions. Rest is valuable. It is a commodity I want to steward well. I pray this guides you to better rest, and, in turn, to better living.

John Lindell

Running from God. It IS dangerous. This pathway only goes down, and down. Please be mindful of this on the road you are traveling. For God is speaking. Always is. Am I, are you, listening? It's funny, I heard this recently, God can speak to animals, however, when it comes to people, it has to be stronger, more intense. As in today's story, God spoke to the great fish. In regards to people, it may be necessary for God to use a command. Are we not backwards, possibly? We believe that we "command" our dog to sit. God only needs to speak to the animals. He may have to, however, resort to a command when it comes to a human being. He is speaking to all of creation. And, God considers us the most valuable part of his creation, so, can we listen? It is the most exciting thing to hear God's voice! The Bible story in today's message is incredibly exciting! It makes me want to, even more, hear His voice. We are valuable. God wants to speak to us. Even if we say we want nothing to do with Him. He still wants everything to do with us. He will not let me go. He will not let you go. For God is speaking. Always is.

Peter Toggs

Every day, we have examples of this … we're making a batch of cookies, raw eggs, sugar, flour. It doesn't necessarily look like what we want the finished product to look like. An artist, painting a picture. A few minutes into the painting will not tell the story. So why do we think it's any different with our life story? It's a little raw, somedays, isn't it? Rough on the edges and unfinished. As much as I know and hold in my heart of my own personal faith experience, I'm struggling with this, still, sometimes constantly it feels this way. The picture doesn't look right, my faith experience tells me that things should be different, maybe more perfect? Take out pain, put in peace. Comfort and love. These are the qualities that I feel my life should be about, however, I grapple with pain and things just don't look right in life, it seems. In our every day we see unfinished things and we know it takes a process. Perhaps it stands to reason that God isn't finished with our lives and that He is using everything we experience to create beauty. We see chaos. He sees beauty in what is forming in our lives. I don't understand the equation. I wish for no pain. He wants my life to be full and maybe the pain and things that I consider negative are drawing me into a fullness with others and with Himself. Oh, may it be so, that everything you and I experience produces deeper and more meaningful connections and conversations with others and with God. I hope this for you!

October Videos

Zach Neese

Be careful little eyes what you see … I am in a war zone every day, and so are you. I have to be careful what I see, what I allow. I am intense in what I entertain in my heart and mind because I want my life to be focused. On Him. I don’t want futility. Neither do you because life is a breath. Our culture has allowed spiritually dark things to enter our homes, and it has often come through entertainment, which stems from a Greek god. (How’s that for a shocking statement?!) I learned a lot today from today’s message. Because of halloween, the concept of demons and spiritual darkness is frequently entertained and highlighted. We might consider more carefully what we entertain, as this impacts so much of our lives and even our culture. I want you and I to experience life to the fullest, and, when what we entertain plays with spiritually dark things, our lives are dulled by things that serve only to steal from us. So, please, with all my heart, be careful … For the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.

Paul Daugherty

Pretty one day, ugly the next. Accepted, rejected, smart one day, unintelligent the next. And possibly most of it relates to needing approval from others. There is a scripture that has been on my heart for the last week or so, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, courage, and a sound mind." I speak that to you because I think of in a couple of weeks and that there is Halloween and so much about that day spells fear because of the concentration on spiritually dark things. Because of the spiritually dark things, I am not accustomed to the theme of Halloween. I am, however, have been in the past, accustomed to fear and I wanted something that is so powerfully opposite of that to be included in this message today. To combat the forces of darkness. This is about a very specific fear, FOP, fear of people. Do we maybe struggle with that in our society? It sometimes seems that, as a culture, we are concerned about what others think of us. I want what you hear today to combat this fear of people. To find the road that leads to freedom and it involves something much greater; it involves the fear of the Lord. Which translated means a reverence for and an honor for the Lord. If we can become free from the fear of people, we can become free to love people more. That's such a worthy goal. I don't encapsulate this as much as I would like to, but, this message speaks to my heart and I want to share it with you in the hopes that we can learn proper fear that leads to freedom. And that it is not fear of people.

Maury Davis

This is the most different, most difficult, story I've possibly ever shared in the Weekly encouragement! I've not shared anything like this for a reason. There are very differing views of this faith aspect. I don't want to interrupt anyone's faith walk. I think you'll agree that I always try to encourage the faith walk of everyone who receives the Weekly encouragement! I admit this is going to be hard for some. I'm sorry … for ways this topic may have caused uneasiness. My deep and heartfelt prayer is that this topic will bring the greatest sense of comfort and love, and open doors to a deeper and meaningful relationship with God. I hope this for you, but, possibly even as much for myself because I need a greater measure of the Holy Spirit in my life. It is about the Holy Spirit, and I'm a little desperate for you to be a hearer of this message. The speaker was in prison for … murder. That's what this story is about. It's about the power of God to change hearts. I hope He's always changing my heart for something better. I hope He can do that in my life. If He can change the heart of someone who committed murder, can He also help my heart to be all that He wants me to be?

Rebecca Greenwood

With October, I sometimes tend to think of an increased spiritual awareness and presence. Maybe you're like me, and you see the reality of spiritual darkness more as we become aware of a real spiritual battle. Real and spiritual, do these terms seem not to relate? Yet, the spiritual is real and the necessity for spiritual warfare is important. I want to understand spiritual warfare better. Every Christian is engaged, possibly whether we know this or not, in spiritual warfare. You are mighty, those who feel weak and inadequate, like I feel, and we are strong in the tools God gives us to engage in this conflict. Whether we choose to use these tools is our decision. Isn't this amazing?! The greatest kingdom on earth is God's kingdom, yet none of His soldiers are forced to pick up arms. Rather, we are compelled by love. To engage in this spiritual warfare. Please be compelled with me. Please fight the forces of darkness with His love, which includes spiritual weapons. Isn't it amazing?! None of His weapons are "real", yet there are no weapons mightier, stronger, than His. I want to properly handle these real pieces of warfare.

September Videos

Bruxy Cavey

The kingdom of God is sowing seeds and not violence. Kingdoms take over kingdoms most often in our world through violence. God's way is gentler, oftentimes, and possibly, He always wants to enter hearts where He builds His kingdom in a gentle way. Jesus spoke in parables, stories that related principles of God's kingdom and love. The parable referred to often as of the sower is insightful in many ways and talks most pointedly about the different soil types, which are literally different hearts. I used to think of these different soil, different heart types, as fatalistic meaning you're what you are forever and there's no hope if you're a bad heart type. This is SO not true. We are different hearts in different seasons and there's always hope for the best, most fertile soil, most responsive heart. This parable is the first of Jesus' parables, and it teaches about parables and about the kingdom of God. He chose a language that those who were hearers would hear. He still does. If we let Him, He will choose language that we can hear. I hope to hear Him through the Word spoken and the Word I read, the bible. May you hear Him. May you and I be the best soil, the best heart, to allow His Word to produce something beautiful for His glory. Oh how I want this.

Danielle Strickland

You don’t have to be someone or something you’re not. Chop. This chop is the sound of the scissors God has to cut away what isn’t you, to cut away what you’re dressing yourself up as that hinders you from the healthy picture of your life God has intended for you. I need this in my life, too. To allow God to chop away what isn’t Him. He is possibly more tactful than my description of the word chop. Know He wants what He put in you to be released to allow you to be the expression He intends you to be. We add to our lives in ways that aren’t always good for us, and perhaps we become the expression of our own efforts. God put what He wanted in your hand to use in reaching the world with His love. Please allow Him to remove what hinders His expression of love, both to you and through you.

Jay and Katherine Wolf

And it isn’t just in my life, well, my body. Disability effects people I know, people I love, people I cherish deeply in my heart. I’ve not been comfortable focusing on messages for the Weekly encouragement! that have the specific content addressing disability because, I suppose, I always seek this to be the lesser part of my life. My life has always sought “to be just like everyone else”. The life you’ll hear about today experienced a sudden disability at the age of 26. Rocked the world of this young couple. Yet they are adamant to tell others of how they were deepened in their faith and how they are confident of His love, in spite of suffering. I don't believe God wants me or you to suffer. I don't believe that's His way, but, if you are, if I am, draw close to Him. The point of today's message is to encourage you, anyone who suffers in this world, to find hidden treasures in difficult places. I love and cherish very special people who experience suffering, perhaps because of disability, and I pray that, no matter your experience of this suffering, you can breath and allow Him to bring to you hidden treasures in your difficult places. You and I may not comprehend these treasures in the midst. I hope to someday see more clearly.

Priscilla Shirer

This day of great technology and advancements. It's so crowded, busy, no room for the voice of God, it seems. I go against the grain, I think. More than ever, I've wanted to experience the voice of God. It's been this way in my life for quite some time. I've failed far in this, feeling like I've not heard His voice. The bible, specifically Jesus, offered an analogy. It has to do with something common in His day, sheep hearing their shepherd's voice. History teaches that shepherds used to be intimately acquainted with their sheep and this is why "sheep know the voice of their shepherd" and follow him. This is a quote from the bible. Modern shepherds, however, may tell a different story, depending on the size and equipping of their farm. As one demonstrated, his farm has advanced technology and he no longer has to be personally involved with his sheep. Resultantly, when he walks into the sheepfold, his sheep run as they're scared of him. Are we so advanced, technologically and otherwise, that God doesn't have to be personally involved in our lives, too? To hear God's voice, you and I must get to know Him. If we're relying on the conveniences of the day, possibly we think we don't need Him. I'm seeking to hear His voice. Would you please do this, also, as I believe you and I impact one another in this high endeavor and call on life.

August Videos

Paul Scanlon

Some characters in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, get a bad rap. That's what today's story is about, however, the story of the bad rap isn't complete, not even close! Today's message will take a closer look at a life we've stereotyped. We've belittled, even, the amazing work of God in this incredible life. I feel some sense of "relief" from hearing this important and timely word. In my life, I've sometimes felt a bit of indignation towards the way opinion portrays even some of scripture. I received the gift of new glasses with what I heard in this Weekly encouragement! segment. Irritation. God's gracious deliverance in our lives. Did you ever look at irritation as the road to deliverance? We become complacent, accepting what isn't God in our lives. He needs for us to fight for what He wants in our lives, sometimes. Individually and corporately. This story is one life. And if God can do this with one life … just imagine …

Nicole Smithee

Social Media has made many of us experts at cover up, but the origin of cover up goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. I heard something for the first time today, that I hope I can relay to you in this brief word. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they were originally perfect and part of God's perfect creation. Then, they fell from this paradise, this place of perfect fellowship with God. At this point, when they were suddenly aware of their nakedness and shame, God came to them, looking for them. They had stepped out of fellowship with Him. I had never processed this, but, God could have left them to make it on their own. He didn't have to go to them. Yet, they were His. He wanted to be with them, even though they didn't see themselves in the same way. Even in our imperfection, God wants to be with us, He wants to see us, to see our face. If you know me on social media, you may have become aware that I recently received a new addition into my home. A gecko. I've thought about this lately. He isn't necessarily the most lovely of creatures. Yet I really enjoy seeing him whenever I have the chance. I say this because he tends to hide, and being nocturnal, I don't see him a lot. If I find something special in seeing this little gecko, and it's specifically because he's mine, because I bought him with a price, then … what a story of how much God wants to see and enjoy me, enjoy you?! How much more valuable you are to Him than anything else. The price equals the value. The price of Jesus, God's only son. Your face is tremendous to Him. And, oh, on social media, you don't know me. I cover who I am, don't I? Don't you, also? But with God, He knows me and I hope this can increase in depth and meaningfulness.

Annie Downs

Shoots and ladders. Life might seem like this kind of game, sometimes, but it isn't that at all. We might be tempted to interpret life in this way, seeing others seemingly on a ladder at a place we want while we lament our own lives. You and I are in lives of varying circumstances. We have to find out how God wants us to respond to our circumstances, drawing close to Him is the best solution for this, seeking Godly counsel and wisdom from others is also a good course. Young people might be most likely in this search of what do I do with my life. Ironically, I'm also there as I find God opening doors in what has come to me, somewhat fallen to me, as my purpose. You may have already determined the purpose God has for you. Maybe you're young (or not as young as some) and finding purpose is on your heart. I pray you are encouraged by today's word. Will you let me know if something from this segment of the Weekly encouragement! speaks to your heart? I always would enjoy hearing from you.

Today's message begins at about minute 23, so please feel free to go to this point in the video. Or … just enjoy the music at the beginning …

Margaret Feinberg

Intensities in the scripture might refer to the deep and difficult care God possesses over our lives. Intricate, manicuring gently. Gentle is the word I keep hearing from today's message. I think that's an important reflection of the Almighty's character. I find it fascinating, comforting, and loving to hear the agrarian perspective as demonstrated through the bible. I believe you will be amazed by the correlations to even modern agriculture. I suppose the precepts of this economy do not change throughout the centuries, sheep are still sheep. Like sheep, I want to yearn for, be enticed by, only the Master's voice. And like the vineyard keeper, I want to be effective in letting what Christ places in me to grow and be nurtured with greatest care.

Stephanie Ike

I struggle to know how to write today. You may understand when you see today's message. An experience you have … is for your having been sent to become a miracle. How deep the purpose is in your life. God looked at you and said, "I have a purpose." It was breathed into you from your beginning. It involves dying to yourself, me dying to myself, so that the works of God might be displayed in you, in me. Choose to embrace that God has a purpose in your life. We might be His miracle. Mountains may move.

July Videos

Mental health is important to Jesus. It's important to you and me. In the middle of bright summertime, why not consider how to be healthy in even places in our minds? Our belief systems impact our world. Because I believe Jesus wants you and me to be healthy in every realm, finding safety to express what's going on inside can be crucial. If not a church, possibly in a trusted mental health atmosphere. Not all churches have equipped themselves in this area of life. They may not see this as their call. Yet mental health impacts our world. As far as it concerns you and me, please let's try to seek health in this important facet of life. Be encouraged. Even strong, powerful, seemingly unashamed, beautiful athletes and more seek help in this area of life from time to time. Jesus is the ultimate healer, sometimes He uses other people to bring light into our lives.

More than I expected. The title of today's message. Also the title of how I want to live my life in Christ. I want to understand that He is more, abundantly more in every place I find myself. For this to be true, He has to be more than Savior. To allow Him to be Lord of my life is where I really live, at least this is where I want to live. Jesus came to save people. Even broken people. Perhaps, especially broken people. You and I are that, we are poor without Him. I've especially wanted to be rich … in Him. I believe I'm experiencing this and I'm going to experience this. I pray you see this for yourself, as well, because I'm more rich in Him if you are, too. Possibly this is the why of the Weekly encouragement!

I was talking with a friend about bridesmaids and flower girls. This friend has two older sisters and a 5 year old sister. The two older sisters are bridesmaids, the 5 year old is the flower girl. I commented that the little one might be jealous of her older sisters? Yes, of course. "Just tell her she has a much more important part," I said. That's perspective. In my daily, I work with a variety of young people. It requires me to continually adjust to different temperatures. When working with someone new, not familiar with my routines, it takes me a bit to know how to play off of what they "bring", their abilities, strengths, etc. There can be beauty found in these examples. Sometimes, it gets to be too much. It's like gymnastics, and there's skill to be learned in these spiritual gymnastics. But the secret and the answer is the beauty mentioned above. I'm learning. Praise. Oh, and today's message is about offense, it's deep and powerful, too.

Leslie Leyland Fields

I have something just enjoyable and maybe a little thought provoking to share today. Someone recently asked me about a favorite trip I have been on, as I've traveled in the past, possibly with my family. Asking what one of my favorite things to see was. I had to think for a little bit, but, my answer was visiting the ocean. Now, possibly some of you have lived or currently do live by the ocean. Maybe that doesn't seem spectacular (unlikely, as it's always a wonder!), however, to someone like me, the unusual just added to the incredible. The thought goes well with today's message, a watery wonder of life on a fishing boat. Enjoy and take from the practical picture painted of Jesus and His disciples. Their life was real. And maybe ours can and should be real, also. Encountering miracles, possibly that no one has seen before.

June Videos

Marcus Brown

David Marvin

Dave Stone & Sam Stone

Wade Joye

Steve Denman

May Videos

February Videos


August Videos

January Videos

Jim Caviezel

Craig Groeschel

May Videos

Archie Coates

Dave Matthews

Mark Conner

Jen Hatmaker

April Videos

Christine Caine

Mark Ramsey

Ed Taylor

Steffany Frizzell

Joakim Lundqvist

March Videos

Perry Noble

Becky Heinrichs

Reggie Dabbs

Jeanne Mayo

February Videos

Chasing Redemption

Jacob Shidler

Kris Vallotton

Carl Lentz

January Videos

Lin Winters

Lisa Shea

Max Lucado

Jim Hammond

John C. Maxwell


December Videos

Jentezen Franklin


Greg Boyd

Charles R. Swindoll

November Videos

God Of Wonders

Mosab Hassan Yousef

Greg Surratt

(choose "watch" for the message on Josiah!)

Jason Laird

October Videos

John Ramirez

Chris Hodges

Bob Goff

Steven Furtick

Lysa TerKeurst

September Videos

Hugh Cunningham

Graham Cooke

Charlotte Gambill

Andrew Kubala

August Videos

Jurgen Matthesius

Holly Wagner

Greg Boyd

Mike Pilavachi

July Videos

Philip Yancey

Todd White

Ian McCormick

Benjamin Nolot and Exodus Cry

Mike Erre

June Videos

Bob Hamp

Wm. Paul Young and "The Shack"

Bill Johnson

Leif Hetland

May Videos

Kris Vallotton

Sarah Jakes Roberts

Touré Roberts and Sarah Jakes

Colin Smith

John Mark and Jeana Caton

April Videos

Emily Layzell

Mark Driscoll

Debbie Morris

Robert Koke

March Videos

Dan Lian

Priscilla Shirer

Phillip and Holly Wagner

Jill Briscoe

February Videos

Aaron Brynt

Skip Heitzig

Danielle Strickland

Matt Chandler

January Videos

Beth Moore

Interview with Craig Groeschel, Kevin Durant, and Carl Lentz

Jim Cymbala

Louisiana State Penitentiary

Mel Ayres


December Videos

Christmas Worship Music and Worship with Misty Edwards

Eric Dykstra

Jeff Vines

Stovall Weems

November Videos

Erwin McManus

Bill Hybels

Paul Tripp

Robert Morris

October Videos

Greg Laurie

Dr. Mike Ladra

Wintley Phipps

Christine Caine

Tom Holladay

September Videos

Banning Liebscher

Lisa Bever

Judah Smith

Michael Ramsden episode 0020

August Videos

John Piper episode 0019

Kevin DeYoung episode 0018

Kim Walker Smith episode 0017

Francis Chan episode 0016

Juli Slattery episode 0015

July Videos

Louie Giglio episode 0014

Trip Lee episode 0013

Lee Strobel episode 0012

Robert Koke episode 0011

June Videos

Carter Conlon episode 0010

Joannah Saxton episode 0009

JR Vassar episode 0008

Dr. Joel Gregory episode 0007

May Videos

Elyse Fitzpatrick episode 0006

Robert Madu episode 0005

Matt Chandler episode 0004

Karen Kingsbury episode 0003

Sheila Walsh episode 0002

April Videos

Tim Keller episode 0001