

Webroot is the one stop that not only fulfills the security needs of its users but offers reliable and convenient services as well. You can simply visit webroot.com/safe and download the antivirus software for your device using webroot product keycode which is a mix set of 20 digit alphanumeric codes.

Download Guidelines of Webroot on Windows

Downloading guide for your webroot safe product are given below:

  1. Choose amongst Home or Business.

  2. Pick the icon of your preferred antivirus product.

  3. Tap on the Download Now tab.

  4. Wait for a bit of a second, and the downloading of Webroot will be started.

  5. Then, double click on installer file (wsainstall.exe).

  6. Now it will prompt to enter the activation code.

  7. Enter 20 digit alphanumeric code.

  8. Now it will ask for an email address which is associated with your webroot antivirus security software.

Now your Webroot antivirus security has been installed and ready to use.

How to Install Webroot ?

You can continue to follow the steps only if you have downloaded the webroot safe setup earlier.

  1. After downloading the setup, locate it on the system.

  2. The file is usually located under the Downloads folder.

  3. Double-tap on the wsainstall.exe file.

  4. When you are asked, enter your unique keycode.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and install the software.

  6. Click Finish when you are done.

Activate Webroot Antivirus

After installing webroot.com/safe, you will be part of webroot.com/geeksquad, and then you will get every offer and new update information whenever it arrives. Now here are the steps for activating:

  1. Tap on the installed Webroot software.

  2. After launching the software, scroll through My Account.

  3. Enter the webroot activation product keycode that you have in the required column.

  4. Select the Submit button icon.

  5. Here you go! Your Webroot antivirus started.

  6. Wait until the file fully downloads.