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Enlisted in the World’s Top 2% Scientists (both career-long & single year-based), by Stanford University of USA and Elsevier BV.
(Source : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918
https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4 )

Md Zia Uddin,  PhD, Senior Member, IEEE
Senior Research Scientist
Sustainable Communication Technologies Department
SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
Email: zia.uddin@sintef.no, ziauddin_ctg@yahoo.com
Google Scholar Citations: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YFu7iB8AAAAJ&hl=en 

Academic Editor: Plos One Journal (Impact Factor: 3.58)
Associate Editor: IEEE Access Journal (Impact Factor: 3.47)
Editor:  Sensors Journal (Impact Factor: 3.85)
Guest Editor: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal (Impact Factor: 3.47) 

Ongoing Projects:
FakeSpeak (2021-2025): Project Leader at Sintef Side (Norwegian Research Council Project)
Supported Therapy (Supported by Norwegian Research Council) (Leader)
SMart Inclusive Living Environments: SMILE  (European Research Council Project)
Invest4Health (European Research Council Project)
FAITH: Fostering Artificial Intelligence Trust for Humans (European Research Council Project)

Previous Selected Projects:
Natural Language Processing with AI (Supported by Norwegian Research Council)
The Internet of Underwater Things (Supported by Norwegian Research Council)
AI for User State Recognition: Project Leader  (Supported by Norwegian Research Council)
Feed Career Robot (Norwegian Research Council Innovation Project)
Unobtrusive Measurement of Cognitive Workload (Supported by Norwegian Research Council)
Bioinformatics (Supported by Norwegian Research Council)
Single European Sky ATM Research: SESAR (European Research Council Project)
Social Healthtbot: Chatbot for Youth Care (Norwegian Research Council Project)
Multimodal Elderly Care Systems: MECS (Norwegian Research Council Project)
East-West Neo Medicinal u-Lifecare Research Center (Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea)
Center for Sustainable Healthy Buildings (Ministry of Knowledge Economy of South Korea)

Latest Update!

Biography:Dr. Zia obtained his Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2004 with gold medal. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2011 from Kyung Hee University of South Korea. He is currently working as a Senior Research Scientist in Human Computer Interaction group, SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway. 

His research fields are mainly focused on data & feature analysis from various sources (sensors and others), physical/mental healthcare, human machine/computer/robot interaction, pattern recognition, deep learning, artificial intelligence etc.  His research outcomes have been published in prestigious journals such as Information Fusion, IEEE transactions on consumer electronics, Future Generation Computer Systems, etc. 

Dr. Zia has a good teaching experience where he taught more than 20 computer science-related courses from bachelor degree to PhD. He has got more than 150 research publications (around 70 as a leading author) including international journals, conferences and book chapters. His google scholar citations are more than 4000. Furthermore, he got Gold Medal Award (2008) for academic excellence in undergraduate study. He was also Awarded Korean Government IT Scholarship (March 2007 to February 2011) and Kyung Hee University President Scholarship (March 2007 to February 2011). 

His research works received best/outstanding paper awards in several peer reviewed international conferences. He acted as a reviewer in many prestigious journals including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Information Fusion, IEEE  Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and IEEE  Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, etc.

Dr. Zia has been enlisted (both career-long & single year-based) in the World’s Top 2% Scientists, by Stanford University of USA and Elsevier BV.

Publications: 152

Google Scholar Citations: >4000