Social and Economic Networks

Jaromir Kovarik (University of the Basque Country and CERGE-EI)


This webpage contains the material for a half-semester course "Social and Economic Network," taught in February 2015 in CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic.

For a much shorter, three-day version of this course taught in in January 2019 in the Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France, clique HERE.


Slides Week 1:

Initial Examples

Background on networks

Slides Week 2:

Network Formation Random models

Strategic network formation

Slides Week 3:

Basic diffusion in networks

(Non-strategic) Learning in networks

Slides Week 4:

Games on networks (complete and updated)

Research Topics


Homework 1

Please, see the code in Additional Material below for a guidance on how to use R for network analysis.

Data for Homework 1 (in .csv format):

(i) nodes1

(ii) nodes2

(iii) links1

(iv) links2

(v) heterogeneity

The data map the friendship networks in a large group of first-year undergraduates.

Network 1 is the friendship network at the end of the first week of class; Network 2 is the network of the same people at the end of the first academic year (10 months later).

The heterogeneity data contains several characteristics elicited from these people during the year under study. The characteristics are described in Homework 1.pdf, above.

Homework 2


Statistical package R manual: An introduction to R in pdf format.

Igraph package. Manual to the igraph package for R. This package is designed for performing network analysis.

To install igraph, you can simply type install.packages("igraph") in R.


The data and code used in the R tutorial in the class:

(1) Nodes (nodelist.csv)

(2) Links (linklist.csv)

(3) Node information (data.csv)

(4) R code (Rcode.R)