About webpageharry:

webpageharry is not a professional web site designer; he has always enjoyed doodling and drawing and even won a prize once for his 'draughtmanship'.

When he purchased his first Apple Mac laptop - a Powerbook 1400 (complete with maximum RAM of 64MB - wow !), it already had a copy of photoshop installed.

That was it ! he was off - producing all manner of digital images, banners, logos etc..

He never got around to studying web site construction and consequently his early web site efforts, lacking the necessary HTML content, hardly ever found any visitors other than family and friends and the odd mistake by someone during a google search.

More recently, he's acquired a few HTML skills and the like, with a view to assisting in the production of web sites for a few organisations he has an interest in. He has some spare capacity, so if you have an idea that you want to develop or if you are starting a new business and/or you want to try out a new presentation/style, test the market etc., maybe you're involved with a charity or small social organisation that could make use of some publicity --- get in touch

webpageharry is still messing about with graphics and copywriting, he would be pleased to hear from anyone who has an interest and may need a bit of assistance; use the links at 'Get on the Web', you'll find an Enquiry Form on several of the web pages.

..... Gadzooks! This is old.