"Impression" Excerpts

"繁忙的台北街頭, 蜂擁車陣人潮, 不間斷的車聲人語。她,獨自佇立街頭。

曾經懷抱夢想而離鄉探索,走過舊金山,行吟巴爾幹,著迷於印尼的多面,終在西亞流連徘徊。不同的臉孔川流而過,最後卻再也分不清誰是誰… 再回到故鄉,已認不清身在何處。只想撥開層層吵雜的簾幕找塊安靜的地方落腳, 卻壓不住腦海中一幕幕過往神遊的畫面, 起身再度漫遊…"

“The crowds, noises, lights, the smog of Taipei! I am foraging my hometown for a quiet place to settle, but sequences from my past journeys keep coming back before my eyes… And then I find myself: once again I am walking toward the unknown...”


Having returned to Taiwan after 15 years in the San Francisco Bay Area, Wan-Chao Dance is presenting a new work with traditional ethnic dance forms of Indonesia, China, the Balkans, and Western Asia, and blending in the contemporary dance elements she was exposed to during her stay in the U.S. This new piece describes the inner and outer journey one has to make when seeking one's cross-continental roots.

特邀德籍音樂家卡(Klaus Bru) 參與此新作創作演出。

With Special Guest (Composer/Musician): Klaus Bru