What do we do? 

 We give. We inspire. We foster innovation. We make Wayland Union better.

Your donations  provide funds for cutting edge teaching tools, programs or technology that the district budget cannot cover. Many of our Innovation Grant requests have blossomed into building or district-wide programs. The district is budget conscious and the extra cost of pilot programs is sometimes beyond the budget. The space between possibility and potential is where the Wayland Union Education Foundation provides opportunities  

Camps, competitions and conferences that enrich school experiences are among the many things that the WUEF makes possible for kids. Kids bring that enrichment and education back to our district and use it to better themselves, our school, and our community. 

WUEF also provides for teachers in the district to attend conferences that allow them to bring innovative ideas and best practices back to the district. Additionally, two scholarships are given out each spring to Wayland Union students to help them further their education beyond high school. 

Our Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) that operates independently of the Wayland Union Schools Board of Education. The foundation consists of a Board of  nine Directors, all bringing a wide range of expertise and serving from within our community.  Additionally there are two appointees, one staff member from Wayland Union Schools and one from the Wayland Union Schools Board of Education. Our funding is through individual and corporate donations, fund raising, memorials and estate bequests. Funds are used to help bridge the gap between identified needs of the school and what is actually available through state and federal funding. The Board of Directors is responsible for the investment, management and distribution of the assets of the Foundation.