Professor Vitaly Chaban is a world-renowned chemist working in the fields of molecular design and physical chemistry. With seven monographs, three textbooks, hundreds of educational materials, honorable book chapters, invited encyclopedia entries, about 200 peer-reviewed research papers, and over 4000 citations worldwide, Prof. Chaban stays among the world's most reputable and referenced scientists in the above-stated fields of expertise. 

If you wish to collaborate with Prof. Chaban, request paid consulting services & guest lecturing, or offer a position at your institution for a certain period, you may promptly approach him via e-mail: vvchaban@gmail.com. 

Introduce yourself properly and be specific in your proposals. Any contsructive matters may be discussed. Subsequently, a joint activity may be initiated should it be reasonable and mutually beneficial.


Our research projects are method-centered. We constantly create new flavors of simulation methods and apply them to the urgent problems of interest. We develop and use semiempirical molecular dynamics, ab initio Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, classical molecular dynamics, coarse-grained molecular dynamics, reactive molecular dynamics, non-equilibrium molecular dynamics, potential energy landscape exploration, reaction coordinate scanning, enhanced sampling solutions, and a dozen of other mathematical methods in chemistry and molecular physics. 

Our research is disseminated via the world's top journals in every field of chemistry: from Nano Letters published by ACS to Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics published by RSC to the Journal of Molecular Liquids published by Elsevier. All our primary journals are at the top of Q1 tier in the respective subfield.

There are at least two hundred peer-reviewed scientific research papers published worldwide listing Professor Vitaly Chaban as a key contributor. With Hirsch-index close to forty, we have been perfectly visible participants in international science and innovative technology. Among a dozen of other areas of materials science, we made seminal contributions to understanding carbonaceous nanoscale structures, chemical energy sources, high-energy compounds, carbon dioxide capture, task-specific ionic liquids, non-aqueous solvents, polymers, and multicomponent liquid mixtures.


To date, more than a hundred papers authored by Prof. Chaban in the field of chemistry have been cited for more than ten times each. 

The aggregate Hirsch-index is close to forty and keeps steadily growing.

Successful collaborations (terminated by publishing joint papers) with scientists representing all meaningful regions of the world from Japan through Europe to California including Eastern countries, South America, post-USSR states, and so on.

Invited review papers and encyclopedia entries covering the cutting edge issues of modern chemistry were published with top scientific publishing houses.

Grant proposal evaluator and scientific articles evaluator in all meaningful destinations over the globe.

Proactive-integral teaching philosophy.


Introduction to Higher Chemical Education (entry level: high school graduates / freshmen +);

General Chemistry (entry level: undergraduate students +);

Physical Chemistry (entry level: undergraduate students +);

Molecular Dynamics Simulations (entry level: graduate students +);

Chemical Interactions and Bonding (entry level: graduate students +);

Introduction to Scientific Research in Chemistry (entry level: graduate students +);

Robust Professional Communication and Scientific Ethics (entry level: graduate students +);

Research and Development in Silico (entry level: graduate students +);

Supervision of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers;

Theoretical Support for Experimental Projects (R&D).