Laboratório de Ecologia Aquática e Metacomunidades (LEiAM)
Curso de introdução ao R (para iniciantes).
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A partir de 2014 o amigo Fabricio Baccaro passou ajudar na manutenção e atualização da apostila. Nossa ideia é ter um texto simples. Não é uma apostila de estatística e tentamos ao máximo não adicionar comandos estatísticos (embora a parte final contenha uma serie de exemplos e comandos).
Qualquer duvida ou sugestão em relação à apostila e arquivos de dados escreva para Victor Landeiro em "" ou para Fabricio Baccaro em " "
Recent Publications:
In Press
SGARBI, LF. ; BINI, L M. ; HEINO, J ; JYRKÄNKALLIO-MIKKOLA, J ; LANDEIRO, V. L. ; SANTOS, A P. ; SCHNECK, FA ; Siqueira, T ; SOININEN, J ; TOLONEN, K T. ; Melo, A S. . Sampling effort and information quality provided by rare and common species in estimating assemblage structure. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 110, p. 105937, 2020.
Siqueira, T ; SAITO, V S. ; BINI, LM. ; Melo, AS. ; PETSCH, DK. ; LANDEIRO, V. L. ; TOLONEN, KT. ; JYRKÄNKALLIO-MIKKOLA, J ; SOININEN, J ; HEINO, J . Community size can affect the signals of ecological drift and niche selection on biodiversity. ECOLOGY, v. EView, p. e03014, 2020.
BRITO, MAIARA TÁBATHA DA SILVA ; HEINO, JANI ; POZZOBOM, ULLY MATTILDE ; Landeiro, Victor Lemes . Ecological uniqueness and species richness of zooplankton in subtropical floodplain lakes. AQUATIC SCIENCES, v. 82, p. 1-10, 2020.
DA SILVA BRITO, M T ; DINIZ, LP ; POZZOBOM, UM. ; LANDEIRO, V. L. ; SOUSA, FDR. . Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY, v. 56, p. 7, 2020.
SANTOS, R. C. L. ; CALLIL, C. T. ; LANDEIRO, V. L. . Unraveling the effects of water-sediment conditions and spatial patterns on Unionida assemblages in seasonally connected floodplain lakes. HYDROBIOLOGIA, v. Inpres, p. 1, 2020.
COSTA, U. P. ; HEINO, J ; BRITO, MTS ; LANDEIRO, V. L. . Untangling the determinants of macrophyte beta diversity in tropical floodplain lakes: insights from ecological uniqueness and species contributions. AQUATIC SCIENCES, v. 82, p. 56, 2020.
Castro E., Siqueira T. , Melo A. S. , Bini L.M., LANDEIRO V. L. & F. Schneck. Compositional uniqueness of diatoms and insects in subtropical streams is weakly correlated with riffle position and environmental uniqueness. Hydrobiologia. 842, 219–232. 2019
TOMAS, WM. et al. Sustainability Agenda for the Pantanal Wetland: Perspectives on a Collaborative Interface for Science, Policy, and Decision-Making. Tropical Conservation Science, v. 12, p. 194008291987263, 2019.
LANDEIRO VL, Franz B, Heino J,Siqueira T, Bini LM. Species-poor and low-lyingsites are more ecologically unique in a hyperdiverse Amazon region: Evidence from multiple taxonomic groups. Diversity and Distributions. 2018;00:1–12.
Arieira, J.; Padovani, C.; LANDEIRO, Victor Lemes; Schuchmann, K.; Santos, S. A. (2018) Modeling climatic and hydrological suitability for an encroaching tree species in a Neotropical flooded savanna. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. v. 429, p. 244-255.
Trindade, C.R.; LANDEIRO, Victor Lemes; Schneck, F. Macrophyte functional groups elucidate the relative role of environmental and spatial factors on species richness and assemblage structure. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 1-14, 2018.
J.Heino, A.S. Melo, J. Jyrkänkallio-Mikkola, D.K.Petsch, V. S. Saito, K.T. Tolonen,L. M. Bini, V.L. LANDEIRO, ... T. Siqueira (In Press) Subtropical streams harbour higher genus richness and lower abundance of insects compared to boreal streams, but scale matters. Journal of Biogeography.
Lários, M.C. ; Nunes da Cunha, C. ; Penha, J. ; LANDEIRO, V.L. ; Pinho, J. B. ; Aragona, M. ; Valério, L.M. ; Strüssmann, C. ; Lourenço, L.S. ; Chupel, T.F. ; Fernandes, I.M. (2017). Evidence of cross-taxon congruence in Neotropical wetlands: Importance of environmental and spatial factors. Global Ecology and Conservation, v. 12, p. 108-118,.
Algarte, V.M. ; Siqueira, T. ; LANDEIRO, V. L. ; Rodrigues, L. ; Boneker, C ; THOMAZ, S. M. ; Bini, L. M. (2017) . Main predictors of periphyton species richness depend on adherence strategy and cell size. PLoS One, v. 12, p. e0181720.
Santos, C.M.; LANDEIRO, V.L.; Ferro, V.G. (2016) Plant species richness as the main driver of moth metacommunities. Ecological Entomology 41, 707–715
Grimaldo, J.T. ; Bini, L.M. ; LANDEIRO, V.L. ; O´Hare, M.T. ; Caffrey, J.; Spink, A. ; Martins, S.V. ; Kennedy, M.P. ; Murphy, K.J. (2016) Spatial and environmental drivers of macrophyte diversity and community composition in temperate and tropical calcareous rivers. Aquatic Botany, v. 132, p. 49-61, 2016.
Souza, J. L. P., F. B. Baccaro, V. L. LANDEIRO, E. Franklin, W. E. Magnusson, P. A. C. L. Pequeno, & I. O. Fernandes, (2016). Taxonomic sufficiency and indicator taxa reduce sampling costs and increase monitoring effectiveness for ants. Diversity and Distributions. 22, 111-122.
Soares, C.E.A, Toha, F.A.L., Boneker, C., LANDEIRO, V.L., Bini, L. M. (2015) The likely effects of river impoundment on beta-diversity of a floodplain zooplankton metacommunity. Natureza & Conservação. 13, 74-79.
Vilmi, A., Karjalainen, S.M., LANDEIRO, V.L., Heino, J. Freshwater diatoms as environmental indicators: evaluating the effects of eutrophication using species morphology and biological indices. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187:243.
Heino, J., Melo, A.S., Bini, L.M., Altermatt, F., Al-Shami, S.A, Angeler, D., Bonada, N., Brand, C., Callisto, M., Cottenie, K., Dangles, O., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A., Göthe, E., Grönroos, M., Hamada, N., Jacobsen, D., LANDEIRO, V.L., Ligeiro, R., Martins, R.T., Miserendino, M. L., Md Rawi, C.S. Rodrigues, M., Roque, F.O., Sandin, L., Schmera, D., Sgarbi, L.F., Simaika, J., Siqueira, T., Thompson, R.M. & Townsend, C.R. (2015) A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels. Ecology and Evolution, 5, 1235:1248.
LANDEIRO, V. L. ; Waldez, F. ; Menin M. (2014) . Spatial and environmental patterns of Amazonian anurans: differences between assemblages with aquatic and terrestrial reproduction, and implications for conservation management. Natureza & Conservação, 12, 42-46
Bini, L. M. ; LANDEIRO, V.L. ; Padial, A.A. ; Siqueira, T. ; Heino, J. (2014). Nutrient enrichment is related to two facets of beta diversity in stream invertebrates. Ecology , 95, 1569-1578
Algarte, V.M., Rodrigues, L., LANDEIRO V.L., Siqueira, T., Bini, L.M. (2014). Variance partitioning of deconstructed periphyton communities: does the use of biological traits matter? Hydrobiologia, 722, 279-290.
Diniz-Filho, J.A.F.; Soares, T.N.; Lima, J.S.; Dobrovolski, R.; LANDEIRO, V.L.; Telles, M.P.C.; Rangel, T. F., Bini, L.M. (2013) Mantel tests in population genetics. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 36, 475-485.
Grönroos, M; Heino, J; Siqueira, T; LANDEIRO, V.; Kotanen, J.; Bini, L. (2013) Metacommunity structuring in stream networks: roles of dispersal mode, distance type and regional environmental context. Ecology and Evolution, 3, 4473-4487.
Franklin, E., De Moraes, J., LANDEIRO, V. L., De Souza, J. L. P., Pequeno, P. A. C. L., Magnusson, W. E., & De Morais, J. W. (2013). Geographic position of sample grid and removal of uncommon species affect multivariate analyses of diverse assemblages: The case of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Ecological Indicators, 34, 172–180.
LANDEIRO V.L., Bini L.M., Melo A.S., Pes A.M.O. & Magnusson W.E. (2012) The roles of dispersal limitation and environmental conditions in controlling caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblages. Freshwater Biology 57,1554–1564.
Wetzel, C. E., Bicudo, D. D. C., Ector, L.,Lobo, E. A.,Soininen, J., LANDEIRO, V. L., & Bini, L. M. (2012). Distance decay of similarity in neotropical diatom communities. PLoS ONE, 7(9),e45071.
LANDEIRO V.L., Bini L.M., Costa F.R.C., Franklin E.,Nogueira A., de Souza J.L.P., et al. (2012) How far can we go in simplifying biomonitoring assessments? An integrated analysis of taxonomic surrogacy,taxonomic sufficiency and numerical resolution in a megadiverse region. Ecological Indicators 23,366–373.
Diniz-Filho J.A.F., Siqueira T., Padial A.A., RangelT.F., LANDEIRO V.L. & Bini L.M.(2012) Spatial autocorrelation analysis allows disentangling the balance between neutral and niche processes in metacommunities. Oikos 121,201–210.
Rojas-Ahumada, D. P., LANDEIRO, V. L., & Menin, M.(2012). Role of environmental and spatial processes in structuring anuran communities across a tropical rain forest. Austral Ecology, 37(8),865–873.
Souza J.L.P.,Baccaro F.B., LANDEIRO V.L., Franklin E. & Magnusson W.E. (2012) Trade-offs between complementarity and redundancy in the use of different sampling techniques for ground-dwelling ant assemblages. Applied Soil Ecology 56,63–73.
Baccaro F.B., de Souza J.L.P., Franklin E., LANDEIRO V.L.& Magnusson W.E. (2012) Limited effects of dominant ants on assemblage species richness in three Amazon forests. Ecological Entomology 37,1–12.
Hepp L.U., LANDEIRO V.L. & Melo A.S. (2012) Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Environmental Factors and Longitudinal Position on Alpha and Beta Diversities of Aquatic Insects in a Neotropical Stream. International Review of Hydrobiology 97,157–167.
Princípios de Estatística em Ecologia ( Nicholas J. Gotelli e Aaron M. Ellison)