Vladimir Otrachshenko, PhD in Economics

Senior Researcher at:

 National Bank of Slovakia (NBS)

Imricha Karvaša 1, 81325 Bratislava

Slovak Republic

I hold a Phd in Economics from Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal. I am generally interested in an applied microeconometrics research with policy implications. In my research I apply latent variable, latent class, factor mixture models, event studies, and diff-in-diff approaches. I am also interested in conducting field experiments to reveal the economic value of public goods.

My research interests: Environmental and Resource Economics, Climate Change, Non-market Valuation of Public Goods, Health and Population Economics, Development Economics, Field Experiments, and Quality of Life.

Activities and Events:

- Visiting Nazarbayev University, Astana, Jan. 23 - Feb. 11, 2024. 

- Recent OECD Reports (2023a, 2023b) feature our paper on climate change, fires, and tourism.

- Presentation. Rainfall variability and labor allocation in Uzbekistan: The role of women's empowerment, the DAAD workshop, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 14-15, 2023.

- Discussant at the 15th Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy on "The role of migration in social and economic development of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia", Tutzing, Germany, July 3-5, 2023.

- Presentation. Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, the 28-th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Limassol, Cyprus, June 27-30, 2023.

- Presentation. Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, New Advances in the Political Economy of Development in Eurasia, Nazarbayev University and European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Astana, June 1-3, 2023.

- Presentation. Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, the 1st SDSN Kazakhstan Conference, Nazarbayev University, Astana, May 30, 2023.

- Presentation. Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, SDGnexus Seminar, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, Nov. 16, 2022.

- Co-organizer of the Economics Section hosted by the German Association of East European Studies (DGO), Berlin, Germany, October 6-7, 2022.

- Presentation. Energy Efficiency and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, at the 17th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies Conference, Naples, Italy, Sep. 15-17, 2022.

- Presentation. Climate Variability, Female Empowerment, and Household Employment Decisions, at the Summer Academy "Gender Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: Labour Market in Focus", Tutzing, Germany, July 4-6, 2022.

- Presentation. Valuing Ecosystem Services, at the TIIAME, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 14, 2022.

 - Research Visit at the TIIAME, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 2-16, 2022. 

 - International Society for Quality of Life Studies: August 26, 16.00 (CEST), Religion and Happiness.

 - Global Labor Organization: July 8, 13.00-14.30 (UK/London), Does weather sharpen income inequality in Russia?

 - the European Society for Population Economics: June 19, 11.30-13.00 (CEST), Climate Change section.

 - the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: June 24, 10.00-12.00 (CEST), Labor and the Environment I section.

 - IZA Institute of Labor Economics & HSE, March 30, 14.00 (CET), Climate Variability, Female Empowerment, and Household Employment Decisions. 

 - the Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting 2021 (ASSA), January 4, 15.45-17.45 (EST).


Published and Forthcoming Papers:

Rainfall Variability and Labor Allocation in Uzbekistan: The Role of Women’s Empowerment, Post-Soviet Affairs 40(2), 2024 (with O. Popova, N. Alimukhamedova)

Informal Network as a Coping Strategy in the Climate-livestock Relationship, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 57(1), 2024 (with S. Ilyas, N. Alimukhamedova)

Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification:  Lessons from Central Asia, Energy Policy 177, 2023 (with C. Hartwell, O. Popova)

  Media: Eurasianet

Does Democracy Protect the Environment? The Role of the Arctic Council, Climatic Change 176, 2023 (with A. Mavisakalyan, O. Popova)

Double-edged Sword: Persistent Effects of Communist Regime Affiliations on Well-being and Preferences, Journal of Population Economics 36, 2023 (with M. Nikolova, O. Popova)

COVID-19 and Entrepreneurship Entry and Exit: Opportunity amidst Adversity, Technology in Society 71, 2022 (with O. Popova, M. Nikolova, E. Tyurina)

The Economic Value of the Glass Beach: Contingent Valuation and Life Satisfaction Approaches, Ecological Economics 198, 2022 (with E. Tyurina, A. Nagapetyan)

Stalin and the Origins of Mistrust, Journal of Public Economics 208(4), 2022 (with M. Nikolova, O.Popova)

Blog: Brookings

Does Weather Sharpen Income Inequality in Russia?, Review of Income and Wealth 68, 2022 (with O.Popova)

Fire Takes No Vacation: Impact of Fires on Tourism, Environment and Development Economics 27(1), 2022 (with L. C. Nunes)

The OECD report (2023) (here)

Can Bribery Buy Health? Evidence from Post-communist Countries, Journal of Comparative Economics 49(4), 991-1007, 2021 (with A. Mavisakalyan, O. Popova)

Waxing Power, Waning Pollution: The Effect of COVID-19 on Russian Environmental Policymaking, Ecological Economics 184, 2021 (with C. Hartwell, O. Popova)

Extreme Temperature and Extreme Violence: Evidence from Russia, Economic Inquiry 59(1), 243-262, 2021 (with O. Popova, J. Tavares)

VoxEU column based on this paper   Media: Mittelbayerische ZeitungMitteldeutscher Rundfunk  

Misfortunes Never Come Singly: Consecutive Weather Shocks and Mortality in Russia, Economics & Human Biology 31, 249-258, 2018 (with O. Popova, P. Solomin)

     MediaIzvestiya, Vesti, RIA News

On Natures’ Shoulders: Riding the Big Waves in Nazaré, Tourism Economics 24(4), 369-385, 2018 (with M. A. Cunha-e-Sá, L. C. Nunes, and Rita Freitas)

     Related: Policy Brief  Media: Correio da Manhã, DN, Jornal da Economia do Mar, Cister Região ( in Portuguese)

Health Consequences of the Russian Weather”, Ecological Economics 132, 290-306, 2017 (with O. Popova, P. Solomin)

    Media: Indicator

Psychological Costs of Currency Transition: Evidence from the Euro Adoption”, European Journal of Political Economy 45, 89-100, 2016  (with O. Popova, J. Tavares)

Fishing for answers? Impacts of Marine Ecosystem Quality on Tourism Demand”, Tourism Economics 23(5), 963-980, 2017 (with F. Bosello)

Accounting for Response Biases in Latent Class Models for Choices and Attitudes”, Land Economics 92(3), 586-603, 2015 (with L. C. Nunes, M. A. Cunha-e-Sá)

“Life (Dis)satisfaction and the Intention to Migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of Socio-Economics 48, 40-49, 2014 (with O. Popova)

Protesting and Justifying: A Latent Class Model for Contingent Valuation with Attitudinal Data”, Environmental and Resource Economics 52, 531-548, 2012 (with L. C. Nunes, M. A. Cunha-e-Sá, and L. M. Madureira)

Policy Briefs:

Climate Change and Russia: Can Russia Afford Climate Change? Russian Analytical Digest 243, 11 Dec. 2019 (with O. Popova)

Kann sich Russland den Klimawandel leisten? Russland-Analysen Nr. 317, 06 Nov. 2019 (with O. Popova)

Book chapter:

Economics of the Environment in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, The Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economics in Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, edited by Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Oxford University Press, 2024.

Religion and Happiness, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer.


Decentralization, p. 108-109, Dictionary of Ecological Economics (2023), Edited by Brent M. Haddad and Barry D. Solomon, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Working Papers:

Climate Variability, Female Empowerment, and Household Employment Decisions, minor revision at Post-Soviet Affairs (with O. Popova, N. Alimukhamedova)

More interesting papers will be available soon!