Book chapters

  1. Lun, V. M. –C. (2022). Well-being and morality in Chinese culture. In R. Nichols (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of morality, cognition, and emotion in China (pp. 257-269). Routledge.

  2. Wong, S., & Lun, V. M. –C. (2018). Conducting qualitative research in the work-family interface across cultures. In K. M. Shockley, W. Shen, & R. C. Johnson (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of the global work-family interface (pp.179-192). Cambridge University Press.

  3. Bond, M. H., & Lun, V. M.-C. (2017). Examining religion and well-being across cultures: The cognitive science of religion as sextant. In R. G. Hornbeck, J. L. Barrett, & M. Kang (Eds.). Religious cognition in China: Homo religiosus and the Dragon (pp. 195-214).Springer.

  4. Lun, V. M.-C. (2012). Harmonizing the conflicting views about harmony in Chinese culture. In X. Huang & M. H. Bond (Eds.), The handbook of Chinese organizational behavior: Integrating theory, research, and practice (pp.467-479). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  5. Bond, M. H., Lun, V. M.-C., & Li, L. M. W. (2012). The roles of secularism in values and engagement in religious practices for the life satisfaction of young people: The moderating role of national-societal factors. In G. Trommsdorff & X. Y. Chen (Eds.), Values, religion and culture in adolescent development (pp.123-145). Cambridge University Press.

  6. Fischer, R., & Lun, V. M.-C. (2008). Measuring cognition and motivation across cultural groups. In R. Sorrentino and S. Yamaguchi (eds.), Handbook of motivation and cognition across cultures (pp.567-590). Academic Press.