

Google Scholar

Working papers

Anticompetitive Price Referencing (2023) (Link) joint with Bart Zhou Yueshen

       The Queuing Friction in Limit Order Book Markets (2023) (Link) joint with Corey Garriott and Marius Zoican (previous version circulated under the title Do high-frequency market makers share risks?


Non-Standard Errors 2024 (Link), project joint with 341 coauthors, forthcoming Journal of Finance     

Order Splitting and Interacting with a Counterparty, 2023, Journal of Financial Markets (Link, joint with Amy Kwan and Joakim Westerholm)  WebAppendix

Price impact versus bid–ask spreads in the index option market, 2022, Journal of Financial Markets volume 59 (Link, joint with Andreas Kaeck and Norman Seeger)

        High-Frequency Trading Around Large Institutional Orders, 2019, The Journal of Finance, 74(3), 1091-1137 (Link, joint with Albert Menkveld) 

        Competition for Order Flow with Fast and Slow Traders, 2015, The Review of Financial Studies, 28(7), 2094-2127 (Link). A previous version circulated under the title "Liquidity, What you see is what you get?"

        The Impact of Dark Trading and Visible Fragmentation on Market Quality, 2015, Review of Finance 19(4), 1587-1622 (Link, joint with Hans Degryse and Frank de Jong)

In Press

Blog, Aug 2022: “Gamified trading: Riesgos para el inversionista pequeño” 

Blog, Nov 2021: “Exchange traded funds, ETF: ¿qué son y qué pasa si aumentan?” 

Diario Financiero, Mar 2020: "Transformación Digital|Robots en las bolsas"

Contact Information

vincentvankervel at gmail.com

+59 223 547 982

Escuela de Administración (School of Management)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860

Macul 7820436

Santiago, Chile