Ville Jansson, PhD
Physicist and private investor
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Current residence
Helsingfors, Finland
I am a self-sufficient private investor with a background as a researcher in computational materials science. I speak Swedish, English, Finnish, and understand basic French and German.
My current interests
I mainly make long-time investments in shares on the Nordic, European and US public markets. I have been doing this full-time since 2019. I try to understand the the global economic trends; what is driving progress, such as new technological advancements (AI, electrification of vehicles and devices); but also what is creating economic uncertainty, like national elections (USA, UK, France, Germany...). the political risks of authoritarian figures, such as Putin, Xi and Trump.
My most important news sources are serious news papers like the Financial Times, Hufvudstadbladet, Dagens Nyhter, Yle and Kauppalehti. I highly appreciate qualitative journalism, which helps me differentiate between facts and the barrage of misinformation and frivolous guesses that unfortunately are common on the internet. I find X a nice tool to find insight into what different people, such as economists, think and what data they consider interesting, but I only take note of posts (and maybe retweet) that I find credible with a good source.
I have written a bit about my investing philosophy in my blog.
My earlier physical research
My research has been concentrated on building computational models of particle physics materials, nuclear materials, and fusion materials; using Kinetic Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation techniques. I'm the main developer of the open-source Kinetic Monte Carlo code Kimocs (see below), which has been used in several studies of nanoscale features, such as nanowires, nanotips, and nanoclusters.
My scientific publications are listed by category here (pdf), but also at my Google Scholar or profiles. My full Curriculum Vitae can be found here: CV.pdf.
Since 2022, I am the president of the Physical Society in Finland.
Kimocs - a Kinetic Monte Carlo code
I am the main developed of the open source Kinetic Monte Carlo code Kimocs. The code is especially designed to simulate the surface evolution of atomic systems.
Source code (GPL)
Manual (pdf)
Some Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations using Kimocs
Nanotip growth in an electric field [ref].
Kimocs parameter sets
Parameterizations exist for Cu, Fe, Au and W and are included with the source code of Kimocs. The parameterizations are:
Cu_Set2_baibuz2018data (recommended)
See also: Baibuz et al 2018
See also: Baibuz et al 2018 and Jansson et al 2016 (arXiv:1508.06870 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])
A trained Artificial Neural Network
See also: Kimari et al 2020
See also: Baibuz et al 2018
1nn jump barriers and selected 2nn jump barriers, to be used together
Au_vigonski2018au [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Only 1nn jumps
arXiv:1909.03519 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Includes three subsets with 1nn, 2nn and 3nn atom transitions that should be used together.
Major Kimocs papers
V Jansson, E Baibuz, and F Djurabekova. Long-term stability of Cu surface nanotips. Nanotechnology, 27(26):265708, 2016, arXiv:1508.06870 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Junlei Zhao, Ekaterina Baibuz, Jerome Vernieres, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Ville Jansson, Morten Nagel, Stephan Steinhauer, Mukhles Sowwan, Antti Kuronen, Kai Nordlund, et al. Formation Mechanism of Fe Nanocubes by Magnetron Sputtering Inert Gas Condensation. ACS nano, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.6b01024. URL
Simon Vigonski, Ville Jansson, Sergei Vlassov, Boris Polyakov, Ekaterina Baibuz, Sven Oras, Alvo Aabloo, Flyura Djurabekova, and Vahur Zadin. Au nanowire junction breakup through surface atom diffusion. Nanotechnology, 29(1):015704, 2018. doi: arXiv:1709.09104 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Ekaterina Baibuz, Simon Vigonski, Jyri Lahtinen, Junlei Zhao, Ville Jansson, Vahur Zadin, and Flyura Djurabekova. Migration barriers for surface diffusion on a rigid lattice: challenges and solutions. Computational Materials Science, 146:287–302, 2018. doi:
Ville Jansson, Andreas Kyritsakis, Simon Vigonski, Ekaterina Baibuz, Vahur Zadin, Alvo Aabloo, Flyura Djurabekova. Tungsten migration energy barriers for surface diffusion: a parameterization for KMC simulations. 2020 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 28 035011. arXiv:1909.03519 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Ville Jansson, Ekaterina Baibuz, Andreas Kyritsakis, Simon Vigonski, Vahur Zadin, Stefan Parviainen, Alvo Aabloo, and Flyura Djurabekova, Growth mechanism for nanotips in high electric fields. Nanotechnology 31 no. 35, (2020) 355301. doi: arXiv:1909.05825 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
J. Kimari, V. Jansson, S. Vigonski, E. Baibuz, R. Domingos, V. Zadin, and F. Djurabekova, Application of artificial neural networks for rigid lattice kinetic monte carlo studies of Cu surface diffusion. Computational Materials Science 183 (2020) 109789, arXiv:1806.02976 [physics.comp-ph].