About me


I am currently a fourth year Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL). My primary supervisor is Prof. Ingemar Cox and my secondary supervisor Prof. Sebastian Riedel. My research interest is machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval and their applications.

My Ph.D. study is fully funded by UCL Research Excellence Studentships (Overseas Research Scholarships + Graduate Research Scholarships), and my research is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Recent News

  • [27/06/2018] I will be a program committee member of The Web Conference 2019 (WWW 2019).
  • [22/12/2017] Our paper on multi-task learning for disease modeling from Web search data was accepted by WWW 2018.
  • [29/09/2017] I will be a program committee member of LREC 2018.
  • [18/06/2017] I will be a program committee member of The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018).
  • [11/02/2017] Our paper on improving language models using word embeddings for ad-hoc retrieval has been accepted by WWW 2017.
  • [21/12/2016] Our paper on improving feature selection for the task of influenza-like illness monitoring from search query data has been accepted by WWW 2017.
  • [29/07/2016] I will be a program committee member of COLING 2016.
  • [19/07/2016] Our group launched a beta version of our Flu Detector that uses Google search query data to monitor influenza-like illness rates in England.
  • [02/06/2016] I will be a program committee member of WWW 2017.
  • [11/04/2016] Our paper on infectious intestinal disease surveillance from social media was presented at Digital Health, WWW 2016.
  • [24/03/2016] Our patent on bias correction in images was granted.
  • [05/12/2015] Our paper that proposes a method for inferring the socioeconomic status of social media users has been accepted by ECIR 2016.