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Dr. Gyanendra K. Verma
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
Department of Information Technology
National Institute of Technology Raipur
Raipur-492010, INDIA
Email: gkverma.it@nitrr.ac.in , gyanendra@ [ ieee.org / acm.org ]
Ph: +91-7404210632
Brief Bio
Gyanendra K. Verma is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India. He completed his B. Tech. in 2006 from Harcourt Butler Technical University (formerly HBTI) Kanpur, India and his M. Tech. & Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad India in 2009 and 2016, respectively. All professional degrees (B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D.) are in Information Technology. He has teaching and research experience of more than 12 years in Computer Science and Information Technology with a special interest in Image Processing, Speech and Language Processing, and Human-Computer Interaction. He published more than 50 papers in international journals and conferences including Neuroimage, Elsevier and reputed international conferences. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other computer science disciplines, particularly on Medical Imaging problems at the SILP laboratory, IIIT Allahabad. He also served as the Organizing Chair for the international conference MIND 2019 and program committee member in roughly fifty conference and workshop programs. His research on applying Wavelet Transform in Medical Imaging and Computer Vision problems has been cited extensively. He is a senior member of various professional bodies like IEEE, ACM, IAENG & IACSIT.
Ph.D. (Information Technology) -2016, Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India.
Thesis Title: Multimodal Fusion Framework Using Multiresolution Analysis for Emotion Recognition and Prediction
Supervisor: Prof. (Dr.) Uma Shanker Tiwari
M. Tech. (Information Technology) - 2009, Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, India. (First Div.)
Thesis Title: Speaker Identification System using Wavelet Transform
Supervisor: Prof. (Dr.) Uma Shanker Tiwari
B. Tech. (Information Technology) - 2006, Harcourt Butler Technical University (formerly H. B. T. I.) Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India ( First Div.)
Research Interests
Affective Computing
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Medical Imaging
Natural Language Processing
Speech Processing
Human Computer Interaction
Awards, Honors and Professional Recognition
Listed in the Worlds Top 2% Scientists in the study carried out by Stanford University, USA, October, 2023.
Elevated to senior grade member of IEEE, Dec. 2020
Awarded as Outstanding Mentor in National Level Project Competition (PROWAR-2016) on 30th April 2016 organized by School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Achieved 3rd Rank in Uttar Pradesh State Engineering Admission Test (UPSEAT- 2003)
GATE-2007 qualified
MHRD scholarship/fellowship holder during M. Tech. and Ph.D.
Editorial advisory board member – Handbook of Research on Political Activism in the Information Age, IGI Global, 2014
Editorial advisory board member – Political Campaigning in the Information Age,IGI Global, 2014
Editorial advisory board member – Gamification for Human Factors Integration: Social, Education, and Psychological Issues, IGI Global, 2014
Editorial advisory board member – Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age, IGI Global, 2014
Expert Talk / Invited Talk / Visit
Visited Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK and presented a paper titled "A Deep Learning model for multi-class image classification using Quantum CNN" during Aug. 10 - 13, 2023
Delivered expert talk "Affective Computing in Health Informatics" on Hands-on Training on Computational Intelligence for Health Informatics and Wearable Device Data Analysis on 30th July 2023 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Silchar, Assam, India
Chaired two technical sessions in CocoNet 2019 (An International Conference sponsored by ACM) from 18 - 21 Dec. 2019 at the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Trivandrum, Kerala.
1. CoCoNet-S2: Sixth Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet (VisionNet'19)
2. CoCoNet-S10: Main Track - Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (Regular Papers)
NBA visit to Government Engineering College Bikaner under TEQIP-III tuning program during 6-8 Sept. 2019
Delivered expert talk in two days TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on "Outcome base accreditation for Undergraduate Engineering programs" on 16-17th March 2018 at Government Engineering College Bikaner, India
Delivered expert lecture on "Deep Convolutional Neural Network" a TEQIP-III Sponsored STTP on "Computational Intelligence & Cloud Computing (CICC-2017)" 26th - 30th December 2017 in Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Raipur.
Delivered expert talk on "Deep Learning: Theory and Applications" One Week STTP on "Soft Computing Techniques & Robotics" 4th - 8th September, 2017 in Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Raipur.
Delivered expert talk "Multi-resolution Analysis of Signals" Summer School on Image Processing, 8-12 June 2015 Department of Computer Engg. NIT Kurukshetra
Delivered expert talk "Affective Computing: HCI Perspective" Winter School on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 12 -17th Dec. 2016 Department of Computer Engg., NIT Kurukshetra
Administrative Responsibilities
Chairperson, Website Content Monitoring Committee, NIT Raipur (From 17 Nov. 2021 to till now)
Warden Hostel-9 NIT Kurukshetra (From 1 July 2019 to 30 July 2021)
Center Superintendent (End Semester Examination, Apr/May 2018)
Warden, Hostel -8, NIT Kurukshetra (from 22 July 2014 to 28 July 2016)
Deputy Center Superintendent (End Semester Examination, 2013-2014)
Academic Responsibilities
Member, Accreditation committee for accreditation of UG/PG course of the department
Coordinator, B. Tech (CO) Dissertation/Project
Member, Departmental Purchase Committee (DPC)
Member, M. Tech Dissertation/Project
Member, committee for processing PhD applications
Member, Input to the DAC for reviewing B. Tech CO and IT (curriculum, syllabi and scheme) committee
Member, Input to the DAC for reviewing M. Tech (curriculum, syllabi and scheme) committee
Member, Committee for proposing new M. Tech program in Network/Cyber Security
Member, Accreditation Committee (NBA)
Technical Program Committee
General Co-Chair, MIND-2024, MIND-2023 | Secretary, MIND-2021 | Program Chair, MIND-2020
Organizing Chair, MIND-2019, First International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Science held during March 3-4, 2019 at NIT Kurukshetra
CICT-2017, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT), 3-5 Nov. 2017, ABV-IIITM Gwalior
ICACCI-2017, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 13-16 Sep. 17
ICCAN-2017, International Conference on Computing Analytics and Networking (ICCAN - 2017), 15-16 Dec. 2017, KIIT University
LAMDA-2017 First International Conference on Latest Advances in Machine Learning and Data Science [LAMDA - 2017], NIT Goa
IEEE CGVIS-2017, IEEE Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (IEEE CGVIS - 2017)
EDCAV-2015, International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks & Automated Verification (EDCAV 2015)
ICCCT-2014, International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (ICCCT-2014)
ICACCI-2013, Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013)
SRS-2013, Second Student Research Symposium (SRS-2013)
Professional Memberships
IEEE Membership Senior Grade
ACM Membership Senior Grade
IEEE Young Professionals
Multimedia Computing, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Membership
Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology – IACSIT (Singapore)
Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
International Books
Profile on research forum
Updated on 6th Feb 2025