
Mobility in Venice: Alleviating Congestion and Improving Navigation

Venice’s lifestyle is disturbed by the congestion of tourists crowding the streets. The team digitally modeled the streets of Venice and conducted manual and automatic pedestrian counts to learn about choke points and pedestrian flow over bridges across the city. The team concluded that the limited data collected from manual counting was not adequate, leading to the exploration of automatic counting through cameras. These systems were evaluated for reliability and continuous data collection to be used in a predictive pedestrian model.


Assist with the management of growing tourist crowds by automating the collection of data, predicting pedestrian movement year-round and facilitating navigation of tourists through a mobile application.

This mission statement is further broken down into more concrete objectives, which the team completed while in Venice.

Objective 1: Explore the use of Automatic Pedestrian Counting Methods

Objective 2: Develop Framework and Tools for a Predictive Pedestrian Model

Objective 3: Design a Mobile Application to Facilitate Navigation

For a better example of the model and application, check out the Deliverables page. Through our efforts, we hope to contribute towards improving mobility efficiency in the city.