*We have current openings for graduate students--Please formally apply through UNH Graduate School*
Dec16: Solmaz Pourrahim joins group as a new graduate student--Welcome, Solmaz!
Oct27-31: Lev presents work on nucleic acids and nucleoprotein systems at 2024 AIChE meeting, San Diego, CA
Oct18: Lev and Brunno present work at American Physical Society (APS) New England Section meeting, Boston, MA (info)
Sep25: Our work on light-induced self assembly in colloids featured on journal cover (info)
Sep16: New study on membrane receptors accepted for publication in journal Biochemistry (see Publications)
Aug18-22: Son presented peptide/membrane interaction work at 2024 Fall ACS meeting, Denver, CO
Aug12: Harish presented a seminar talk in Department of Physics at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, India
Jul28-Aug1: Lev presented work on RNA dynamics at 2024 FOMMS meeting, Snowbird, UT
Jul24: New study on light-induced self assembly in colloids accepted for publication in journal Soft Matter (see Publications)
Jul3: Our work on allosteric kinase inhibitors featured on journal cover (info)
Jun18: New study on protein/membrane interactions accepted for publication in journal Biochemistry (see Publications)
Jun16-21: Harish presented work on PDE/ligand interactions at 2024 Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide PDEs, Lewiston, ME (info)
Jun11-12: Remya presented self-assembly work at Bioinnovations Symposium, Manchester, NH (info)
May17: Brunno Rocha receives PhD degree at UNH graduation--Congratulations, Dr. Rocha!
May14: Jyoti presented kinase work at International Society for Computational Biology's GLBIO 2024 conference, Pittsburgh, PA (info)
May11: New study on structural models of allosteric inhibitors for kinases accepted for publication in Int. J. Mol. Sci. (see Publications)
May8: Group members (Lev, Remya, Jyoti, Brunno, Borna, and Son) presented research at 2024 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
May1: Harish selected to receive UNH-CEPS Outstanding Professor Excellence in Research Award
May1: Remya and Borna presented self-assembly work at 2024 MIT Polymer Day, Boston, MA (info)
Apr20: Group members (Lev, Jyoti, Remya, Borna, and Son) presented posters at 25th NSCRC meeting at Tufts University, Boston, MA
Apr19: Charlotte wins SURF award from Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research, UNH--Congratulations, Charlotte!
Apr13: Lev, Jyoti, and Son presented their work at 2024 Molecular Biophysics in the Northeast (MBN) meeting, Amherst, MA (info)
Mar20: Charlotte accepted into Summer Undergraduate Research Program at Albert Einstein College of Medicine--Congratulations, Charlotte!
Mar14: New study on RNA chemical modifications accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. B (see Publications)
Mar8: New study on allosteric inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases accepted for publication in journal Proteins (see Publications)
Feb26: New study on nanobody based targeting of viral enzymes accepted for publication in journal J. Chem. Inf. Model. (see Publications)
Feb13: New study on mitochondrial membrane targeting peptides accepted for publication in journal Bioconjugate Chem. (see Publications)
Feb5: Brunno Rocha successfully defended his doctoral dissertation work on self-assembling biomaterials--Congratulations, Brunno!
Jan23: Teddy Amissah joins group as a new graduate student--Welcome, Teddy!
Jan16: Brunno Rocha begins Computational Immunology Co-op at Moderna, Inc., Boston, MA--Congratulations, Brunno!
Nov21: New study on HIV-1 RNA molecules accepted for publication in journal RNA Biol. (see Publications)
Nov12: Dr. Shubhandra Tripathi joins Aganitha AI, an in silico drug discovery company (info)
Nov5-10: Brunno and Lev present their work at 2023 AIChE meeting, Orlando, FL
Oct30: Borna Fardsadegh joins group as a new graduate student--Welcome, Borna!
Sep8: Harish awarded university-wide Carpenter Professorship, recognizing outstanding teaching, service, and research
Aug31: New study on self-assembly in mixtures of colloidal particles accepted for publication in journal J. Chem. Theory Comput. (see Publications)
Aug21: Our work on protein dynamics and inhibitor binding featured on journal cover (info)
Aug15: Saikat presented viral protein/nucleic acid work at 2023 Fall ACS meeting, San Francisco, CA
Aug13-18: Remya presented colloidal self-assembly work at Gordon Research Conference on Soft Condensed Matter Physics, New London, NH
Jul16-21: Harish presented work on biomolecular inhibitors at Gordon Research Conference on Computer Aided Drug Design, West Dover, VT
Jul7: New study on ligand discrimination by riboswitches accepted for publication in journal J. Chem. Inf. Model. (see Publications)
Jun29: New study on the influence of inhibitors on protein dynamics accepted for publication in journal Protein Sci. (see Publications)
Jun14-17: Lev, Saikat, Shubhandra, and Son present work at NERM 2023, Boston, MA (info)
May10: Brunno, Jyoti, and Lev win poster presentation awards at 2023 UNH Bioengineering Symposium--Congratulations!
Apr14: Charlotte Thomas wins 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)--Congratulations, Charlotte!
Apr12: Brunno presents colloidal self-assembly work at 2023 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring meeting, San Francisco, CA
Mar30: Brunno participates in UNH 3 minute (3MT) Thesis Competition!
Feb21: Brunno Rocha awarded Dissertation Year Fellowship--Congratulations, Brunno!
Feb18-22: Amit and Shubhandra present their work at 2023 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
Jan18: New study on viral-RNA/Zinc-finger protein interaction accepted for publication in journal J. Chem. Inf. Model. (see Publications)
Jan17: New study on self-assembly in lobed patchy colloids accepted for publication in journal ACS App. Bio Mater. (see Publications)
Dec21: Harish presents a seminar talk in Department of Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Dec19: Harish attends CompFlu2022, 16th annual conference on complex fluids, organized by IIT-KGP in Kolkata, India
Nov15: Brunno presented work on colloidal self-assembly at 2022 AIChE meeting, Phoenix, AZ
Oct10: Our work on discovery of an inhibitor for a SARS-Cov-2 enzyme highlighted on journal cover (info)
Oct6: Amanda Bozzi joins group as an NSF-REU researcher--Welcome, Amanda!
Oct3: Dr. Jyoti Verma joins group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome, Jyoti!
Sep12: Charlotte Thomas joins group as an NSF-REU researcher--Welcome, Charlotte!
Aug31: A study on detection of neurotransmitters by metal-organic-frameworks accepted for publication in journal ACS Nano (see Publications)
Aug22: Amit and Biswajit present their work on peptide/RNA and peptide/receptor interactions at ACS Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL
Aug22: Harish promoted to Professor of Chemical Engineering
Aug9: Our work on viral insulin-like peptides (VILPs) accepted for publication in journal Proteins (see Publications)
Jul18-22: Led by graduate student Brunno Rocha, we offered a week-long Molecular Visualization Summer Camp (info)
Jul1: Our group awarded collaborative internal funding through UNH CoRE program to study hub activity in proteins (info)
Jun29: RNA/peptide recognition work accepted for publication in J. Chem. Inf. Model. (see Publications)
Jun22: Our work on SARS-CoV2 enzyme inhibitor highlighted in several news outlets (UNH-NEWSROOM) (UNHTODAY) (NEWSBREAK) (NEWSWISE) (EUREKALERT!) (MEDICAL-PRESS)
Jun17: Work on self-assembly in mixtures of lobed colloidal particles accepted for publication in journal Front. Phys. (see Publications)
Jun9: Dr. Amit Kumar wins NSCRC Outstanding Poster Award sponsored by Strem Chemicals--Congratulations, Amit!
Jun6: Dr. Remya Ann Mathews Kalapurakal joins group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Remya!
May31: Dr. Ana Dreab joins group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Ana!
May10: Work reporting inhibitory approaches for a key SARS-Cov-2 enzyme accepted for publication in journal Proteins (see Publications)
Apr29: Son awarded Gail J. Lambert-Edwards Memorial Fellowship from UNH Chemistry--Congratulations, Son!
Apr28: A manuscript on simulation studies of hormone insulin accepted for publication in journal Front. Endocrinol. (see Publications)
Apr23: Amit presents his work on RNA/peptide recognition at Virtual Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference
Apr22: Brunno Rocha successfully finishes his PhD candidacy exam--Congratulations, Brunno!
Apr21: Son Nguyen successfully finishes her PhD prelim progress exam--Congratulations, Son!
Apr11: Brunno presents his self-assembly work at UNH Graduate Research Conference, Durham, NH
Apr2: Amit and Biswajit present their work on nucleic acids and peptides at Annual Meeting of the NIH Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR), Concord, NH
Mar22: Brunno presents his self-assembly work at ACS Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA
Mar16: Brunno awarded Summer Teaching Assistant Fellowship (STAF) from UNH Graduate School--Congratulations, Brunno!
Feb20: Brunno presents his self-assembly work at ACS Polymer Colloids Workshop, San Diego, CA (info)
Feb19-23: Amit and Biswajit's work presented at 66th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Feb4: Our work on cone-snail peptides highlighted on journal cover (info)
Dec18: Harish presents a talk on RNA conformational dynamics and interactions at 2021 virtual Indo-US RARE conference
Dec15-18: Biswajit and Amit present their work at 2021 virtual Indo-US RARE conference (info)
Nov18: Our published work on cone snail insulin-like peptides highlighted in NHPR and several news outlets (NHPR) (UNH-TODAY) (SCIENCE-DAILY) (TECHNOLOGY-NETWORKS) (CONWAY-DAILY) (THE-FREE-PRESS-JOURNAL)
Nov16: Our article on viral RNA/protein interactions highlighted on Biophysical Journal's cover (info)
Oct14: A manuscript on binding of designer proteins to viral RNA molecules accepted for publication in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (see Publications)
Oct12: A manuscript on venomous insulin-like peptides accepted for publication in journal Proteins (see Publications)
Oct11: Dr. Shubhandra Tripathi from IIT, Kanpur joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Shubhandra!
Oct6: A manuscript on recognition of peptides by viral RNA molecules accepted for publication in Biophys. J. (see Publications)
Oct4: A manuscript on water dynamics in artificial channels accepted for publication in journal Front. Chem. (see Publications)
Sep30: A manuscript on self-assembly in a mixture of lobed patchy particles accepted for publication in journal Front. Phys. (see Publications)
Sep15: Dr. Saikat Pal from IIT, Guwahati joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Saikat!
Jun1: Jackie Desrosiers joins group as a summer undergraduate researcher--Welcome!
May19: Our article on viral RNA dynamics in journal Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. highlighted on journal cover (info)
Apr28: Maria Seneres, McNair Scholar, presented her undergraduate research work on peptide self-assembly at UNH URC
Apr24: A manuscript on lobed-particle designs for porous self assemblies accepted for publication in JOM (see Publications)
Apr22: A manuscript on transport in light-driven ion pumps accepted for publication in BBA-Biomembranes (see Publications)
Apr15: Lev Levintov successfully defended his PhD thesis work on dynamics and interactions in nucleic acids--Congratulations, Lev!
Mar31: A manuscript on conformational dynamics in viral RNA molecules accepted for publication in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (see Publications)
Mar30: Our published work on signaling pathways for allosteric drugs highlighted in a UNH news story (UNH-TODAY) (see Publications)
Mar7: A manuscript on self assembly of lobed patchy particles accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. B (see Publications)
Feb8: Dr. Arpita Srivastava from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Arpita!
Feb5: A manuscript on base flipping in RNA molecules accepted for publication in J. Chem. Theory Comput. (see Publications)
Jan6: Dr. Amit Kumar from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Amit!
Dec17: Our work on viral RNA/inhibitor interactions highlighted by US Supercomputing Centers (XSEDE) (SDSC) (UCSD)
Dec14: A manuscript on allosteric pathways in signaling proteins accepted for publication in Biophys. J. (see Publications)
Nov11: Our collaborative work on phosphodiesterase enzymes highlighted in a UNH news story (UNH-TODAY) (see Publications)
Nov10: Yong Liu successfully defended his PhD thesis on studies of small molecule transport and binding--Congratulations!
Nov1: Dr. Biswajit Gorai from Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Biswajit!
Sep15: Harish wins NIH Outstanding Investigator (MIRA) Award (UNH-TODAY) (UNH-NEWSROOM) (UNION-LEADER) (NHBR) (SEACOASTONLINE)
Aug31: A manuscript on allosteric communication in phosphodiesterase enzymes accepted for publication in journal J. Mol. Biol. (see Publications)
Aug18: A manuscript on self-assembly of patchy particles accepted for publication in journal Soft Matter (see Publications)
Aug5: A manuscript on the role of entropy in colloidal self-assembly accepted for publication in journal Entropy (see Publications)
Jun18: A manuscript on ligand recognition in RNA accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (see Publications) (UNH-NEWS) (UNH-TODAY) (EUREKA-ALERT) (NEWS-WISE) (FOSTERS.COM) (SEACOASTONLINE) (GRANITE-GEEK) (NEWS-MED-LIFESCI)
May18: Maria Seneres joins lab as a McNair Scholar--Welcome!
May18: John Moynihan joins lab as a summer undergraduate/REU researcher--Welcome!
May18: Jacob Andrzejczyk joins lab as a PhD student--Welcome!
May12: Our group awarded collaborative internal funding through UNH CoRE program to study COVID-19 related proteins (info)
Mar2: A manuscript on DNA-templated nanoassemblies accepted for publication in journal Chemistry of Materials (see Publications)
Feb5: Our article in journal Soft Matter highlighted on journal cover (info)
Jan21: John Moynihan and Patrick Lawton join lab as undergraduate researchers--Welcome!
Jan17: Yong and Harish present work on protein/inhibitor interactions at the Annual Meeting of the NIH Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) at UNH
Dec16: Harish presents an invited talk at the ACS POLY Division's Next Generation Smart Materials workshop (info)
Dec2: A manuscript on self-assembly of lobed particles accepted for publication in journal Soft Matter (see Publications)
Nov10-15: Lev and Yong presented their work at 2019 AIChE meeting, Orlando, FL
Nov9: Sanjib, Lev, and Yong presented posters at Molecular Biophysics Symposium at Northeastern University, Boston, MA (info)
Oct27-30: Sanjib presented his work on porous self-assembly at 26th NSF EPSCoR National Conference, Columbia, SC (info)
Oct24: Our article in journal Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. highlighted on journal cover (info)
Oct11: Harish presented a seminar talk in Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Sep14: A manuscript relating protein dynamics to inhibitor potency accepted for publication in journal Mol. Pharmacol. (see Publications)
Sep10: NIH Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) at UNH awarded a pilot research project grant to our group for studies of protein/inhibitor interactions
Aug28: Mohammadjavad Mohammadi (Ph.D. 2019) joins Drexel University as a postdoctoral researcher--Congratulations!
Aug19: Brunno Carvalho Rocha joins group as a new PhD student--Welcome!
Aug19: Harish promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
Aug16: Harish presents an invited talk at the 2019 Northeast Regional IDeA Conference (NERIC) (info)
Aug15: A manuscript on artificial water channels accepted for publication in journal Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (see Publications)
Aug2: Jacob presents his summer research work on machine learning methods at summer undergraduate research symposium
Jun11-12: Harish serves as a reviewer on the Molecular and Integrative Signal Transduction (MIST) NIH study section
Jun9: A manuscript on advanced simulation methods for studying rare events accepted for publication in journal Molecular Simulation (see Publications)
Jun3: Jacob Andrzejczyk joins lab as a summer undergraduate/REU researcher--Welcome!
May18: Mohammadjavad Mohammadi (PhD 2019) and Michelle Chen (BS 2019) graduate--Congratulations!
May14: Harish appointed as a faculty of the Integrated Applied Mathematics (IAM) program at UNH
May8: Lev, Michelle, Mohammadjavad, Sanjib, and Yong present posters at 2019 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
Apr24: Michelle presents a poster on Molecular Visualization at Annual UNH Undergraduate Research Conference
Apr18: Harish presents a talk on overview of NSF-funded NH-BioMade center at UNH Research Computing Day
Apr18: Mohammadjavad Mohammadi successfully defended his PhD thesis on studies of Protein/Inhibitor interactions--Congratulations!
Apr1: Lev, Mohammadjavad, and Yong present at Annual UNH Graduate Research Conference
Apr1: Harish presents a talk at ACS Spring meeting symposium on Sampling Conformations and Pathways in Biomolecular Systems
Mar20: A manuscript on inhibitor/enzyme interactions accepted for publication in journal PLoS ONE (see Publications) (UNH-NEWS) (CONCORD-MONITOR) (NEWS-WISE) (FOSTERS.COM) (PHYS.ORG)
Mar19: Harish, Lev, Michelle, and Sanjib present a Molecular Visualization Workshop co-sponsored by NSF, NH-INBRE, and NIH-COBRE
Jan19: Our article in journal Proteins highlighted on journal cover (info)
Jan7: Harish is highlighted alongside other College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) faculty in a news story related to the newly established NH-BioMade Center (info)
Jan2: Harish presented a seminar talk in Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India (info)
Dec16-21: Harish presented an invited talk at the 4th NMR Meets Biology meeting, Khajuraho, India (info)
Dec11: Harish presented a seminar talk at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad, India (info)
Dec6-9: Harish presented an invited talk at a conference on complex fluids, CompFlu, held in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India (info)
Nov29: A manuscript on inhibitor interactions with a regulatory signaling protein accepted for publication in Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (see Publications)
Nov8: Lev Levintov successfully finishes his PhD Candidacy exam--Congratulations!
Nov1: A manuscript on gas diffusion in enzymes accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physics (see Publications)
Nov1: Dr. Sanjib Paul from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher--Welcome Sanjib!
Oct29-30: Lev Levintov presented work on nucleic acids at the 2018 AIChE meeting in Pittsburgh, PA
Oct20: Mohammadjavad presents work on small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions at the 2018 NESS Symposium of University of Connecticut
Oct15: Lev and Michelle present an annual NSF-sponsored workshop on Molecular Visualization at the Fall-18 conference of NH Science Teachers Association (NHSTA)
Sep28: Congratulations to Dr. Hossein Mohammadiarani (Ph.D. 2018) for joining as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Connecticut
Sep17: A manuscript on simulation methods for resolving H/D exchange in proteins accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry (see Publications)
Sep15: Harish and a collaborative NH team awarded an NSF grant for creating the New Hampshire Center for Multiscale Modeling and Manufacturing of Biomaterials: NH-BioMade (info) (UNHToday) (NSF-news) (NH-EPSCoR) (Dartmouth-news) (NHBR) (Telegraph)
Aug22: Harish awarded a pilot research project grant from the NIH Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) at UNH (info)
Aug19-23: Mohammadjavad, Lev, Yong, and Ryan presented posters/talks at Fall 2018 ACS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Aug15: Harish presented work on biomimetic water channels at Gordon Research Conference on Membranes, New London, NH (info)
Aug10: Harish and collaborators awarded an NSF grant for acquisition of a high-field NMR spectrometer to study biomolecular structure and dynamics (info) (UNH Today)
Jul15-20: Harish presented group's research work and an NSF-supported workshop on enhanced sampling simulation methods at the triennial FOMMS-2018 meeting (info)
Jun25-27: Harish presented work on biomimetic water channels at a Royal Society of Chemistry meeting on Artificial Water Channels in Glasgow, UK (info)
Jun26-28: Lev and Mohammadjavad present posters at the 78th Physical Electronics Conference (PEC-2018) in Durham, NH (info)
May18: Michelle Chen, Evan Redfearn, and Michael Beck join lab as summer undergraduate/REU researchers
May9: A manuscript on artificial water-channel biomimetic membranes accepted for publication in Nature Communications (see Publications)
May8: Mohammadjavad Mohammadi wins the best graduate student poster award at 2018 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
May8: Lev, Mohammadjavad, Yong, and Altai present posters at 2018 UNH Bioengineering Symposium (info)
April19: Yong Liu successfully finishes his PhD Candidacy exam--Congratulations!
Apr18: Altai Perry, an undergraduate researcher in our lab, presents research at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at UNH (info)
Apr17: Harish awarded NSF REU funding to provide research experiences to undergraduate students during Summer-2018
Apr15: Mohammadjavad presents research at Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference (NSCRC), Northeastern University (info)
Apr13: A manuscript on interatomic potentials for biomimetic membranes accepted for publication in Faraday Discuss. (see Publications)
Apr9-10: Mohammadjavad, Lev, and Yong, current graduate students in the group present research at annual UNH Graduate Research Conference (info)
Feb20: A manuscript on the role of differential protein dynamics in inhibitor binding accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (see Publications)
Jan5: Harish presented a seminar talk in the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India (info)
Dec18-20: Harish presented an invited talk at a conference on complex fluids, CompFlu, held in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India (info)
Dec14 : Mohammadjavad attends a workshop on Anton supercomputer at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Dec7-10: Harish presented an invited talk at Indo/US meeting on RARE event simulations held in Agra, India (info)
Nov 30: Our computational grant on Anton highlighted in "Tech Tidbits" of New Hampshire Business Review (info)
Nov 26: Hossein's internship experience at UCSD and computational work highlighted in a UNH news story (UNH Today)
Nov 14: Harish gives an invited public presentation on 3D visualization alongside speakers on 3D gaming and 3D building design in a Portsmouth Music Hall event on The Art of 3D Modeling (info)
Nov 1: Yong Liu joins our group as a new PhD student--Welcome!
Oct 31: Harish awarded a second computational grant on Anton supercomputer for large-scale simulation studies of signaling receptors (info)
Oct29-Nov3: Harish and graduate students (Mohammadjavad and Hossein) attended and presented talks/posters at the 2017 AIChE meeting in Minneapolis, MN
Oct25: Harish presented an invited talk in the Trout Group@MIT Chemical Engineering
Oct24: Congratulations to Hossein Mohammadiarani for successfully defending his PhD thesis on studies of Signaling and Regulatory Proteins!
Oct13: Harish presented a seminar talk at the Penn Institute for Computational Sciences (PICS) of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Oct4: Mohammadjavad's first manuscript on ligand diffusion in enzymes published in J. Phys. Chem. B (see Publications)
Oct3: Harish presented a seminar talk in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Sep20-23: Vince Shaw, a collaborating PhD student from the Neubig Lab at Michigan State University, visited us and participated in discussions on protein dynamics and drug discovery
Sep15: Harish presented a seminar talk in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio University, Athens, OH
Sep6: Hossein Mohammadiarani, a PhD student in our lab, finished an NSF-sponsored Internship in data science with Prof. Ruben Abagyan in Skaggs School of Pharmacy at UCSD, La Jolla, CA
Aug20-24: Harish presented two talks and a poster at ACS Fall Meeting in DC (info)
Jun26: Two school teachers start summer work in our lab under NSF funded program Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RETE)
Jun23: Rhiannon Jacobs and Lev Levintov--first-year PhD students in our lab--successfully completed PhD Qualifying exam--Congratulations!
Jun11-16: Harish attended and presented work on protein-protein interactions at the Gordon Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR (info)
May22: Michael Beck and Altai Perry, NSF supported REU undergraduate researchers, start summer work in our lab
May13: Harish and Rhiannon present the third NSF-sponsored workshop on Visuospatial Thinking at the Spring conference of NH Science Teachers Association (NHSTA) at Coe-Brown Academy
May12: Harish and a team of UNH collaborators from College of Life Sciences will be awarded a Pilot Research Partnership grant via UNH's CoRE Initiative to study photoreceptor signaling (info)
May12: Congratulations to Ryan Barden for successfully defending his MS thesis on studies of biomimetic membranes!
May10: Rhiannon Jacobs wins the best graduate student poster award at 2017 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
May10: Hossein, Mohammadjavad, Rhiannon, and Ryan present posters at 2017 UNH Bioengineering Symposium (info)
Apr20: Michael Beck, an undergraduate researcher in our lab, presents a poster on RNA/protein interactions at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at UNH (info)
Apr13 : Mohammadjavad presents research at ISPE's Boston Area Chapter Meeting (info)
Apr10-11 : Ryan, Rhiannon, Mohammadjavad, and Hossein present research at annual UNH Graduate Research Conference (info)
Apr9 : A new manuscript on kinetics of ligand binding accepted for publication in Curr. Top. Med. Chem. (see Publications)
Apr8 : Mohammadjavad presents research at Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference, Cambridge, MA (info)
Mar31 : Harish awarded REU funding via NSF CAREER grant to support two undergraduate students during Summer-2017
Mar2-3, 13-14, 22-24 : Harish serves as a panelist on three NSF grant review panels (ENG and MPS Directorates) in DC
Feb14 : Hossein presents his research on dynamics of RGS proteins at 2017 Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans, LA (abstract)
Feb1 : Michael Beck is working again as an undergraduate researcher in our lab this Spring
Jan24 : Harish serves as a panelist on an NSF grant review panel in DC
Jan7 : Hossein's paper on structural models of insulin-mimetic peptides accepted for publication in J. Comput. Chem. (see Publications)
Jan1 : We welcome Lev Levintov as a new PhD student in our group!
Jan1 : Harish awarded an XSEDE computational research grant for studying protein and RNA based drug discovery (info)
Dec 9 : Harish serves again on the undergraduate Goldwater Scholarship selection committee
Nov30 : Hossein attends a workshop on Anton supercomputer at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Nov17 : Harish attended and presented a talk on Rhiannon's RNA work at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Nov1 : Harish awarded a computational grant on Anton supercomputer for large-scale simulation studies of the insulin receptor (UNH Today)
Oct31 : Rhiannon presents the second NSF-sponsored workshop on Visuospatial Thinking at the Fall conference of NH Science Teachers Association, NHSTA
Oct27 : Harish presents a seminar talk in College of Pharmacy at the University of New England
Oct14 : Hossein presents a poster on drug discovery for RGS proteins at the 2016 NESS Symposium of University of Connecticut
Oct4 : Mohammadjavad successfully finishes his PhD Candidacy exam--Congratulations!
Sep23 : Harish receives AIChE Honor Roll Award a second time for services as the advisor of the UNH AIChE Student Chapter from 2013-2016
Sep9 : Harish presents a seminar talk in Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Delaware
Aug29 : Sri Padamati and Michael Beck are undergraduate researchers in our lab this Fall
Aug3-4: Rhiannon awarded a travel fellowship to participate in an NSF sponsored Visualization workshop held jointly at Purdue University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (info)
Jul25 : Harish presents a seminar talk in Dept. of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee (India)
Jun13 : Kate Verfaillie, a pre-service teacher, starts summer work in our lab under NSF program Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RETE)
Jun7 : Hossein's first paper on structural models of receptor transmembrane domains accepted for publication in Front. Endocrinol. (see Publications)
May23: Michael Beck (undergraduate researcher) and Mohammadjavad Mohammadi (graduate student) start summer work in our lab
May21: Congratulations to Rhiannon Jacobs and Ryan Barden on graduation!
May10: Rhiannon Jacobs successfully finishes work as a McNair Scholar and will be continuing in our group as a graduate student
May3: Our collaborator Prof. Rick Neubig (Chairman, Pharmacology&Toxicology, Michigan State University) presents 2016 Sam Smith Lectureship in Molecular Medicine at UNH (info)
Apr29: Harish presents work on RGS proteins at "Sailing the Protein Seas" Symposium of Brown University (info)
Apr22: UNH ChemE Car team and AIChE student chapter members advised by Harish attend regional AIChE meeting at UMASS, Amherst (info)
Apr20: Rhiannon Jacobs and Ryan Barden present posters at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at UNH (info)
Apr2: Harish and Rhiannon Jacobs present the first NSF-sponsored workshop on Visuospatial Thinking at the Spring conference of NH Science Teachers Association, NHSTA (info)
Mar29: Harish serves as a panelist again on an NSF review panel (MPS Directorate) in DC
Mar24: Harish presents a talk at the first UNH Research Computing Day (info)
Mar22: Harish attends a comprehensive one day NIH-INBRE grant writing seminar at Dartmouth College
Mar16: Harish presents a talk at ACS Spring Meeting symposium "Adventures in Simulating Biomolecules" organized in honor of Prof. Charles L. Brooks III's 60th birthday (info)
Mar15: UNH Chem-E-Car team advised by Harish awarded Hamel Center's Research Presentation Grant for regional AIChE meeting at UMASS, Amherst (info)
Mar10: Rhiannon presents her research on RNA structure & Dynamics at McNair Conference at the University of Maryland (info)
Feb28: Hossein presents his research on membrane-peptide folding at 2016 Biophysical Society Meeting in Los Angeles, CA (conference abstract)
Feb8: Harish serves as a panelist on an NSF grant review panel (ENG Directorate) in DC
Jan22: Harish wins NSF CAREER Award to study RNA dynamics and interfacial interactions (info) (UNH Today) (UNH ChemEng) (Drexel CBE) (NSF News) (NSF Tumblr)
Jan18: Ryan Barden (Senior, Chemical Eng.) and Cape Carson (Senior, MCBS) join lab as new undergraduate researchers--Welcome!
Jan15: Harish serves as a reviewer for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) program
Nov19 : Congratulations to Tyler Mulligan for successfully defending his MS thesis on studies of nucleoprotein complexes!
Nov8 : Harish attended and presented a talk at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT
Oct10 : Hossein presents a poster at the NESS Symposium of University of Connecticut
Oct2 : Hossein, Tyler, and Rhiannon present posters at the 2015 UNH Bioengineering Symposium (info)
Oct1 : Harish awarded AIChE Honor Roll Award for services as the advisor of the UNH AIChE Student Chapter
Sep 15:Harish presented a seminar talk in Department of Chemistry at UNH (info)
Aug20: Harish presented a talk on peptide folding simulations at the American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in Boston
Aug10: Harish and Rick Neubig awarded NSF grant to study small-molecule inhibitors of RGS proteins (info)
Aug5 : Rhiannon, Brunno, and Jay finish their summer work and presented research at various meetings, conferences, and symposia
Jul16 : Harish presented a poster at the sixth triennial FOMMS conference in Welches, OR (info)
Jun29 : Jay Derick starts simulation work on enzymes in our lab under NSF program Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RETE)
Jun1 : Two undergraduates, Rhiannon Jacobs (a McNair Scholar) and Brunno Carvalho Rocha (via Brazil Scientific Mobility Program), start summer work in our lab
Apr22 : Rhiannon and Greg present posters at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at UNH (info)
Apr10 : Harish presented a seminar talk in Pharmacology&Toxicology at Michigan State University (info)
Apr9 : Rhiannon awarded 2015 McNair Summer Fellowship to work on understanding RNA dynamics
Apr1 : Hossein awarded Summer Teaching Assistant Fellowship (STAF) from UNH Graduate School
Mar28: Hossein and Harish presented research at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) meeting in Boston
Mar19: Harish awarded Summer Faculty Fellowship from UNH Graduate School for peptide folding work
Mar8 : Rhiannon presented a poster at the AIChE regional meeting (at MIT/Northeastern University) in Boston
Mar6 : Rhiannon and the UNH ChemE Car team advised by Harish awarded Hamel Center's Research Presentation Grants for regional AIChE meeting in Boston
Feb23: Harish presented a seminar talk in Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences (MCBS) at UNH (info)
Feb16: Harish is now serving on the Editorial Board of journal Frontiers in Endocrinology
Feb11: Paper on computational studies of the insulin receptor family published in Membranes (see publications)
Harish serves again on the undergraduate Goldwater Scholarship selection committee
Rhiannon accepted to participate in McNair Scholars Program
Rhiannon wins the best undergraduate poster award at the 2014 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
Hossein, Tyler, Rhiannon presented posters at the 2014 UNH Bioengineering Symposium
Paper on a new insulin/insulin-receptor complex published in Membranes (see publications)
Daniel Brandow joins our group as an undergraduate researcher
Lilia Vinskus, Lily Zemelko, and Noah Raz, seniors from the Pinkerton Academy, join our group
Harish is serving as the Associate Guest Editor for journal Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering (info)
Harish awarded funds by the Provost's office to organize the first UNH Bioengineering Symposium on Oct 10, 2014 (info)
Greg Samuel finished summer work in lab under NSF program Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RETE)
Harish attends NSF Day workshop at Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Rhiannon presented posters at the AIChE regional meeting at UCONN and UNH Undergraduate Research Conference
Rhiannon and the UNH ChemE Car team (advised by Harish) receive Research Presentation Grants for regional AIChE meeting at UCONN
Harish presented a seminar talk in Chemical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island
Paper on collective variable methods published in Chemical Reviews (see publications)
Welcome New Students: Hossein and Tyler (graduate students), Rhiannon and Lindsay (undergraduate students)
Harish elected as UNH Research&Engagement Academy Faculty Scholar (info)
Harish serves on the undergraduate Goldwater Scholarship selection committee
Paper on RGS proteins published in ACS Chemical Biology (see publications)
Harish awarded an XSEDE startup computational grant