QFT seminar

The QFT seminar is a weekly math learning seminar at University of Queensland. We study different different topics, usually related to representation theory and sometimes to mathematical physics. In 2019, semester 1 we are studying lattice models and applications to combinatorics and representations theory.

Time and place: every Thursday 4:05 - 5:35pm in Physics Annexe (06) seminar room 407 . The first meeting takes place on March 7.

Main organizer: Valentin Buciumas

Co-organizers: Ole Warnaar, Jorgen Rasmussen, Masoud Kamgarpour, Travis Scrimshaw

Here is the Syllabus. The schedule is shown below. Note that the schedule is subject to change throughout the semester.

The materials for the QFT seminars from previous years can be found here.

The notes of some of the speakers are linked below.