Seminar on p-adic loop groups.

The purpose of this seminar is to understand several recent papers on the representation theory of p-adic loop groups. Of interest are the construction of the spherical and Iwahori Hecke algebras for these groups, the Casselman-Shalika formula, the Satake transform, Kapranov's universal principal series and the relations to the DAHA. Ultimately we want to understand what other results from the classical theory can be generalized to the affine theory.

Time and place: Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm during southern winter/northern summer 2019.

Organizers: Valentin Buciumas, Masoud Kamgarpour

Syllabus: The syllabus is still under construction as the seminar progresses forward. It contains several questions and problems and a few exercises. It can be found here.