this sunday at Vale Elim church
Sunday 08 September2024 our speaker is Roy McEwen with Julie Steventon leading worship. Come and worship our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ together with us!!
We're Created to Worship
Join us at 10:30am every Sunday at St John’s CE Academy Primary School on the Wellington Gate Development in Grove
Bring your children!!
Children are a gift from God, our children's ministry is expanding to inspire the growing number of children at Vale Elim...
Youth @ Vale Elim
Our youth service runs in parallel to the main service. Always engaging and energetic, always featuring music... get involved!!
Wednesday Prayer
Wantage Partnership
Cornerstone Cafe
Prayer Chain
Vale Elim Church: We've moved!
On Christmas Eve 2023 Vale Elim Church held its first meeting at a new venue – St John’s CE Academy Primary School, Stanley Hall Road, Grove, Wantage OX12 0GR on the Wellington Gate Development in Grove, Oxon.
We're Growing
We were beginning to outgrow the Millbrook Primary School Hall. The church has doubled in size in the last year and people had been standing at the back in one service!
So, with the much appreciated help of Kerry Cottrell, the headmistress of St John’s, and Nellie, who runs the school office, we are now enjoying a beautiful and well equipped new venue.
We have hugely appreciated being able to use the hall at Millbrook Primary School for so many years and our aim now is to be a blessing to St John’s and to serve the local community – and of course we now have ample room to grow!
John Steventon
Vale Elim Church
Lead Elder
At Vale Elim Church we want everyone to feel welcome and at home, whether they are 'just visiting' or are established members.
We meet on Sundays at 10:30am and also during the week for homegroups in church members' homes. At 7.30pm on the last Sunday of each month we meet for an hour of Praise and Worship.
Our Sunday service is held at 10:30am and is focused around contemporary worship and sound biblical teaching.
Along with the adults we love to see children worshiping (we have some great young dancers!) or just being children - families are very welcome. Youth and Children's ministry runs during the morning and we usually finish with coffee at about 12:00pm. At 7.30 pm we meet again for prayer.
We try to encourage very personal relationships with God through Jesus Christ, and the proper use of the wonderful gifts given by the Holy Spirit in an atmosphere where it is ok not to be perfect.
If you are looking for a church 'home' in the Vale of White Horse area or just curious, we'd love to see you.
The Elim Pentecostal Church is a growing Movement of more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland, founded in 1915 by George Jeffreys.
Jeffreys and the Elim Evangelistic Band, preached, started churches and witnessed a move of God characterised by miraculous healings and large numbers of people becoming Christians.