인간공학 기반의 사용자 가치 연구실

[학부 인턴 모집 중, 상시] 사용자 가치 연구실에서 학부 연구 인턴 모집합니다. 사용자 가치 연구실은 인간공학/UX/UI/산업디자인/HCI/뇌과학/인지심리학/사회학 연구 수행, 최상위권 저널 논문 작성, 타 대학/기관과의 협업, 국내외 최상위권 대학원 박사 진학, 다양한 세미나/워크샵 참여, 국내외 학회 발표 활동을 목표로 합니다. 경쟁력 있고 올바른 연구자로서의 길을 체험해보고 싶은 학부생은 연락 바랍니다(jaehpark@inu.ac.kr). (* 인턴 중 머신러닝/인공지능 알고리즘, 통계 분석, 프로토타이핑을 위한 프로토타이핑, 영어 능력 계발 필요) 

User Value Laboratory belongs to the Department of Industrial & Management Engineering and is located at 8 ho-gwan 426 ho, Incheon National University (INU), Republic of Korea. Our laboratory has various equipment including both marker-based and markerless motion capture systems (e.g., an IMU-based device), physiological measurement devices (e.g., EEG, EMG, GSR, BVP, respiration and body temperature), body composition analyzers, workout machines (e.g., treadmills and exercise bikes) and wearable experimental devices (e.g., smartwatches and augmented/virtual reality headsets). We are in the process of recruiting graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (The program of our university that supports a postdoctoral researcher will be soon announced for the 2021~2022 contract), and we are very open to various and new forms of collaborations. If you are interested, please email us at jaehpark@inu.ac.kr.

Our research areas are as follows: 1) Artificial intelligence-based user experience and user value engineering, 2) ergonomic design of personal mobilities and medical, rehabilitation, and assistive devices, 3) user interface of the wearable device, VR/AR headset, and drone.

[Research Topic A] Artificial Intelligence (AI) based User Experience (UX) and User Value (UV) Engineering

> Overview

> Featured publications 

[Research Topic B] Ergonomic Design of 1) Personal Mobilities and 2) Medical, Rehabilitation, and Assistive Devices

> Overview

> Featured publications

[Research Topic C] User Interface (UI) of the Wearable Device, VR/AR Headset, and Drone

> Overview

> Featured publications

We are actively working with the following collaborators to compensate for our scarce resources. They are collaborators who wrote more than 5 papers together and are still conducting joint research. They are mentors to our lab researchers and look forward to active collaboration in the future.

We are working on or planning to work with the following organizations. The joint research is proceeding in the form of projects. These organizations are our valuable collaborators who will continue to work together in the future.