March 23 and 24, 2019 ROOSEVELT RUMBLE

Lance Hansen and Nelli after their win in "B" field on Sunday

Saturday 2/23 A field

  1. Lance MacLennan- Chad

  2. Brad Jenkins- Duece

  3. Gary Chapman- Jutta

Saturday 2/23 B field

  1. Will Thomas- Danny

  2. Lance MacLennan- Spoon

  3. Bret Wonnacott- Tic

Voted "Hottest Couple" that evening at the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

The annual “Rumble” in Roosevelt is always a trial that stands out on the Utah region spring trial calendar as a must attend. The Basin Crew, Lance, Brad, and friends always put on a great trial on grounds that differ a bit from our other trials. This difference in terrain brings excitement and diversity that keeps things interesting. You just never know what is going to happen at the Rumble, and this year was no exception. Early on the morning of Saturday, March 23, 2019, we gathered at the Pleasant Valley Hunting preserve to a chorus of Canada geese bellowing out their song in perfect harmony as they passed overhead. Under a perfect blue sky, the usual suspects were putting the final touches of preparation together. It wasn’t long before the fields were set and the dogs in the first brace were giving everything they had.

In A field Gary Chapman and His dog Jutta went 3/3 and a back to land in 3rd place. Brad Jenkins and Duece had a brilliant 4/4 run to score 808 only to be bested by Lance MacLennan and his dog, Chad who went 5/5 for 10006 to win.

B field would Shake out with Bret Wonnacott and Tic finishing in the third spot and Lance MacLennan placing second with Spoon and a 3/3 and a back to score 709.5. In the end, Will Thomas and Danny had the run of the day going 4/4 and scoring 731 for the win and their first ever in an NSTRA trial.

Will Thomas had his first ever placement eight long years ago. Since then it has been a long dry spell. Having a young family and other life responsibilities have kept him from trialing as much as he would like so he usually only makes it to one trial a year. His dog, Danny is an eight-year-old German Shorthair who has quite simply been a bird dog all his life. Will Said his first run wasn’t very good. So he wasn’t expecting much going into his last race of the day. Danny hit a point right out of the gate and before long had put 3 birds on the card. When Danny hit point on a fourth bird Will walked in excited and slightly worried he might miss. When the bird flushed, Will said he thought he let the bird get out there plenty far but when he pulled the trigger, the bird accelerated in a puff of feathers. The ever-reliable Danny still managed to complete the retrieve. It wasn’t until after the brace was over and he was going to put the dog away that Will realized that his 4/4 run was enough for first place. He was excited beyond words. It is easy for some of us to forget how emotional a first win can be. Will’s son, Preston was at the trial to witness the big victory. He was so excited that he insisted to be the one that broke the big news to mom. When they got home, Preston proudly carried the plaque into his mother, Cynthia who was shocked. In her response to seeing they had won first prize. She said to Will, “You seriously won? I thought you were just going to waste another $80.”

Will didn’t say if this would inspire him to compete more or not, but something tells me we might see a little more of Will, Preston and their dog Danny.

On Sunday the trial would continue even though the rain was falling as the first brace started. The weather would hand us everything from rain to wind to sunshine and back as the day rolled on.

In A filed Troy Anderson and his veteran pointer Ditch had a 5/5 run in the second brace to score 1039 that left everyone else playing for second place. Ditch now only needs two points to reach the Status of NSTRA Champion. We are all pulling for Mr. Ditch. Bret Wonnacott and Tic had a 4/3 run that was good enough for second, and Lance Hansen’s Nellie finished in third place.

B field finished with a tie between Dennis Haggard’s Yash and Rocky Mountain Region’s Lance Maclennan with Lippy for third place. After the 2 bird 15-minute tiebreaker, Lance and Lippy came out on top landing in the 3rd place Spot. The time tested team of Tracy Neilson, and Cheeto found their place on the stand finishing in second place.

After all was said and done, Lance Hansen and Nelli had the run of the day going 5/5 for a total of 948 to get the win.

For Lance Hansen and Nelli, it probably felt as though they would never get a placement. It was a long time coming. It is fitting they would get a third and a first place on the same day. For Nelli, things haven’t ever been easy. Lance is her second owner. In her first home, she was given little opportunity, and circumstances left her with very little training or development for the first year. For the most part, she sat in a kennel. Lance had just lost his bird dog to old age so when he was offered Nelli, he happily accepted. Inspired by Kyle Oxborrow and Brandon Downs he decided to take her training to a level he had not previously attempted with his other dogs. After a time Lance and Nelli entered a NSTRA trial and had so much fun Lance decided to really work at it. Work at it they did, but trial after trial he saw only small improvements. It had to be discouraging when at the end of the second season they still didn’t have a placement.

Even so neither man nor dog gave up. Finally, at the 2019 Roosevelt Rumble in the middle of their third season running in brace ten the magic happened. The scent of that elusive fourth bird found its way to Nelli’s nose, and she pointed. Shortly after, as if it were a stroke of fate Nelli stopped and stood point over a fifth bird. Lances heart was racing as he attempted the flush. After going this long without a placement, he was worried either he or the dog would make a mistake and blow it. The training paid off, and they scored big with the bird that would give them their first win. Congratulations to Lance and Nelli! How sweet it is!

Our next trial is Best of The West. Tune those dogs up friends the competition at this one is always top notch. See you there!


Sunday 2/24 A Field

  1. Troy Anderson-Ditch

  2. Bret Wonnacott-Tic

  3. Lance Hansen-Nelli

Sunday 2/24 B Field

  1. Lance Hansen-Nelli

  2. Tracy Neilson-Cheeto

  3. Lance MacLennan- Lippy