Frozen Toes Results 12-2014


It was still dark when the steady stream of headlights started rolling up the hill to the trial grounds in Newton Utah. As the sky went from black to gray and the early morning light turned the world from gray scale to color preparations were nearing completion, and it was obvious there were to be no frozen toes at this trial. The usual December cold, snowy, and frozen fields of Cache Valley Utah had offered us a rare and unseasonably warm weekend for trialing. Most would say the weather was as perfect as it could get in December. Recently it doesn't seem like we ever trial in weather that is anything between very cold and snowy to completely hot and blistering. How wonderful to spend such a weekend with friends.

These days every trial it seems like the competition within the region gets a little more stiff. To top it off we had several out of state friends visit us that brought in really nice dogs and pushed the level of competition even further. The stage was set for a really good time and the weekend didn't disappoint.

On Saturday in A field our friend Steve Witz from The North West region had the run of the day with his wonderful red setter “Pal” to edge out the continually impressive “Ben” owned by Shane Neilson. Robert Wimpenny had a nice run with the beautifully sleek black GSP, “Kelly” to get the third place spot. Dan Felter filled in the final four with Billi.

In B field Saturday, Rocky Mountain Region's Zane Mowers would rule the day with a dominant run by “Tish” to come in first and another really nice run with “Bobby”that would end up third. Only Rhett Collin's would manage to get on the same podium with Zane on this day. Rhett's dog Maggie had a great second place run, and he also had a fourth place run with “Gunner” to fill out the bragging rights. Im not sure Ive seen all four placements in a field by only two handlers before.

On Sunday in A field Bret Wonnacott's “Tic” had the top run to win the field and complete his 2XCH, Angie Wonnacott's leggy dog Sunnie came in second, Steve Witz's dog Cherry ran with her usual grace and style coming in third.

In B field on Saturday the always Tough “Cheeto” showed her strength with Lance Neilson handling to win the field and It was good to see Darin Gardner's Zeb find a way to get that second place. Zeb is a really nice up and coming dog. Steve Witz and Pal had another nice showing to get back into the top three again. Lance had another great run with R2 to get 4th place. We also want to recognize Brett Ure and his dog “Cash” they had some really impressive scores during a 3/3 run in B field. The scores were F-98/R-87, F-96/ R-87, F-96/R-87 I don't care who you or where you are from that is good dog work. Nice job Brett and Cash!

We want to thank all those that came out to the first trial of the season. We hope to see everyone for the next trial at Wasatch Wing and Clay near Lehi Utah on January 10th and 11th of 2015.

Also get your dogs in early for Best Of the West, April 17-19, 2015 this triple/triple will fill early.


Pal - Steve Witz

Ben - Shane Neilson

Kelly- Robert Wimpenny

Billi- Dan Felter


Tish - Zane mowers

Maggie - Rhett Collins

Bobby - Zane mowers

Gunner - Rhett Collins


Tic - Bret Wonnacott

Sunnie-Bret Wonnacott

Cherry - Steve Witz

Ben - Shane Neilson


Cheeto - Lance Neilson

Zen - Darin Gardner

Pal - Steve Witz

R2 - Lance Neilson