2022 "St. Patrick's Day" Trial Results


What are the two most popular Irish luck quotes?

“Wherever you go, whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish be there with you!”

Not certain if any of us in our Utah Region of NSTRA have Irish roots or not, however as we all ascended upon our familiar Pole Canyon trial grounds near Cedar Fort, UT we were all hoping for a little “luck of the Irish” to be with us this weekend. Our St. Patrick’s Day Trial was going to be another great opportunity to spend time together as friends and family doing what we love, running our dogs. It was going to be quite a difference in weather patterns for the weekend, a typical Utah spring. Saturday we would have great weather where we would be in short sleeve shirts enjoying the sun, while Sunday turned out to be a winter wonderland at times. All in all, it was a great event with amazing dog work and fun had by all. Thanks to an amazing group of people that made this event happen, we appreciate our trial chairman Spencer Johnson for his hard work this weekend.


The A field on Saturday would be judged by Rich Lowe and Lance Hansen. In the first brace of the day, we would have Bret Wonnacott and his dog Snaps. They would have a great run finding 3 birds in the field as well as a back, this would give them a final score of 727 taking home 3rd place for the day. In the 13th brace of the day Ryley Johnson and his young dog Sox would have a fantastic run where they were able to put 4 birds on the card for a final score of 737 giving them another placement on the season and a 2nd place finish. Nice job Ryley and Sox! In the very next brace on the day Ryan Taylor and his beautiful setter Prince would come to the line hoping for a great run. When it was all said and done, they would go on to find 4 birds in the field. Prince’s scores were very high, as they usually are being such a stylish dog. These scores would help in giving him the run of the day in A field and a 1st place finish. Nice job Ryan and Prince, you are both a joy to watch work in the field.


Our B field on Saturday was judged by Angie Wonnacott and Layne Peterson, thank you for being gracious enough to judge. In brace 8 on the day, we would have Bret Wonnacott and his setter Snaps have another great run on the day. They would go on to find 3 birds as well as a back off their bracemate for a final score of 713. This score would give them 3rd place and their second placement of the day, congrats! In the last brace of the day, we would have Joel Cartwright and his young dog Knox go out and put 4 birds on the card. Joel has been around this game for a long time and comes to us from the Montana region. We appreciate them joining us. Their final score was 868 which would secure them a 2nd place finish. Unfortunately, we were not able to get a picture of them on the podium, sorry Joel. Congrats on your placement! The run of the day would come from Bret and Sunnie, they would run in brace 6 and find 4 birds and go 4/4 and a back to score 880 and take home 1st place. Way to go Bret and Sunnie!


The A field on Sunday would be judged by Maureen Goodrich and Jared Haddock, thanks for your time! In brace 11 Rich Lowe and his young setter Zoey would have their first placement. Zoey has all the potential in the world to be one of the best up and comers in our region. They would find 4 birds and go 4/3 and a back for a score of 777 to take home 3rd place and their first placement as a duo. Nice work Rich! Ryan Taylor and Prince would run in brace 9 about the time the snowstorm rolled in and turned everything into a winter wonderland. This would change the scenting conditions and give them a great opportunity to put some points on the board. When the brace was over, they produced 6 birds and posted a score of 1115. We all thought this would have no chance of being bested, however it was and so they were able to hold on to 2nd place. Nice job Ryan and Prince! As the storm started to settle down and the snow stopped it would open an opportunity for the last brace of the day to capitalize on the tough conditions and find any extra birds in the field. Rox is Angie Wonnacott’s young setter and has only run in a couple of braces so far this year. As her husband Bret would handle Rox in the last brace they seem to find birds throughout the field. Rox has beautiful conformation and is going to be a force in the future. Bret and Rox would find 6 birds and have the run of the day in A field. Their score would come out to be 1122 and beat Ryan and Prince by 7 points to take home 1st place and Rox first placement. Way to go Bret and Rox!


The B field was judged by Bret Ure and Barratt Gorshe, we sure appreciate them judging in the tough conditions. Brace 7 would have Van Jacobsen and Jazz making a great run and finding 4 birds in the field. They would go 4/3 to finish with a score of 724 to take home 3rd place and their first placement on the year, great job. In brace 5 we would have Rich Lowe and Flash; his amazing setter have a great run. They would find 3 birds and go 3/3 and a back to score 727. This would be good enough for a 2nd place finish, nice work. The run of the day came right out of the gate in brace 1 where Bret Wonnacott and Snaps would again prove their dominance on the weekend to take home their third placement. This one though was bittersweet as it was a 1st place finish ending with a score of 861. Way to go Bret and Snaps on an incredible weekend!

The “Luck of the Irish” was with the setter handlers on Sunday as it was an all-long haired dog sweep across the board. It was another amazing trial for our Utah Region of NSTRA. Thank you to everyone that helped in any way, we appreciate all the hard work that goes into these trials. Thank you to our chairman Spencer Johnson, our judges, Rich, Lance, Layne, Angie, Jared, Maureen, Bret, and Barratt. Our Marshalls, Angie, and Maureen. And most importantly our membership for making this such a great region and coming out to have fun.

We look forward to the next one in a few weeks, see you then!

Utah Region Presidency and Board