2021 "Frozen Toes" Trial Results


Welcome Back!! We are excited to start the 21’-22’ season off right with our December Frozen Toes Trial in Newton, UT. These grounds are a familiar place for many of us to run dogs, and I believe I can speak for everyone when I say it is good to be back!

The weather forecast predicted a perfect weekend as we looked forward to spending time together with great people doing what we all love – running our dogs. As daylight was starting to approach, a line of vehicles made their way up the dirt road from the town of Newton, hopeful that this could be their day to have a great run. Judges were ready to go, and Glenn our longtime bird planter was at the ready. First brace handlers and dogs were eagerly waiting in the blind, calls were made to the line, and just like that our 21-22’ season was underway.

It is exciting to see so many new faces coming out to play. We have tried very hard to create an environment where people can feel welcome and be able to have the chance to learn and grow in our sport. We are very grateful and humbled to have so many wonderful new handlers and dogs joining our NSTRA family.


The A field on Saturday would be judged by Rich Lowe and Barratt Gorshe (thank you for being so willing to help). In brace 9 on the day, Troy Anderson and his pointer Rowdy would have a great run where they were able to find 3 birds and a back for a final score of 689.5, which would prove good enough to take home 3rd place. Tracy Neilson and his young setter Sage would find 4 birds and a back in brace 12 for a final score of 896 to take home second place. The run of the day was in brace 5 when Lance Hansen and his shorthair Nelli would be lucky enough to find 6 birds and a score of 1043.5 to win the field. Congrats to all!


B Field was judged by Bret Wonnacott and Maureen Goodrich. They did a phenomenal job so thank you for being willing to judge. In the second brace of the morning Troy Anderson and Rowdy would yet again have another great run, finding 4 birds and a score of 776 to give them their second placement on the day with another 3rd place finish. Brace 6 would find Kelly Irons and his shorthair Cinder cleaning up the field with 5 finds and 5 retrieves for a score of 867 to take home 2nd place. But the run of the day in B field would belong to Jared Haddock and Boone. In the 13th and last brace of the day they would go out and produce 5 birds receiving a score of 943 to take home 1st place in B field. Nice work everyone!


Sunday would prove to be another amazing day with great competition. We would have Bret Ure and Cade Allen judging for us, we sure appreciate their help as they are always so willing to help where needed. In the last brace of the day, we would see Braydon Whiteley and his liver shorthair Roan have an awesome run where they located 4 birds. They were also lucky enough to get a back off their bracemate, which helped then get a score of 803.5 for 3rd place. In the first brace of the day Ernie Wakabayashi and his little go getter Brittany Fisher tore up the field finding 5 birds to score 839 to take home 2nd place. But the run of the day would take place in brace 11 where Andy Johnson and his awesome dog Gus would find 4 birds and get a back to win the field and take-home 1st place. Nice job Andy and Gus, congrats!!


The B field was judged by Angie Wonnacott and Barratt Gorshe, thanks for all your hard work! In the last brace of the day, we would have long time player Art Trujillo show us what his incredible Wirehair could do. If you have ever watched them run it is a thing of beauty. Hank is one of the most obedient dogs you will see. They were able to find 4 birds and receive a score of 810 that would take home 3rd place and put Art back on the podium, it is good to have you back Art! Brace 10 on the day would have 5X NSTRA champion Sunnie showing us all how it is done with a great run finding 4 birds and a final score of 820.3 to take home 2nd place. Sunnie now has 98 points in her career, 2 away from 100 which is just incredible. I am sure she will get to 100 soon, nice job. The run of the day was in brace 4 where Braydon Whiteley and Sox would find 6 birds and go 6/4 to have a score of 976 on the card. Heck of a run to win the field and take-home 1st place!

Thank you to everyone that helped in anyway, judging, marshalling, planting, setting the fields, or being there to support our region. We could not do it without the help of all of you, so thank you! We look forward to our next trial which will be in February, so please watch out for more information as we get closer. See you all next time!!


Utah Region Presidency and Board