2013 Regional Elimination

2014 Utah Regional Elimination Trial

2014 Region Champion Art Trujillo and Asia

1st runner up Bret wonacott Tic

2nd runner up Matt Zolt's Annie

Elimination Round

1st Art Trujillo - Asia

2nd Jason Wilde - Gabby

3rd Troy Anderson - Guss

Twenty Four of the regions top dogs, and handlers met at the trial grounds near Newton, Utah on the 21st of June 2014 for our regions annual Regional Elimination Trial. Judges Arnie Sulivan and Jerry Yumans had traveled from the North West Region to judge. We want to thank them for being so willing to travel to help us with our trial. It is guys like these that keep NSTRA strong in the west. The first brace was out shortly after seven and scenting conditions proved to be tough already. It was easy to see after two or three braces the finds would be few and far between on this day. Many runs only produces one or two birds between brace mates.

At lunch club business was discussed and we paid tribute to our president Maureen Goodrich for the exceptional work she does for our region. I don’t know how she does it but I am grateful that she does. We surprised her by presenting her with a nice Browning shotgun. It was fun for us to give a little something to someone who gives so much for us. I trust she will keep the mud out of this guns checkering.

It was announced that high point dog would be a split with Tracy Neilson's dog Cheeto ending with exactly the same amount of in region points as Bret Wonnacott's Tic. They will both be given an award for the accomplishment. It certainly was a competitive high point race this year. Congratulations to Tracy and Cheeto for accomplishing such a feat Cheeto is certainly a fine dog. Nice job Tic for getting there two years in a row.

After lunch the rest of the braces were ran and all scores were tallied it was obvious who was on top. Art Trujillos dog Asia rose to the top of the elimination round with a 5/4 scoring 912 in the poor scenting conditions leaving everyone else in the Newton dust. Asia earned enough points with that win to put herself in exclusive company as a 2XCH from the Utah region. Jason Wilde and Gabby finished elimination in second place with 2/2 for 465. Troy Anderson and Gus got third with another 2/2 for 450. The round of six looked like this.

    1. Art Trujillo/ Asia /912

    2. Jason wilde/ Gabby /465

    3. Troy Anderson/ Guss / 450

    4. Chad Jones/ Doc /421

    5. Bret Wonnacott / Tic /379.5

    6. Matt Zolts / Annie / 368

After the three braces to decide the championship brace, last years champion Tic's run scored best with 2/2 and a back 470.5. Asia was second with 2/2 435, and the contestants for the one hour brace were set.

The two dogs and handlers entered the field for a long and difficult championship run. Tic worked hard in the heat, but Asia showed the wisdom of her age and was the dog finding birds. Art Trujillo and Asia proved to be the best on that day and won decisively.

As a region we would like to congratulate Art and Asia on a job well done. Asia has had a great Career in NSTRA and this day seemed hers to shine. It is amazing to think she 2x Championed and won the regional on the same day. Art has said several times he is retiring her, but maybe she should go for 3x. She certainly dominated all the young dogs this day proving a little gray hair on the muzzle is not going to slow her down. I have a feeling we just might have to run against her again.