2023 March Madness Trial Results


MARCH 4TH-5TH, 2023


It is March here in our beautiful state of Utah and that means warmer weather and springtime.  Haha, yea right, we should know better than that.  We have had one of the snowiest winters on record here in Utah, it is much needed, but I think we are all ready for the warmer weather.  Our March Madness trial would look more like our Frozen Toes trial we hold each December with snow still on the ground and very cold temperatures.  But we would push forward and have a fantastic trial with great people and great dogs.  We had some veteran’s do well and take home several placements, as well as some newcomers do well and get their first opportunity at the podium.  Despite the muddy road to the grounds, we had an extremely successful event, and we wanted to say thanks to everyone that participated.  We especially wanted to thank our trial chairman Spencer Johnson for all his hard work, along with the judges, bird planters, and trial officials…. THANK YOU!!




Lance Hansen

Barratt Gorshe


1st Place – Rox – Bret Wonnacott – Score = 1003

2nd Place – Rip – Ryley Johnson – Score = 866

3rd Place – Boone – Jared Haddock – Score = 827


Bret Wonnacott and his wife Angie’s dog Rox had the run of the day with 5 finds on the card, they received excellent scores that would result in them taking first place with a score of 1003.  Excellent work!


Ryley Johnson would handle 1X NSTRA Champion Rip to 4 finds and a back that would result in a score of 866.  This score would give them a second-place finish, great job Ryley and Rip.


Jared Haddock and his 2X NSTRA Champion Boone would also have 4 finds and a back to give them a final score of 827 that would give them a third-place finish, nice work.



Angie Wonnacott

Dennis Haggard


1st Place – Prince – Ryan Taylor – Score = 936.75

2nd Place – Snaps – Bret Wonnacott – Score = 807

3rd Place – Sox – Ryley Johnson – Score = 780.5


Ryan Taylor and his beautiful setter Prince would have the run of the day where they would find 5 birds, their final score was tallied up at 936.75, taking home first place.  Excellent job Ryan and Prince.


Bret Wonnacott and Snaps would have a great run where they would put 4 birds on the card and end their bid with a final score of 807, which would give them second place, way to go!


Ryley Johnson and his shorthair Sox would put together a nice run finding 4 birds in the field and ending their run with a final score of 780.5 giving them the third-place finish, great work!



Rich Lowe

Kelly Irons


1st Place – Rox – Bret Wonnacott – Score = 856.5

2nd Place – Jersey – Jared Haddock – Score = 830.16

3rd Place – Sage – Tracy Neilson – Score = 767.5


Bret Wonnacott and Rox had yet another amazing run on the weekend that would give them another first place finish.  In the A field on Sunday, they found 4 birds giving them a final score of 856.5.  Great weekend for Bret and Rox!


Jared Haddock and his young Brittany Jersey had an excellent run finding 4 birds and ending their run with a score of 830.16 giving them second place and Jersey first placement, great job you two!  I am sure we will see a lot more of Jersey on the podium in the future.


Veteran player Tracy Neilson and his setter Sage had a great run finding 3 birds and getting a back off their bracemate.  That would result in a final score of 767.5 which would be enough to take home third place, great work!  It is nice to see them back on the podium.



Maureen Goodrich

Barratt Gorshe


1st Place – Ruger – Bruce Swanson – Score = 873

2nd Place – Snaps – Bret Wonnacott – Score = 807

3rd Place – Cash – Todd Nebeker – Score = 752


Bruce Swanson and his Wirehair Ruger would tear up the field finding 4 birds, they also had a back which would make their final score 873, this would hold on to first place for this duo, great work Bruce and Ruger!


Bret Wonnacott and Snaps would have another great run on the weekend that would result in a second-place finish.  In B field they would find 4 birds and a back to give them 807 as a final score.  Nice work Bret and Snaps.


Todd Nebeker and his setter Cash would have their best run ever where they located 4 birds and ended their run with a final score of 752, excellent work you two.  It is so awesome to see all your hard work start to pay off.


Todd Nebeker and Cash


If you have had the pleasure of getting to know Todd Nebeker then you know he is one of the nicest and greatest guys around.  He has been coming out to our trials for the last couple seasons, and it has been a pleasure for our region to have him participate.  Todd has put a lot of work into his dog Cash, and it is starting to show as they had their best run ever and were able to take home their first placement.  I cannot express how excited we all were to see the smile on Todd’s face as they were able to hold on to 3rd place and get on the podium.  Great job Todd and Cash, we hope this is the start of many placements to come, we look forward to the future!

Thanks again to all of those that worked so hard to make this trial happen.  We appreciate everyone’s willingness to always help where needed.  We look forward to the next trial in 3 weeks as we take on the Royal Creek Ranch in Rush Valley, it should be a great time with great people. 


We will see you at the next one!



Utah Region Presidency and Board