2023 Ground Hog Trial Results

2023 Ground Hog Trial

February 18th-19th, 2023

Cedar Fort, UT

It has been quite a long winter here is Utah, we have had much needed moisture throughout the winter season but it has made for what has felt like an extra long winter season.  As we all start to get spring fever in hopes of the weather warming up, it is always fun to have our Ground Hog trial to look forward to.  It means that spring is almost here and trial season will be underway.  This year's Ground Hog trial would turn into a muddy, mucky mess to reach our Pole Canyon trial grounds.  I am sure each person that drove out to the grounds will have to spend an hour at the car wash spraying off their vehicle.... :).   It was all worth it though, we had an amazing trial with amazing people.  Our region is the best because of the warm, wonderful, welcoming people that make it so enjoyable.  

The morning's would start out very cold, and then it would give way to a nice sun shiny day that would thaw the ground out and make it a tough walk around the field for the handlers.  We made the best of the situation we were dealt and had some great dog work and some great scores.  We want to thank everyone that worked so hard to make this trial happen.  We appreciate the Judges, Marshall's, Bird Planters, and all those that came out to support our region.


The A field was judged by Angie Wonnacott and Barratt Gorshe.  In the 11th brace of the day, Rich Lowe and his flashy setter Zoey would make a great run and go 4/3.   They were lucky enough to get a back off of their bracemate to end their bid with a score of 741.6 to take home 3rd place, nice work.  Bret Wonnacott and Snaps would come to the line in brace 5 where they would go 3/3 and get a back.  They had very high scores that resulted in a great final score of 746 to take home 2nd place.  Great job Bret and Snaps.  The run of the day was in the very first brace where Kelly Irons and his shorthair Annie where they went 4/4 and a back to get the win with a final score of 879.5.  This performance would put them at the top of the podium.  They are also leading our high point standings for the season with this win.  Great work Kelly and Annie!


The B field was judged by Dennis Haggard and Josh Morris.   In brace 8 we would have newcomer Quinn Inwards and his snappy wirehair Jade make a splash with their first run ever in NSTRA.  They went 3/3 and had fantastic scores on the card, their final score of 660 would be good enough to take home 3rd place.  I have a feeling we will be seeing plenty more of them on the podium in the future, great job Quinn and Jade.  In brace 9 Joel Cartwright and his wirehair Knox would put on a show and find 4 birds.  Their final score was 787 which would put them in 2nd place, Knox is young and is turning out to be an incredible bird finder, great work.   The run of the day came from Cade Allen and his Brittany Annie in the very first brace of the day.  They went 4/4 and a back to secure the win and take their place atop the podium.  With this win Annie now has all of her first place points towards her championship.  I am sure it won't be long until they get there.  Nice work Cade and Annie!


The A field on Sunday was judged by Maureen Goodrich and Barratt Gorshe.  In brace 4 on the day Braydon Whiteley and his shorthair Roan would have a fantastic run where they were able to locate 4 birds.  They ended the run with a score of 784.5 which would hold on to a 3rd place finish.  Nice work!  In the last brace on the day we would have Gavin Cook and his liver and white Brittany Lilly have an incredible run of 4/4 and a back to end with a final score of 851.33 to take home 2nd place and their second placement on the day.  Incredible day Gavin, we will have more to say on this later.  The run of the day was in brace 13 where Lance Hansen and Rip were lucky enough to find 5 birds and take home first place with a final score of 931.  With this win it gave them enough points to earn a championship on Rip.


The B field on Sunday was judged by Troy Anderson and Lance Neilson.   In brace 6 Cade Allen and his dog Annie would have another great run on the weekend and find 3 birds, securing 3rd place and their second placement of the weekend.  Their final score was 648.5,  great job.  In brace 3 on the morning Bret Wonnacott and his setter Snaps would dominate and find 3 birds giving them a final score of 679 to take home 2nd place and give them their second placement on the weekend.  Always a pleasure to see them on the podium.  The run of the day in B field would come from Gavin Cook and his Brittany Lilly, they have been learning and growing in the sport and it would all come together for them on this day.  They got the win in B field finding 4 birds and a final score of 721.  That first NSTRA win is the sweetest, way to go Gavin and Lilly!!


We just wanted to make a special effort to highlight one of our up and coming contenders.  Gavin Cook and his Brittany Lilly who put on quite a show this weekend.  Gavin is 18 years old and has been coming out to our events for a few years now.  He has been working hard and learning the game and all that hard work is starting to pay off.   It has been a joy for our region to watch his development.  This is why we have one of the greatest regions in the organization.  Our goal as a region is to help the younger generation learn and further our sport so that it can continue for generations to come.  This is truly what it is all about and we are proud of Gavin and Lilly!!  Keep an eye out for them in the future as the are going to be a force to be reckon with, keep it up kid!!

Thanks again to everyone that made this trial happen.  Thanks to all the trial workers and members that took time to assist and help in anyway, this region could not run the way it is without each and everyone of you.  We look forward to the next trial in two weeks.  Get those dogs tuned up as it will be another fun weekend of running dogs!


Utah Region Presidency and Board