2022 Regional Championship

MAY 14TH, 2022


For the Utah region of NSTRA it has been a very successful but challenging season at times for us. We had more trials planned for this season than ever before, and it would be tough to pull off a successful season. We would deal with bird issues where we would have contracted birds die, we would have our biggest trial Best of the West get cancelled due to the Avian Influenza going around. We were presented with challenges all year long. However, we forged ahead and had one of the best seasons our region has ever seen.

It was May 14th, 2022, and it was time to gather for our year end trial where we would crown our new champion for the 21-22’ season. The trial would be held at our famous grounds just northeast of the town of Newton, UT. We invited our National Officer Nance Ceccarelli and her husband Paul to come down and judge the trial for us, we cannot express our gratitude enough for their willingness to do so. It was an honor and pleasure to have them come down and join us for a great trial.

As tradition would have it, this trial would prove to be a long, hot, and windy day. This year was no different as the conditions would be changing throughout most of the day, which would make it a challenge for the dogs. This is an invitation only trial which makes a very competitive event with great dogs and handlers showing great dog work and sportsmanship. As the sun began to peak over the mountains to the east of Cache Valley the trial was underway, each handler was hoping to have a good enough run to make it to the next round.


In the first brace of the first round, we would have Jared Haddock and his 2X NSTRA Champion Brittany Boone have a run finding 4 birds and a final score of 753.5. This would set the bar high for the rest of the field to follow throughout the day. In the second brace of the day, we would have another great run from the defending champion Bret Wonnacott and his setter Snaps. Snaps would find 4 birds throughout the brace that would give him and Bret a final score of 828. The hot streak would continue early on as Cade Allen and his 1X NSTRA Champion Brittany Bo would also find 4 birds in their brace that would end with a great score of 813.5 and be good enough to have them move into the next round. In brace 5 Dennis Haggard and his Drahthaar Yash would show us what a great bird finder Yash can be. They would produce 4 birds and finish with a score of 768.33 to secure their place in the top 6. Brace 7 would have Lance Hansen and his shorthair Rip put 3 birds on the card that would give them a final score of 636, this would prove enough to have them just make it in the top 6 and move on. Brace 8 we would have longtime player Art Trujillo and his amazing dog Hank have the run of the day in the opening round by finding 4 birds as well as having a back off their bracemate. Their final score was 886.66 to secure first place in the opening round.

After round 1 here is your top 6 placements with 1st through 3rd pictured:

1st Place – Hank/Art Trujillo

2nd Place – Snaps/Bret Wonnacott

3rd Place – Bo/Cade Allen

4th Place – Yash/Dennis Haggard

5th Place – Boone/Jared Haddock

6th Place – Rip/Lance Hansen


After round 1 was complete we took a quick break for lunch and to complete the draw for the Semi-final round. The draw for the next round would be as follows:

1-Hank/Art Trujillo

1-Boone/Jared Haddock

2-Snaps/Bret Wonnacott

2-Rip/Lance Hansen

3-Yash/Dennis Haggard

3-Bo/Cade Allen

After the break we would start the next round with Art and Hank running against Jared and Boone. Both dogs broke away with great desire and stamina that was needed to continue and win this trial. Hank was able to locate 2 birds and have great scores. They would lead to a final score of 476. Boone would locate 1 bird and get a back off Hank that would end their bid with a score of 309.

Next brace would be our defending champion Snaps and Bret trying to repeat as our region champ. They would run against Rip and Lance who were hoping for a great run. Snaps had 2 finds in the brace that would give him a score of 480.5. Rip would also find 2 birds but was also able to have a back off Snaps that would prove to be the difference in the brace. Their final score was 533.

The last brace of the Semi-final round would be longtime buddies Dennis and Cade going head-to-head to see if they could make it into that final round. Bo would have 2 finds and a back off Yash for a final score of 511. Yash would tear up the field and find 4 birds to secure a place in the final with a score of 726.5, congrats Dennis and Yash.

Once the scores were tallied up it was clear that the two top scores by Rip and Lance and Dennis and Yash would prove to be enough to have them move on to the final hour-long championship for crown the regional winner.

Lance or Dennis had never been lucky enough to make it this far in the elimination trial before, it was fun to see and watch. The final brace would be a grueling hour in tough conditions. There would be 10 birds placed in the field and whichever dog could come out with the highest score would be declared the winner.

Here are the scores after round 2:

Yash/Dennis Haggard – 726.5

Rip/Lance Hansen – 533

Bo/Cade Allen – 511

Snaps/Bret Wonnacott – 480.5

Hank/Art Trujillo – 476

Boone/Jared Haddock – 309


The final hour was set between Dennis and Yash and Lance and Rip. It would be a tough hour in tough conditions with dogs and handlers that were spent.

The field was set with new boundaries to open it up to around 60-70 acres, this would take every bit of energy both dogs would have to cover the field and find birds. The field was then planted with 10 birds, Dennis and Lance stepped to the line to try one last time to give it everything they had and take home the championship.

Both dogs broke away from the line with renewed energy and vigor to give the best performance they could give. As both dogs covered the field each dog would start off with a find. They would then continue to head to the far corners of the field where each dog would again produce a bird. As time went on throughout the brace the conditions seemed impossible to overcome and birds were scarce. As time ran out both dogs and handlers made their way back to the gallery not knowing who had put more birds on the card. The judges handed the score cards to the marshal’s knowing that it was going to be a very close score. In fact, it was so close that we thought there may be a chance it would end in a tie and there would need to be a sudden death run-off.

As the scores were added up it still was not clear who may be the winner, both handlers shook hands and knew they had given it everything they had. Maureen gathered everyone to make the final announcement of the winner. She would let everyone know that this was the closest score we had ever seen as a region. The winner and runner-up were separated by 2 points which left everyone in shock.

As Maureen made the official announcement to the gallery it was official. Lance Hansen and High West Super Sonic Rip – “Rip” is your 2022 Utah Regional Champion!!

Congrats to Lance and Rip and especially Dennis and Yash for one heck of a final hour.

There were two great accomplishments that came out of that final hour, Rip had won the Regional and Yash had earned enough points to become a NSTRA Champion. Congrats to the both of you for such a great end to our season!






Here is your final 6 in order:

1st Place – Rip/Lance Hansen

1st Runner-up – Yash/Dennis Haggard

2nd Runner-up – Bo/Cade Allen

3rd Runner-up – Snaps/Bret Wonnacott

4th Runner-up – Hank/Art Trujillo

5th Runner-up – Boone/Jared Haddock






Boone and Jared accumulated 12 points during the season making them the Utah Region High point dog. Congrats to the both of you on a great year!







Dennis and Yash had one heck of a season. They were able to complete their first NSTRA Championship and become the 2nd Drahthaar to ever complete this accomplishment in the history of NSTRA. Congrats to the both of you on one heck of a season and what you do for our sport!






Jared and Boone were able to complete their 2X Championship this season by traveling to the home of NSTRA in Amo, IN and take a first place in the opening round of the Trial of Champions. Congrats to the both of you on an exceptional season!!

Carley's Rocket Syra


We would also like to take this time as a region to offer our sincerest condolences to Jay Carley on the recent loss of “Syra”. She was an amazing dog that will be truly missed in our region. Jay, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers on the loss of this amazing dog.

Thank you to everyone in our region for help making this a season we will never forget. Thanks to all those that judged, chaired a trial, help plant birds, provide lunches and food. This region is what it is because of our members, we have the best little region in the sport, and we are proud of what we have built in Utah. We look forward to the future of this sport in our area and region. Thanks to everyone for your patience as we struggled with bird issues and planning at times, we have learned and grown over this season and the future looks bright! See you all next year!!

Utah Region Presidency & Board