2022 Frozen Toes Trial Results



DECEMBER 3RD - 4TH, 2022


Welcome to the 2022-23’ season of Utah NSTRA! The anticipation during our off season here in Utah was building as we prepared for the new season and upcoming trial, we like to call the Frozen Toes Trial. Every December we hold this trial at our familiar grounds in Newton, UT. We watched the forecast closely as it threatened to be nasty, cold, and wet. However, we were pleasantly surprised as the weather turned out to be fantastic and the forecasted storms were better than anticipated. It would be chilly, but that would not stop our region from putting on another spectacular event.

As Saturday morning approached there were a line of vehicles headed up the road to the trial grounds. The name “Frozen Toes” Trial would seem very appropriate on this morning as the temperature reading was -1 to start off the day. Our awesome judges bundled up warm for what would be a long day in the cold weather, thanks to each of them for their time and effort in the freezing temperatures.


The A Field on Saturday was judged by Maureen Goodrich and Cade Allen, very experienced judges and we appreciate their time. In the 11th brace of the day, we would have Lynn Jeffers and his amazing Brittany Oakley put on a show where they located 4 birds and had great work to give them a final score of 754 to take home 3rd place, nice work Lynn and Oakley. Brace 7 would have Andy Johnson and his incredible Drahthaar Gus find 4 birds. Their bird work would lead to excellent scores that would prove the difference in them being able to take 2nd place in the field. Way to go Andy and Gus! The run of the day would take place in the 10th brace where our defending regional champion Rip with handler Lance Hansen would tear up the field finding 5 birds. Their final score would be 948 and take home a 1st place finish. Nice job to all the competitors.


The B Field on Saturday was judged by Rich Lowe and Kelly Irons, we sure appreciate their willingness to help and judge for us. In brace 11 we would have Ernie Wakabayashi and his young setter Boon have an awesome run finding 3 birds in the field. They also had a back which got a perfect score of 75, that would help propel them to 3rd place. This was also the first trial that Ernie has ran Boon, I have a feeling we will be seeing plenty of this team competing in the future. Brace 3 would have Lynn Jeffers and his beautiful Brittany Oakley have another great run on the day. They found 4 birds and took home 2nd place which gave them their second placement on the day. Heck of a job Lynn and Oakley, you are both becoming regulars on the podium. The run of the day would take place in brace 6 with 5X NSTRA Champion Sunnie (who is now 10 years old) show everyone how its done. She found 4 birds and had a back off her bracemate. This would give her and handler Bret Wonnacott a final score of 932.5 to take home another 1st place finish. With this placement I believe that puts her 2 points away from becoming a 6X champion. We have no doubt that she will get there soon, congrats Bret and Sunnie.


For our judging assignments on Sunday, we would have Angie Wonnacott and Lance Hansen help us out by judging the A Field. Thanks for your time. In brace 7 Spencer Johnson and his GSP Scout would have a great run where they found 4 birds. This gave them a final score of 720 and would help them get to the podium taking home 3rd place. Way to go Spencer and Scout, they are quite the team. The last brace on the day, brace 13 is where we would see Bruce Swanson and his wirehair Ruger make a dash for the podium by finding 4 birds and receiving a score of 771. This would give them 2nd place and Ruger’s first placement in NSTRA. Nice job Bruce and Ruger. The best run of the day would happen in brace 11 where Kelly Irons and his shorthair Cinder would go on a tear, they found 4 birds and capitalized on a back off their bracemate. That back would make the difference and give them the best score of the day with 787.3. Nice job Kelly and Cinder you had quite the day.


Our B Field on Sunday would be judged by Bret Ure and Barratt Gorshe, they did a fantastic job, and we appreciate their help. The 3rd brace in B field would have Kelly Irons and his dog Cinder give us their second great run on the day. They found 5 birds and ended with a final score of 845.5 to take home 3rd place and their second placement on the day. Brace 8 would give us an amazing run where Rich Lowe and his “Flashy” setter Flash would 4 birds. Their scores were amazing with several 90 point finds and retrieves on the card. Their final score was tallied up at 852 and would help them bring home 2nd place. Great work Rich and Flash. In brace 13, the last of the day we would see Kelly Irons and his shorthair Annie have the run of the day and find 5 birds, they were also able to get a back off their bracemate which would be the difference in scores. They ended with a score of 860.5 and took home 1st place, way to go Kelly and Annie. Kelly had quite the day with his dogs taking home 3 different placements, heck of a day Kelly!

Thank you to everyone in our region for all your hard work putting on another amazing trial, we could not do this without each one of you. Thank you to all those that came out to compete, we have a lot of exciting things happening in our region and this looks to be one of our best seasons yet. Please keep a close eye on our region website for information on our upcoming spring season, these trials seem to fill up very fast so please be proactive and keep yourself in the loop.

See you in February and our next trial!

Utah Region Presidency & Board Members