Boat Charter

We offer chartered boat service in Utah's lakes and reservoirs. Our surf boats are handle 12 riders for a day on the lake.

Leave the driving, boat launch and dock, and hassle to us. We offer van service to and from the lake.

"Thanks for being a part of the Wasatch Backcountry Alliance Shuttle Day. Our goal is to demonstrate transportation solutions exist today that can reduce traffic congestion in the Cottonwood Canyons. As dispersed users in the Wasatch, we want to lead by example - thank you for being a part of it!"

Reservations are required, but free for friends of WBA

1. Sign up and select time. On this page (see below)

2. Day of event, park and sign in. Look for our tent between Smiths Fuel and Arctic Circle. 3470 East Bengal Blvd.

3. Load shuttle at time selected Starting 7:00 am (Please be ready to load at the time)

4. Exit shuttle. Make sure you are on the list so we can make sure we don't lose you!

5. Take a few laps.

6. Return in shuttle. Call or flag down one of the UTAH MOUNTAIN SHUTTLE Sprinter vans.

private rides available

call 801-808-1367