2020 Conference

2020 USC-UCLA Conference

February 22, 2020

USC School of Philosophy, Mudd Hall of Philosophy


Conference Organizers

Samuel Pensler (UCLA), Kyle Scott (UCLA), Andrew Stewart (USC), Mahmoud Jalloh (USC)




Conference Program


9:00-10:00am              Breakfast


10:00-11:00am            Brian Porter (CUNY)

                                         “Evolutionary Debunking Arguments and Modal Beliefs”

                                    Chair: Paul Talma (UCLA)

                                    Comments: Philip Li (USC)


11:15-12:15pm            Karen Rice (Georgetown)

                                         “Relational Estrangement: Prudent Failure, Communicative 

                                         Silence, and Ongoing Breakage”

                                    Chair: Sean Donahue (USC)

                                    Comments: Jasmine Gunkel (USC)


12:15-1:30pm              Lunch


1:30-2:30pm                Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt (MIT)

                                          “Thing Causation and the Problem of Fineness of Grain”

                                     Chair: Brian Haas (USC)

                                     Comments: Torsten Odland (UCLA)


2:45-3:45pm                Taylor Rogers (Northwestern)

                                          “Knowing How to Feel: Racism, Resilience, and Affective Resistance”

                                     Chair: Ally Peabody Smith (UCLA) 

                                     Comments: Laura Nicoara (USC)


4:00-5:30pm                Keynote Address: Gideon Rosen (Princeton)

                                                  “Punishment and Consent”

For more information, please contact uscucla.conference@gmail.com.