Poster Presentation Event
The culmination of the URB@N scheme for each year is a poster presentation session. Students are asked to produce an academic poster about their research project. Copies of previous posters are available under Previous Projects.
National conferences
Previous URB@N projects have lead to a number of presentations at national conferences. Some of these have involved the students presenting along with their academic supervisor. In other cases, the findings from the URB@N projects have contributed to larger ongoing research which has been presented.
Examples have included:
British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Conference
ALT conference
Aim Higher event
Employer Engagement event
Publications and presentations about URB@N
The URB@N scheme at UoN has been disseminated at various national and international events. This has included:
RAISE conference
HEA/Advance HE events
Students as Partners events
Additionally, there are several publications arising from URB@N. Examples include: