Updated Note: we have already selected our fellows for the University of Toronto Mohs Fellowship for the years 2022 (july)-2023 (june). The next available position will be starting July 1, 2024  

Who, what, where?                                                                 Link to General Information about U of T Dermatology Fellowships


The University of Toronto program is an official one year fellowship accredited by the American College of Mohs Surgeons (ACMS, http://www.mohscollege.org). It follows all the rules and regulations outlined by the ACMS fellowship guidelines (ACMS fellowship rules) and also falls within the rules of University of Toronto post-graduate training. Here is a link to our clinic (Mohs Clinic link) which has general information on our practice and team. We are academic Dermatologists and Mohs Surgeons who work at Women's College Hospital within the University of Toronto. 

Although there is no firm deadline outside of the SFmatch timeline, we generally review all material for the last time about a month before the SFmatch rank list is due. 

When and how do people become fellows?


We are part of the SF match for Mohs Surgery (www.sfmatch.org), and therefore you must enroll in the SF match to be considered for our fellowship. Registration with the SFmatch for candidates begins in May, interviews are conducted in the Fall (although not all candidates who we will rank will need to be interviewed), and the match occurs in December for training beginning the following year at the beginning of July. Often our interviews are by video-call, if people cannot come in person. Our training program is one year, July 1st to June 30th. The SFmatch site details what documents they require. 

Some candidates would like to visit our program beforehand and we can sometimes arrange for a day observation. 

Most people who apply have worked with Mohs surgeons before and have a letter of reference from a practicing Mohs surgeon. 

Typically about 100 people apply for our fellowship, and we select 1-2 per year. 

Who can apply?

What kind of candidates do we select?

Most successful candidates have worked closely with a Mohs Surgeon previously, usually during residency. We expect our graduated fellows to have a significant Mohs Surgery component of their practice after training, so having a clear plan on how they will put Mohs into their career is a must. This should include specific and established plans about where you plan to work. Good surgical skills are a plus, but it is more important to be able to learn and improve your surgical decision-making and hand-eye techniques with careful practice. 

What is our fellowship like?


We have 3 Mohs surgeons (Mohs clinic link), and we do Mohs 5 days a week. We complete about 3000-3500 cases per year as a program. One of our Mohs Surgeons has a significant research component to his career, and another has a large non-invasive cosmetic practice. We work closely with an Oculoplastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgeons, Head and Neck Facial Plastic Surgeons and Dermatopathologists. We expect the fellow will attend clinics with each of these colleagues, and others such as Radiation Oncology and General Dermatology, to advance their knowledge and skills in these areas. We also expect the fellow to complete a fellowship research project, as per the ACMS guidelines.

Our fellows are funded, either by their own supporting systems (self-funded from a government or University), or funded by us. The typical funding would be about $60, 000 Cdn per year but will vary, depending on several factors. 


Follow this link to general information on the process of applying for a Dermatology Fellowship at U of T

Contact us?

Fellowship Director: Dr Christian Murray  (skinsurgerycentre@gmail.com)