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An easy self-help virtual reality protocol in English, Español, Français, Português do Brasil, Italiano, 한국인, 日本語, Català, and Türkçe that can be experienced with a smartphone, helping you both to cope with the psychological burden of Coronavirus and to exploit the opportunity for change this unique situation offers.
In Press
Riva, G., Mantovani, F., Wiederhold, B. K., Marchetti, A., Gaggioli, A.Psychomatics —A Multidisciplinary Framework for Understanding Artificial MindsCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2024), DOI:
Brizzi, G., Riva, G., & Romano, D. The Body Image Virtual Reality Assessment (BIVRA): Measuring the body representation through virtual reality. Journal of Neuropsychology (2024).
Greco, A., Rastelli, C., Ubaldi, A., & Riva, G. Immersive exposure to simulated visual hallucinations modulates high-level human cognitionConsciousness and Cognition (2025). 128, 103808.
Triberti, S., Sapone, C. & Riva, G. Being there but where? Sense of presence theory for virtual reality applicationsHumanities & Social Sciences Communication (2025), 12, 79.
Morini, V., Citraro, S., Sajno, E., Sansoni, M., Riva, G., Stella, M., Rossetti, G.Online posting effects: Unveiling the non-linear journeys of users in depression communities on RedditComputers in Human Behavior Reports (2025), 17, 100542.
Ventura, S., Cardenas, G., Riva, G. e Baños, R. Empathy Through Immersion: The Impact of 360-Degree Virtual Reality on Fostering Perspective-Taking and Sense of Oneness in the Embodiment of a Sexual Harassment VictimCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2024), 28 (1): 28-36.
Chiriatti, M., Ganapini, M., Panai, E., Ubiali, M., & Riva, G.The case for human–AI interaction as system 0 thinking. Nature Human Behaviour (2024). 8(10), 1829-1830. doi:
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., & Mantovani, F. The Disembodied Disconnect Hypothesis: How Online Interactions Undermine Neurobiological Foundations of Social Cohesion Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2024), 27(10):680-682. DOI:
Schoeller, F., Horowitz, A. H., Jain, A., Maes, P., Reggente, N., Christov-Moore, L., Pezzulo, G., Barca, L., Allen, M., Salomon, R., Miller, M., Di Lernia, D., Riva, G., Tsakiris, M., Chalah, M. A., Klein, A., Zhang, B., Garcia, T., Pollack, U., Trousselard, M., Verdonk, C., Dumas, G., Adrien, V. e Friston, K. Interoceptive technologies for psychiatric interventions: From diagnosis to clinical applicationsNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2024), 156, pp. 105478. doi:
Vila, A., Ardoy-Cuadros, J., Romero-Moreno, R., Nogales-Gonzalez, C., Ritchey, A. J., Sansoni, M., & Riva, G. Body, emotions, and sexuality in the metaverse: A randomized control trial exploring the use of second life for an avatar-based intervention to support women with female orgasmic disorder. Computers in Human Behavior (2024), 161, 108390.
Sajno, E., De Gaspari, S., Pupillo, C. e Riva, G. CO-XAI—Cognitive Decision Intelligence Framework for Explainable AI SystemsCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2024), 27(12), 954-956.
Di Lernia, D., Finotti, G., Tsakiris, M. Riva, G., Naber, M.Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) in the wild: Remote heart rate imaging via online webcams. Behavior Research Methods (2024), 56, 6904-6914.
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., Mantovani, F.Searching for the Metaverse: Neuroscience of Physical and Digital CommunitiesCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2024), 27(1), pp. 9-18. doi:
Vlake, J. H., Drop, D. L., Van Bommel, J., Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., Cipresso, P., Rizzo, A. S., Rothbaum, B. O., Botella, C., Hooft, L., Bienvenu, O. J., Jung, C., Geerts, B., Wils, E.-J., Gommers, D. e van Genderen, M. E. Reporting Guidelines for the Early-Phase Clinical Evaluation of Applications Using Extended Reality: RATE-XR Qualitative Study GuidelineJournal of Medical Internet Research (2024), 26, pp. e56790. h
Di Natale, A., Bartolotta, S., Gaggioli, A., Riva, G., Villani, D.Exploring students’ acceptance and continuance intention in using immersive virtual reality and metaverse integrated learning environments: The case of an Italian university course. Education and Information Technologies (2024) 29, 14749–14768. doi:
Pagnini, F., Barbiani, D., Grosso, F., Cavalera, C., Volpato, E., Minazzi, G. A., Poletti, V., Riva, G., & Phillips, D. Enacting the mind/body connection: the role of self-induced placebo mechanisms. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, (2024), 11(1), 977.
Di Natale, A. F., Pizzoli, S. F. M., Brizzi, G., Di Lernia, D., Frisone, F., Gaggioli, A., Rabarbari, E., Oasi, O., Repetto, C., Rossi, C., Scerrati, E., Villani, D., & Riva, G. Harnessing Immersive Virtual Reality: A Comprehensive Scoping Review of its Applications in Assessing, Understanding, and Treating Eating Disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, (2024).26(9), 470-486.
Brizzi, G., & Riva, G. Playing With Spatial Frames: Altering the Body Matrix Through Multisensory Egocentric and Allocentric Body Illusions. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024(1), 7316063.
Serino, S., Bonanomi, A., Palamenghi, L., Tuena, C., Graffigna, G., Riva, G. Evaluating technology engagement in the time of COVID-19: the Technology Engagement ScaleBehaviour & Information Technology (2024), 43 (5), 943-955. DOI:
Brizzi, G., Frisone, F., Rossi, C., & Riva, G. Gender differences in bodily experience: Insights from virtual reality body illusion. Acta Psychologica (2024). 104386.
Rossignoli, D., Manzi, F., Gaggioli, A., Marchetti, A., Massaro, D., Riva, G., & Maggioni, M. A. The Importance of Being Consistent: Attribution of Mental States in Strategic Human–Robot InteractionsCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2024), 27(7), 498-506. DOI:
Repetto, C., Riva, G. Embodiment in the Metaverse: How Real and Virtual Bodies in Interaction Affect CognitionJournal of Cognition (2024), 7(1), p. 51.
Gaggioli, A., Parsons, T., Riva G.Social Virtual Environments for Social Science and Mental HealthIn Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior (2024), Z. Yan (Ed.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 631-659.
Sansoni, M., Varallo, G., Malighetti, C., Tuena, C., Di Lernia, D., Cesa, G.L., Manzoni, M., Castelnuovo, G., Riva G.Unlocking the potential of virtual reality to expand treatment frontiers for bulimia nervosa: a pilot study to explore the impact of virtual reality-enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy. Virtual Reality (2024). 28, 79.
Serino, S., Di Lernia, D., Magni, G., Manenti, P., De Gaspari, S., Riva, G. and Repetto, C. Egocentric and Allocentric Spatial Memory for Body Parts: a Virtual Reality StudyJournal of Cognition (2024), 7(1), p. 33. DOI:
Pascarelli, M. T., Quarona, D., Barchiesi, G., Riva, G., Butterfill, S. A., Sinigaglia, C. Principles of belief acquisition. How we read other mindsConsciousness and Cognition (2024) 117, pp. 103625. doi:
Tuena, C., Serino, S., Goulene, K.M., Pedroli, E., Stramba-Badiale, M., Riva, G.Bodily and Visual-Cognitive Navigation Aids to Enhance Spatial Memory Recall in Mild Cognitive Impairment.Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2024) 99, (3), pp. 899-910,
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., Villani, D. Toward a Humane Metaverse: Challenges and OpportunitiesCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2024), 27(1), pp. 3-8. doi:
Tuena C, Pupillo C, Stramba-Badiale C, Stramba-Badiale M, Riva, G. Predictive power of gait and gait-related cognitive measures in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a machine learning analysisFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2024), 17:1328713. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1328713
Dakanalis A., Wiederhold B.K., Riva, G.,Artificial Intelligence: A Game-Changer for Mental Health Care.Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2024).Feb 2024. pp. 100-104. doi: .
Spoladore D, Mondellini M, Mahroo A, Chicchi-Giglioli IA, De Gaspari S, Di Lernia D, Riva G, Bellini E, Setola N, Sacco M. Smart Waiting Room: A Systematic Literature Review and a ProposalElectronics (2024), 13(2):388. doi:
Cammisuli DM, Tuena C, Riva G, Repetto C, Axmacher N, Chandreswaran V, Isella V, Pomati S, Zago S, Difonzo T, et al. Exploring the Remediation of Behavioral Disturbances of Spatial Cognition in Community-Dwelling Senior Citizens with Mild Cognitive Impairment via Innovative Technological Apparatus (BDSC-MCI Project): Protocol for a Prospective, Multi-Center Observational Study. Journal of Personalized Medicine. (2024); 14(2):192. doi:
Schiller, D., A. N. C. Yu, N. Alia-Klein, S. Becker, H. C. Cromwell, F. Dolcos, P. J. Eslinger, P. Frewen, A. H. Kemp, E. F. Pace-Schott, J. Raber, R. L. Silton, E. Stefanova, J. H. G. Williams, N. Abe, M. Aghajani, F. Albrecht, R. Alexander, S. Anders, O. R. Aragón, J. A. Arias, S. Arzy, T. Aue, S. Baez, M. Balconi, T. Ballarini, S. Bannister, M. C. Banta, K. C. Barrett, C. Belzung, M. Bensafi, L. Booij, J. Bookwala, J. Boulanger-Bertolus, S. W. Boutros, A.-K. Bräscher, A. Bruno, G. Busatto, L. M. Bylsma, C. Caldwell-Harris, R. C. K. Chan, N. Cherbuin, J. Chiarella, P. Cipresso, H. Critchley, D. E. Croote, H. A. Demaree, T. F. Denson, B. Depue, B. Derntl, J. M. Dickson, S. Dolcos, A. Drach-Zahavy, O. Dubljević, T. Eerola, D.-M. Ellingsen, B. Fairfield, C. Ferdenzi, B. H. Friedman, C. H. Y. Fu, J. M. Gatt, B. de Gelder, G. H. E. Gendolla, G. Gilam, H. Goldblatt, A. E. K. Gooding, O. Gosseries, A. O. Hamm, J. L. Hanson, T. Hendler, C. Herbert, S. G. Hofmann, A. Ibanez, M. Joffily, T. Jovanovic, I. J. Kahrilas, M. Kangas, Y. Katsumi, E. Kensinger, L. A. J. Kirby, R. Koncz, E. H. W. Koster, K. Kozlowska, S. Krach, M. E. Kret, M. Krippl, K. Kusi-Mensah, C. D. Ladouceur, S. Laureys, A. Lawrence, C.-s. R. Li, B. J. Liddell, N. K. Lidhar, C. A. Lowry, K. Magee, M.-F. Marin, V. Mariotti, L. J. Martin, H. A. Marusak, A. V. Mayer, A. R. Merner, J. Minnier, J. Moll, R. G. Morrison, M. Moore, A.-M. Mouly, S. C. Mueller, A. Mühlberger, N. A. Murphy, M. R. A. Muscatello, E. D. Musser, T. L. Newton, M. Noll-Hussong, S. D. Norrholm, G. Northoff, R. Nusslock, H. Okon-Singer, T. M. Olino, C. Ortner, M. Owolabi, C. Padulo, R. Palermo, R. Palumbo, S. Palumbo, C. Papadelis, A. J. Pegna, S. Pellegrini, K. Peltonen, B. W. J. H. Penninx, P. Pietrini, G. Pinna, R. P. Lobo, K. L. Polnaszek, M. Polyakova, C. Rabinak, S. Helene Richter, T. Richter, G. Riva, A. Rizzo, J. L. Robinson, P. Rosa, P. S. Sachdev, W. Sato, M. L. Schroeter, S. Schweizer, Y. Shiban, A. Siddharthan, E. Siedlecka, R. C. Smith, H. Soreq, D. P. Spangler, E. R. Stern, C. Styliadis, G. B. Sullivan, J. E. Swain, S. Urben, J. Van den Stock, M. A. vander Kooij, M. van Overveld, T. E. Van Rheenen, M. B. VanElzakker, C. Ventura-Bort, E. Verona, T. Volk, Y. Wang, L. T. Weingast, M. Weymar, C. Williams, M. L. Willis, P. Yamashita, R. Zahn, B. Zupan and L. LoweThe Human Affectome.Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2024), 158: 105450. doi:
Mauri, M., Rancati, G., Riva, G., Gaggioli, A. Comparing the effects of immersive and non-immersive real estate experience on behavioral intentions.Computers in Human Behavior, (2024), 150, 1 07996. doi:
Riva, G. Positive Technology in the Metaverse: Experiential Technologies Meet Mental Wellbeing. In Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology, (2024), A. C. Chan (Ed.), (pp. 7-30). Hong-Kong: Atlantis Press. doi: 10.2991/978-94-6463-378-8_2
Cerasa, A., Gaggioli, A., Pioggia, G., Riva, G.Metaverse in Mental Health: The Beginning of a Long History. Current Psychiatry Reports (2024) 26, pp. 294–303. doi:
Bruni F, Mancuso V, Stramba-Badiale C, Stramba-Badiale M, Riva G, Goulene K, Cipresso P., Pedroli E.Beyond traditional training: Integrating data from semi-immersive VR dual-task intervention in Parkinsonian Syndromes. A study protocolPLoS ONE (2024) 19(2): e0294199. doi:
Di Natale, A. F., Repetto, C., Costantini, G., Riva, G., Bricolo, E., Villani, D. Learning in the Metaverse: Are University Students Willing to Learn in Immersive Virtual Reality?Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2024), 27(1), pp. 28-36. doi:
Stramba-Badiale C, Tuena C, Goulene KM, Cipresso P, Morelli S, Rossi M, D’Avenio G, Stramba-Badiale M., Riva G.Enhancing spatial navigation skills in mild cognitive impairment patients: a usability study of a new version of ANTaging software. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2024). 17:1310375. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.131037
Vlake, J.H., van Bommel, J., Riva, G. , Wiederhold, B.K.,Cipresso, P., Rizzo A.S., Botella, C., Hooft, L., Bienvenu, O.J., Geerts, B., Wils, E-J., Gommers, D., van Genderen, M.E. Reporting the early stage clinical evaluation of virtual-reality-based intervention trials: RATE-VR. Nature Medicine (2023). 29:12-13. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-02085-7
Riva, G., Di Lernia, D.; Tuena, C., Bernardelli, L., Gutiérrez Maldonado, J. Ferrer-Garcia, M., Porras-Garcia, B., Meyer, M., Shiban, Y., Castelnuovo, G., Pagnini, F., Pedroli, E., Sforza, F., Clementi, A., Sansoni, M., Wiederhold, B.K., Serino, S.A self-help virtual therapeutic experience intervention for overcoming psychological distress related to the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the European multicentric COVID Feel Good trial. Psychosomatic Medicine (2023) 85(7):639-650. DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001198
Brizzi, G., Sansoni, M., Di Lernia, D., Frisone, F., Tuena, C., Riva, G.The multisensory mind: a systematic review of multisensory integration processing in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders (2023). 11, 204. DOI:
Pagnini, F., Barbiani, D., Cavalera, C., Volpato, E., Grosso, F., Minazzi, G. A., Vailati Riboni, F., Graziano, F., Di Tella, S., Manzoni, G. M., Silveri, M. C., Riva, G., & Phillips, D. Placebo and Nocebo Effects as Bayesian-Brain Phenomena: The Overlooked Role of Likelihood and AttentionPerspectives on Psychological Science (2023). 18(5), 1217-1229. DOI:
Di Lernia, D., Serino, S., Tuena, C., Cacciatore, C., Polli, N., & Riva, G.Mental health meets computational neuroscience: A predictive Bayesian account of the relationship between interoception and multisensory bodily illusions in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, (2023). 23(4), 100383.
Riva, G.Neuroscience of distance learning: The impact of technology on neurobiological learning mechanismsQWERTY (2023). 18:2, 14-32. DOI:
Mancuso, V., Bruni, F., Stramba-Badiale, C., Riva, G., Cipresso, P., & Pedroli, E. How do emotions elicited in virtual reality affect our memory? A systematic review. Computers in Human Behavior (2023) 146, 107812.
Tuena, C., Di Lernia, D., Rodella, C., Bellinzona, F., Riva, G., Costello, M.C., Repetto, C.The interaction between motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking in action language: a cross-cultural studyMemory & Cognition (2023).51, 1870–1880., pages 1870–188051, pages 1870–1880Malighetti C, Schnitzer CK, YorkWilliams SL, Bernardelli L, Runfola CD, Riva G., Safer DL. A Pilot Multisensory Approach for Emotional Eating: Pivoting from Virtual Reality to a 2-D Telemedicine Intervention during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Clinical Medicine. (2023); 12(23):7402.
Tuena, C., Di Lernia, D., Riva, G., Serino, S., Repetto C.Phonological similarity between words is represented in declarative memory as spatial distance. Psychological Research (2023). 87, 2499–2510.
Malighetti C., Bernardelli L., Pancini E., Riva, G., Villani, D.Promoting Emotional and Psychological Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Self-Help Virtual Reality Intervention for University Students.Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2023) Apr.309-317.
Serino, S., Sansoni, M., Di Lernia, D., Parisi A., Tuena C., Riva, G.360-degree video-based body-ownership illusion for inducing embodiment: development and feasibility results. Virtual Reality (2023) 27, 2665–2672
Borgnis, F., Borghesi, F., Rossetto, F., Pedroli, E., Meloni, M., Riva, G., Baglio F, Cipresso P. Psychometric validation for a brand-new tool for the assessment of executive functions using 360° technology.Scientific Report (2023). 13, 8613
Tuena C, Borghesi F, Bruni F, Cavedoni S, Maestri S, Riva G., Tettamanti M, Liperoti R, Rossi L, Ferrarin M, Stramba-Badiale MTechnology-Assisted Cognitive Motor Dual-Task Rehabilitation in Chronic Age-Related Conditions: Systematic ReviewJournal of Medical Internet Research (2023) 25:e44484 doi: 10.2196/444Repetto C., Di Natale, A.F., Villani, D., Triberti, S., Germagnoli, S., Riva G.The use of immersive 360° videos for foreign language learning: a study on usage and efficacy among high-school studentsInteractive Learning Environment (2023) 31:4, 1906-1921. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1863234
Borgnis F, Borghesi F, Rossetto F, Pedroli E, Lavorgna L, Riva G, Baglio F, Cipresso P. Psychometric Calibration of a Tool Based on 360 Degree Videos for the Assessment of Executive FunctionsJournal of Clinical Medicine (2023); 12(4):1645.
Tuena C., Maestri S., Serino S., Pedroli E., Stramba Badiale M., Riva G. and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging InitiativePrognostic relevance of gait-related cognitive functions for dementia conversion in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. BMC Geriatrics (2023) 23, 462,
Bruni F., Mancuso V., Greci L., Arlati S., Cavallo M., Riva, G., Goulene K., Stramba Badiale M., Pedroli E.A cross-platform application for the ecological and remote assessment of memory impairment in aging: ECO-MEMORYVirtual Reality (2023). 27, 2757–2767
Magni G., Tuena C., & Riva G.A predictive coding approach to psychedelic virtual-induced hallucinations and creative cognition in aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2023) 17:1219052. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1219052
Repetto, C., & Riva, G.The neuroscience of body memory: Recent findings and conceptual advances. EXCLI Journal (2023) 22, 191–206.
Sajno E, Bartolotta S, Tuena C, Cipresso P, Pedroli E, Riva G Machine learning in biosignals processing for mental health: A narrative reviewFrontiers in Psychology (2023) 13:1066317. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1066317
Farahimanesh S, Serino S, Tuena C, Di Lernia D, Wiederhold BK, Bernardelli L, Riva G, Moradi A. Effectiveness of a Virtual-Reality-Based Self-Help Intervention for Lowering the Psychological Burden during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial in IranJournal of Clinical Medicine (2023); 12(5):2006.
Riva, G. Virtual RealityIn: Glăveanu, V.P. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible (2023). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90913-0_34
Tuena C, Serino S, Stramba-Badiale C, Pedroli E, Goulene KM, Stramba-Badiale M, Riva G. Usability of an Embodied CAVE System for Spatial Navigation Training in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2023); 12(5):1949.
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K. What the Metaverse Is (Really) and Why We Need to Know About It. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2022), 25(6), 355-359. Download PDFRiva G.Is the neuroscientist's grandmother in the notebook? Integrated information and reference frames in the search for consciousnessBehavioral and Brain Sciences (2022), 45, E58. doi:10.1017/S0140525X21001849
Fernández-Alvarez J., Grassi M., Colombo D., Botella C., Cipresso P., Perna G., Riva G. Efficacy of bio- and neurofeedback for depression: a metaanalysisPsychological Medicine (2022) 52(2), 201–216. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721004396
Matsangidou M, Otkhmezuri B, Ang CS, Avraamides M, Riva G, Gaggioli A, Iosif D, Karekla M"Now i can see me” designing a multi-user virtual reality remote psychotherapy for body weight and shape concernsHuman–Computer Interaction (2022), 37(4), pp. 314–340. DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2020.1788945
Malighetti C, Sansoni M, Gaudio S, Matamala-Gomez M, Di Lernia D, Serino S, Riva G. From Virtual Reality to Regenerative Virtual Therapy: Some Insights from a Systematic Review Exploring Inner Body Perception in Anorexia and Bulimia NervosaJournal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(23):7134.
Riva, G., Marchetti A. (Eds.)Humane Robotics. A multidisciplinary approach towards the development of humane-centered technologiesVita e Pensiero (2022) Milan, Italy. Download FREE BOOK
Cerasa A., Gaggioli A., Marino F., Riva G., Pioggia G.The promise of the metaverse in mental health: the new era of MEDverseHelion (2022) E17762. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11762
Tuena C., Riva G., Murru I., Campana L., Goulene K.M., Pedroli E., Stramba-Badiale M. Contribution of cognitive and bodily navigation cues to egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in hallucinations due to Parkinson's disease: A case reportFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2022) 16:992498. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.992498
Manzoni, G.M., Rossi, A.A., Granese, V, Pietrabissa G., Serino S., Pedroli E., Chirico A., Cattivelli R., Marannini S., Castelnuovo G., Riva G.A post hoc comparison between inpatients with obesity and healthy-weight subjects in the size estimation accuracy of shoulders, waist, and hips widths and circumferences. Eating and Weight Disorders (2022). 27, 3787–3791. doi: 10.1007/s40519-022-01513-4
Pieri, L., Serino, S., Cipresso, P., Mancuso, V., Riva G., Pedroli, E.The ObReco-360°: a new ecological tool to memory assessment using 360° immersive technologyVirtual Reality (2022). 26, 639–648
Bruni F, Mancuso V, Stramba-Badiale C, Greci L, Cavallo M, Borghesi F, Riva G, Cipresso P, Stramba-Badiale M, Pedroli EObReco-2: Two-step validation of a tool to assess memory deficits using 360° videosFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2022). 14: 75748 DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.875748/full
Pianzola, F., Riva, G., Kukkonen, K., & Mantovani, F. Am I present in imaginary worlds? Intentions, actions, and flow in mediated experiences and fiction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, (2022), 45, E293. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X2100220X
Riva G, Wiederhold BK. Succi, S.Zero Sales Resistance: The Dark Side of Big Data and Artificial IntelligenceCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2022) 25:3, 169-173. doi:10.1089/cyber.2022.0035
Parisi A., Bellinzona F., Di Lernia D., Repetto C., De Gaspari S., Brizzi G., Riva G., Tuena C. Efficacy of Multisensory Technology in Post-Stroke Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Systematic ReviewJournal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(21):6324. DOI: 10.3390/jcm11216324
Sansoni M., Scarzello G., Serino S., Groff E., Riva G.Mitigating negative emotions through virtual reality and embodimentFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2022) 16:916227. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.916227.
Riva G.Virtual Reality in Clinical PsychologyReference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology (2022) Download PDF
Meyer, M.L.; Kaesler, A.; Wolffgramm, S.; Perić, N.L.; Bunjaku, G.; Dickmann, L.; Serino, S.; Di Lernia, D.; Tuena, C.; Bernardelli, L.; Pedroli, E.; Wiederhold, B.K.; Riva, G.; Shiban, Y. COVID Feel Good: Evaluation of a Self-Help Protocol to Overcome the Psychological Burden of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a German Sample. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2022), 11, 2080. doi: 10.3390/jcm11082080
Wiederhold, B. K., Riva, G.Metaverse Creates New Opportunities in HealthcareAnnual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine (2022). 20: 3-8. Download PDF
Riva, G. Introduction to Volume 10: Technology in Clinical Psychology. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. lvii-lviii). 2022, Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.02010-0
Pallavicini, F., Orena, E., di Santo, S. et al. , Riva G., Mantovani F.A virtual reality home-based training for the management of stress and anxiety among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 23, 451 (2022). DOI: 10.1186/s13063-022-06337-2
Tuena, C., Chiappini, M., Repetto, C., & Riva, G. 10.02 - Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Psychology. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. 10-27). 2022. Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.00001-7
Carissoli, C., Gasparri, D., Riva G., Villani D. Mobile well-being in pregnancy: suggestions from a quasi-experimental controlled studyBehaviour & Information Technology, (2022) 41:8, 1639-1651, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2021.1894484
Pedroli E, Mancuso V, Stramba-Badiale C, Cipresso P, Tuena C, Greci L, Goulene K, Stramba-Badiale M, Riva G and Gaggioli A Brain M-App’s Structure and Usability: A New Application for Cognitive Rehabilitation at HomeFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2022) 16:898633. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.898633
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Borgnis F., Baglio F., Pedroli E., Rossetto F., Uccellatore L., Oliveira JAG., Riva G. and Cipresso P Available Virtual Reality-Based Tools for Executive Functions: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology (2022) 13:833136. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.833136
Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J., Riva, G.10.11 - Technological Interventions for Eating and Weight Disorders. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. 170-196). 2022 Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.00057-1
Riva, G.10.06 - Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. 91-105). Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.00006-6
Borgnis, F.; Baglio, F.; Pedroli, E.; Rossetto, F.; Meloni, M.; Riva, G.; Cipresso, P. A Psychometric Tool for Evaluating Executive Functions in Parkinson’s DiseaseJournal of Clinical Medicine (2022), 11, 1153.
Fernandez-Álvarez, J., Díaz-García, A., Colombo, D., Botella, C., Cipresso, P., & Riva, G,10.12 - Technological Interventions for Emotion Regulation. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. 197-218). 2022. Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.00033-9
Miniati, F., Palomba, S. G., Di Lernia, D., & Riva, G.10.14 - Technological Interventions for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (Second Edition) (pp. 139-152). 2022. Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818697-8.00126-6
Bruni F, Borghesi F, Mancuso V, Riva G, Stramba-Badiale M, Pedroli E and Cipresso P Cognition Meets Gait: Where and How Mind and Body Weave Each Other in a Computational Psychometrics Approach in Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2022) 14:909029. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.909029
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Riva G., Serino S., Di Lernia D. and Pagnini F. Regenerative Virtual Therapy: The Use of Multisensory Technologies and Mindful Attention for Updating the Altered Representations of the Bodily SelfFrontiers in System Neuroscience (2021) 15:749268. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.749268
Pianzola, F., Riva, G., Kukkonen K., Mantovani, F. Presence, flow, and narrative absorption: an interdisciplinary theoretical exploration with a new spatiotemporal integrated model based on predictive processingOpen Research Europe NaN, (2021) 1:28
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., Mantovani, F. Surviving COVID-19: The Neuroscience of Smart Working and Distance LearningCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2021, 24(2), pp. 79-85. Download PDF
Fernandez-Alvarez, J., Colombo, D., Suso-Ribera, C., Chirico, A., Serino, S., Di Lernia, D., García Palacio, A., Riva, G., Botella, C. Using virtual reality to target positive autobiographical memory in individuals with moderate-to-moderately severe depressive symptoms: A single case experimental designInternet Interventions (2021) 25, 100407
Riva G, Bernardelli L., Castelnuovo G., Di Lernia D., Tuena C., Clementi A., Pedroli E., Malighetti C., Sforza F., Wiederhold B.K., Serino S.A virtual reality‐based self‐help intervention for dealing with the psychological distress associated with the covid‐19 lockdown: An effectiveness study with a two‐week follow‐upInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021), 18(15):8188
Riva G., Di Lernia D., Sajno E., Sansoni M., Bartolotta S., Serino S., Gaggioli A., Wiederhold B. K.Virtual Reality Therapy in the Metaverse: Merging VR for the Outside with VR for the InsideAnnual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine (2021). 20: 3-9. Download PDF
Di Natale A.F., Triberti S. , Sibilla F, Imperato C., Villani D., Mancini T., Riva G. Behind a Digital Mask: Users’ Subjective Experience of Animated Characters and Its Effect on Source CredibilityInteracting with Computers (2021), 33 (5): 499-510,
Borgnis, F.; Baglio, F.; Pedroli, E.; Rossetto, F.; Meloni, M.; Riva, G.; Cipresso, P. EXIT 360°—EXecutive-Functions Innovative Tool 360°—A Simple and Effective Way to Study Executive Functions in Parkinson’s Disease by Using 360° Videos. Applied Sciences (2021), 11, 6791.
Repetto C., Paolillo M.T., Tuena C., Bellinzona F., Riva G., Innovative technology-based interventions in aphasia rehabilitation: a systematic review, Aphasiology (2021), 35 (12) 1623-1646. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2020.1819957
Tuena, C.; Serino, S.; Pedroli, E.; Stramba-Badiale, M.; Riva, G.; Repetto, C. Building Embodied Spaces for Spatial Memory Neurorehabilitation with Virtual Reality in Normal and Pathological AgingBrain Sciences (2021), 11, 1067.
Riva G., Malighetti, C., Serino, S.Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Eating DisordersClinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (2021), 28 (3): 477-488. DOI:
Mauri, M., Rancati, G., Gaggioli A., Riva G., Applying Implicit Association Test Techniques and Facial Expression Analyses in the Comparative Evaluation of Website User ExperienceFrontiers in Psychology (2021) DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.674159
Borgnis, F.; Baglio, F.; Pedroli, E.; Rossetto, F.; Isernia S.; Uccellatore, L., Riva, G.; Cipresso, P. Executive-functions innovative tool (Exit 360°): A usability and user experience study of an original 360°-based assessment instrumentSensors (2021) 21 (171), 5867
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K.Human–Robot Confluence: Toward a Humane RoboticsCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2021) 24 (5): 291-293. DOI:
Brivio, E., Serino, S., Negro Cousa, E. ZIni, A., Riva G., De Leo G.Virtual reality and 360° panorama technology: a media comparison to study changes in sense of presence, anxiety, and positive emotionsVirtual Reality (2021). 25, 303–311 (2021).
Riva G.Intelligenza artificiale: dalla tecnologia all’umanoVita e Pensiero (2021) 3: 96-101: Download PDF
Nameth, K.; Brown, T.; Bullock, K.; Adler, S.; Riva, G.; Safer, D.; Runfola, C. Translating Virtual Reality Cue Exposure Therapy for Binge Eating into a Real-World Setting: An Uncontrolled Pilot StudyJournal of Clinical Medicine (2021), 10, 1511.
Colombo D., Serino S., Suso-Ribera C., Fernández-Álvarez J., Cipresso P., García-Palacios A., Riva G., Botella C. The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation in the Recall of Negative Autobiographical Memories. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021), 18(13):7122.
Tuena C., Mancuso V., Stramba-Badiale C., Pedroli E., Stramba-Badiale M., Riva, G., Repetto C.Egocentric and Allocentric Spatial Memory in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Real-World and Virtual Navigation Tasks: A Systematic ReviewJournal of Alzheimer's Disease (2021) 79, (1), pp. 95-116,
Manzi, F., Sorgente A., Massaro, D., Villani D., Di Lernia, D., Malighetti C., Gaggioli A. Rossignoli D., Sandini G., Sciutti A. Rea F., Maggioni, M., Marchetti, A., Riva G.Emerging Adults' Expectations About the Next Generation of Robots: Exploring Robotic Needs Through a Latent Profile AnalysisCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2021) 24 (5): 315-323. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0161
Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Greci L., Arieti S., Mehroo, A., Mancuso V., Boilini L., Rossi M., Stefanelli L., Goulene K., Sacco M., Stramba-Badiale M., Riva G., Gaggioli A.A New Application for the Motor Rehabilitation at Home: Structure and Usability of Bal-AppIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (2021) 9 (3). DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2020.3037962
Borgnis F., Baglio F., Pedroli E., Rossetto F, Riva G., Cipresso P. A Simple and Effective Way to Study Executive Functions by Using 360° Videos Frontiers in Neuroscience (2021) 15:622095. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.622095
Gaggioli, A., Riva, G.Positive Innovation NetworksEmerging Communication: Studies in New Technologies and Practices in Communication, 2021, 13, 67-87, DOI: 10.3233/STPC200005
Manzi, F., Massaro, D., Di Lernia, D., Maggioni, M., Riva G., Marchetti, A.Robots Are Not All the Same: Young Adults' Expectations, Attitudes, and Mental Attribution to Two Humanoid Social RobotsCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2021) 24 (5): 307-314. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0162
Matamala-Gomez M, Bottiroli S, Realdon O, Riva G, Galvagni L, Platz T, Sandrini G, De Icco R and Tassorelli CTelemedicine and Virtual Reality at Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview for Future Perspectives in NeurorehabilitationFrontiers in Neurology (2021) 12:646902. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.646902
Villani, D., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., & Riva, G.Positive Technology for Helping People Cope with Stress. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Research Anthology on Rehabilitation Practices and Therapy (pp. 787-814). 2021. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8.ch038
Gaggioli, A. Chirico, A., Di Lernia, D., Maggioni, M.A., Malighetti, C., Manzi, F., Marchetti, A., Massaro, D., Rea, F., Rossignoli, D., Sandini, G., Villani, D., Wiederhold, B.K., Riva, G., & Sciutti, A. Machines Like Us and People Like You: Toward Human–Robot Shared ExperienceCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (2021) 24 (5): 357-361. DOI:
Manzi, F., Di Dio, C., Di Lernia, D., Rossignoli, D., Maggioni, M. A., Massaro, D., Marchetti, A., Riva, G. Can You Activate Me? From Robots to Human BrainFrontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021, 8(14).
Matamala-Gomez, M., Maselli, A., Malighetti, C., Realdon, O., Mantovani, F., & Riva, G.Virtual Body Ownership Illusions for Mental Health: A Narrative ReviewJournal of Clinical Medicine (2021), 10(1), 139;
Ventura S., Cardenas G., Miragall M., Riva G., Baños R.How Does It Feel to Be a Woman Victim of Sexual Harassment? The Effect of 360°-Video-Based Virtual Reality on Empathy and Related VariablesCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2021) 24 (4) 258-2662 DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0209
Riva G., Mantovani F., Wiederhold B.K.Positive Technology and COVID 19Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2020) 9, 581-587 Download PDFColombo, D., Fernández-Álvarez, J., Suso-Ribera, C., Cipresso, P., Valev, H., Leufkens, T., Sas, C., Garcia-Palacios, A., Riva G., & Botella, C. The need for change: Understanding emotion regulation antecedents and consequences using ecological momentary assessmentEmotion (2020), 20(1), 30–36.
Frewen, P., Schroeter, M.L., Riva, G., Cipresso, P., Fairfield, B., Padulo, C., Kemp, A.H., Palaniyappan, L., Owolabi, M., Kusi-Mensah, K.. Polyakova, M., Fehertoik N., D’Andreak W., Lowe L., Northoff, G.Neuroimaging the Consciousness of Self: Review, and Conceptual-Methodological FrameworkNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2020), 112, 164-212. Download PDF
Riva G., Di Lernia, D., Serino, A., Serino S.The role of reference frames in memory recollectionBehavioral and Brain Sciences (2020) 42, e296. Download PDF
Riva G., Mancuso V., Cavedoni S., Stramba-Badiale C.Virtual Reality in Neurorehabilitation: A Review of Its Effects on Multiple Cognitive DomainsExpert Review of Medical Devices (2020), 17(10), 1035-1061. DOI: 10.1080/17434440.2020.1825939
Di Lernia D., Lacerenza M., Ainley V., Riva G.Altered interoceptive perception and the effects of interoceptive analgesia in musculoskeletal, primary, and neuropathic chronic pain conditionsJournal of Personalized Medicine (2020), 10(4), 201; DOI: 10.3390/jpm10040201
Brown T., Nauman Vogel E., Adler S., Bohon C., Bullock K., Nameth K., Riva G., Safer D.L., Runfola C.D. Bringing Virtual Reality From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice for the Treatment of Eating Disorders: An Example Using Virtual Reality Cue Exposure Therapy Journal of Medical Internet Research (2020); 22(4):e16386, doi: 10.2196/16386 Download PDF
Cavedoni S., Chirico A., Pedroli E., Cipresso P. and Riva G.Digital Biomarkers for the Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment: Artificial Intelligence Meets Virtual RealityFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2020) 14:245. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00245. Download PDF
Parsons, T.D.; Gaggioli, A.; Riva, G. Extended Reality for the Clinical, Affective, and Social Neurosciences. Brain Sciences (2020), 10, 922. Download PDF
Serino, S., Scarpina, F., Chirico, A., Dakanalis, A., Di Lernia, D., Colombo, D., Catallo V., Pedroli, E. Riva G.,Gulliver’s virtual travels: active embodiment in extreme body sizes for modulating our body representationsCognitive Processing (2020) 21:509-520. Download PDF
Newbutt, N., Schmidt, M.M., Riva, G. and Schmidt, C. The possibility and importance of immersive technologies during COVID-19 for autistic people"Journal of Enabling Technologies (2020), 14(3), 187-199. DOI: 10.1108/JET-07-2020-0028
Di Natale F.A., Repetto C., Villani D., Riva G.Immersive virtual reality in K‐12 and higher education: A 10‐year systematic review of empirical researchBritish Journal of Educational Psychology (2020): 51 (6): 2006-2033 Doi: 10.1111/bjet.13030
Graffigna, G.; Barello, S.; Riva G., Corbo, M.; Damiani, G.; Iannone, P.; Bosio, A.C.; Ricciardi, W. Recommendations for Promoting Patient Engagement in Chronic Care: A Consensus Conference StatementInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020) 17(11), 4167. Download PDF
Riva G., Serino S.Virtual Reality in the Assessment, Understanding and Treatment of Mental Health DisordersJournal of Clinical Medicine (2020), 9(11), 3434; DOI: 10.3390/jcm9113434
Caffò, A.O., Lopez, A., Spano, G., Stasolla F., Serino S., Cipresso P., Riva G., Bosco, A. The differential effect of normal and pathological aging on egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in navigational and reaching space. Neurological Science (2020). 41, 1741–1749. Download PDF
Søraa, R., Manzi, F., Kharas, M. W., Marchetti, A., Massaro, D., Riva, G., & Serrano, J. A. Othering and Deprioritizing Older Adults’ Lives: Ageist Discourses During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Europe’s Journal of Psychology (2020), 16(4), 532-541. Download PDF
Colombo D, Fernández-Álvarez J, Suso-Ribera C, Cipresso P, García-Palacios A, Riva G and Botella CBiased Affective Forecasting: A Potential Mechanism That Enhances Resilience and Well-BeingFrontiers in Psychology (2020) 11:1333. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01333
Tuena, C.; Mancuso, V.; Benzi, I.M.A.; Cipresso, P.; Chirico, A.; Goulene, K.M.; Riva, G.; Stramba-Badiale, M.; Pedroli, E. Executive Functions Are Associated with Fall Risk but not Balance in Chronic Cerebrovascular DiseaseJournal of Clinical Medicine (2020) 9, 3405. doi: 10.3390/jcm9113405
Riva G, Bernardelli L., Browning M.H.E.M., Castelnuovo G., Cavedoni S., Chirico A., Cipresso P., de Paula D.M.B,. Di Lernia D., Fernández-Álvarez J., Figueras-Puigderrajols N., Fuji K., Gaggioli A., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Hong U., Mancuso V., Mazzeo M., Molinari E., Moretti L.F., Ortiz de Gortari A.B., Pagnini F., Pedroli E., Repetto C., Sforza F., Stramba-Badiale C., Tuena C., Malighetti C., Villani D., Wiederhold B.K.COVID Feel Good – an Easy Self-help Virtual Reality Protocol to Overcome the Psychological Burden of CoronavirusFrontiers in Psychiatry (2020) 11:563319. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.563319
Colombo, D., Suso-Ribera, C., Fernández-Álvarez, J., Cipresso P, García-Palacios A, Riva G and Botella CAffect Recall Bias: Being Resilient by Distorting Reality.Cognitive Therapy and Research (2020) 44, 906–918. Download PDF
Malighetti, C., Sciara, S., Chirico, A., & Riva, G.Emotional Expression of #body on InstagramSocial Media + Society (2020). 2, 1–9, DOI: 10.1177/2056305120924771
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K.How Cyberpsychology and Virtual Reality Can Help Us to Overcome the Psychological Burden of CoronavirusCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2020) 3 (5), 277-279 Download PDF
Y. S. Can, N. Chalabianloo, D. Ekiz, J. Fernandez-Alvarez, C. Repetto, G. Riva, H. Iles-Smith, C. ErsoyReal-Life Stress Level Monitoring using Smart Bands in the Light of Contextual InformationIEEE Sensors (2020). 20(15): 8721-8730. Download PDF
Stramba-Badiale C., Mancuso V., Cavedoni S., Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Riva G.Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Meets Virtual Reality: The Potential of Integrating Brain Stimulation With a Simulative Technology for Food AddictionFrontiers in Neuroscience (2020) 14:720. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00720 Download PDF
Optale, G., Burigat, S., Chittaro, L., Riva G.Smartphone-Based Therapeutic Exercises for Men Affected by Premature Ejaculation: A Pilot StudySexual Medicine (2020) 8:3, 461-471. Download PDF
Matamala-Gomez M., Maisto M., Montana J., Mavrodiev P., Baglio F., Rossetto F., Mantovani F., Riva G., Realdon O.The role of engagement in teleneurorehabilitation: a systematic reviewFrontiers in Neurology (2020) 11:354. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00354 Download PDF
Tuena C., Pedroli E., Trimarchi P.D., Gallucci A., Chiappini M., Goulene K., Gaggioli A., Riva G., Lattanzio F., Giunco F., Stramba-Badiale M Usability Issues of Clinical and Research Applications of Virtual Reality in Older People: A Systematic Review.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2020) 14:93. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00093
Can, Y.S.; Iles-Smith, H.; Chalabianloo, N.; Ekiz, D.; Fernández-Álvarez, J.; Repetto, C.; Riva, G.; Ersoy, C.How to Relax in Stressful Situations: A Smart Stress Reduction SystemHealthcare (2020), 8, 100. doi:10.3390/healthcare8020100 Download PDF
Giusti E.M., Pedroli E., D'Aniello G.E., Stramba Badiale C., Pietrabissa G., Manna C., Stramba Badiale M., Riva G., Castelnuovo G., Molinari E.The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Health Professionals: A Cross-Sectional StudyFrontiers in Psychology (2020) 11:1684. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01684. Download PDF
Cipresso P., Fernández-Álvarez .J, Riva G., Calvillo A.The Role of Emotions, Stress, and Mental State in Inflammatory Processes Perturbing Brain-Heart DialogueIn Govoni S., Politi P., Vanoli E. (Eds.) Brain and Heart Dynamics. Springer, pp. 1-17, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-90305-7_11-1
Mancuso V, Stramba-Badiale C, Cavedoni S, Pedroli E, Cipresso P, Riva G.Virtual Reality Meets Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Integrating Two Methods for Cognitive Rehabilitation of Mild Cognitive ImpairmentFrontiers in Neurology (2020) 11:566731. Download PDF
Y. S. Can, N. Chalabianloo, D. Ekiz, J. Fernandez-Alvarez, G. Riva, C. ErsoyPersonal stress-level clustering and decision-level smoothing to enhance the performance of ambulatory stress detection with smartwatchesIEEE Access (2020), 8, 38146 - 38163. Download PDF
J Fernández-Álvarez, D Di Lernia, G RivaVirtual Reality for Anxiety Disorders: Rethinking a Field in ExpansionIn Kim YK. (Ed.) Anxiety Disorders. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (2020), vol 1191. Springer, pp. 389-414
Benvenuti M, Giovagnoli S., Mazzoni E., Cipresso P., Pedroli E., Riva G.The Relevanc.e of Online Social Relationships Among the Elderly: How Using the Web Could Enhance Quality of Life? Frontiers in Psychology (2020) 11:551862. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.551862 Download PDF
A Gaggioli, E Mazzoni, M Benvenuti, C Galimberti, A Bova, E Brivio, Cipresso P, Riva G, Chirico A. Networked flow in creative collaboration: A mixed method studyCreativity Research Journal (2020). 32 (1), 41-54. Read the paper
Riva G., Malighetti C., Chirico A., Di Lernia D., Mantovani F., Dakanalis A.Virtual Reality [in obesity rehabilitation interventions]In Capodaglio P. (Ed.) Rehabilitation Interventions in the Patient with Obesity (2020), Springer, 189-203 Read Chapter
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K., Mantovani F.Neuroscience of Virtual Reality: From Virtual Exposure to Embodied MedicineCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019) 22 (1), 82-96 Download PDFRiva G., Di Lernia, D., Dakanalis, A.Being socially uninterested versus not having social prediction skills: The impact of multisensory integration deficits on social skills in autismBehavioral and Brain Sciences (2019) 42, e109. Download PDF
Realdon, O., Serino, S., Savazzi, F., Rossetto, F., Cipresso, P., Parsons, T. D., Riva, G., Baglio, F. An ecological measure to screen executive functioning in MS: The picture interpretation test (PIT) 360°. Scientific Reports (2019), 9, 1-8. Download PDF
Cipresso, P., Colombo, D., Riva G.Computational Psychometrics Using Psychophysiological Measures for the Assessment of Acute Mental StressSensors (2019) 19 (4), 781 Download PDF
Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., Di Lernia, D., Chirico, A., Riva, E. F. M., Mantovani, F., Cipresso, P., & Gaggioli, A. Virtual reality meets artificial intelligence: The emergence of advanced digital therapeutics and digital biomarkersAnnual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (2020), 17, 3–7. Download PDF
Pedroli E., La Paglia F., Cipresso P., La Cascia C., Riva G., La Barbera D.A Computational Approach for the Assessment of Executive Functions in Patients with Obsessive–Compulsive DisorderJournal of Clinical Medicine (2019), 8(11), 1975 Download PDF
Fernández-Álvarez J, Rozental A, Carlbring P, Colombo D, Riva G., Anderson PL, Baños RM, Benbow AA, Bouchard S, Bretón-López JM, Cárdenas G, Difede J, Emmelkamp P, García-Palacios A, Guillén V, Hoffman H, Kampann I, Moldovan R, Mühlberger A, North M, Pauli P, Peñate Castro W, Quero S, Tortella-Feliu M, Wyka K, Botella C.Deterioration rates in Virtual Reality Therapy: An individual patient data level meta-analysisJournal of Anxiety Disorders (2019) 61, 3-17.
Ventura, S., Brivio E. Riva, G., Banos R.Immersive Versus Non-immersive Experience: Memory Assessment Through 360 TechnologyFrontiers in Psychology (2019) doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02509 Download PDF
Villani D, Florio E., Sorgente A., Castelli I., Riva G., Marchetti A, Massaro D.Adolescents' Beliefs About Peers' Engagement in an Online Self-Harm Challenge: Exploring the Role of Individual Characteristics Through a Latent Class AnalysisCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019), 22 (11), 684-691
Riva G., Gaggioli A.,Realtà Virtuali. Gli aspetti psicologici delle tecnologie simulative e il loro impatto sull'esperienza umanaGiunti, Firenze (2019) Vai sul sito del libro
Colombo D., Fernández-Álvarez J., García Palacios A., Cipresso P., Botella C.. Riva G. New Technologies for the Understanding, Assessment, and Intervention of Emotion RegulationFrontiers in Psychology (2019) 10:1261. Download PDF
Scarpina, F.; Serino, S.; Keizer, A.; Chirico, A.; Scacchi, M.; Castelnuovo, G.; Mauro, A.; Riva, G. The Effect of a Virtual-Reality Full-Body Illusion on Body Representation in ObesityJournal of Clinical Medicine (2019), 8(9), 1330. Download PDF
Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Ferrer-Garcia M., Vilalta-Abella F., Dakanalis A., Riva G., Ribas-Sabaté J., Andreu-Gracia A., Fernandez-Aranda F., Escandon-Nagél N., Gomez-Tricio O., Tena V., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J.Testing virtual reality-based cue-exposure software: Which cue-elicited responses best discriminate between patients with eatingdisorders and healthy controls? Eating and Weight Disorders (2019) Aug;24(4):757-765. Download PDF
Riva G., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Dakanalis, A., Ferrer-Garcia M.Virtual Reality in the Assessment and Treatment of Weight-Related DisordersIn A. Rizzo, S. Bouchard (eds.), Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions, Virtual Reality Technologies for Health and Clinical Applications (2019), Springer, Berlin, pp. 163-193 Download PDF
Cipresso P., Mauri M., Semonella M., Tuena C., Balgera A., Villamira, Riva G.Looking at One's Self Through Facebook Increases Mental Stress: A Computational Psychometric Analysis by Using Eye-Tracking and PsychophysiologyCyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019) 22:5, 307-314.
Tuena, C.; Serino, S.; Dutriaux, L.; Riva, G.; Piolino, P.Virtual Enactment Effect on Memory in Young and Aged Populations: a Systematic ReviewJournal of Clinical Medicine (2019), 8, 620; Download PDF
Riva G.Il fenomeno degli influencerScuola Ticinese (2019) 334 (XLVIII), pp. 25-30; Download PDF
Muratore M., Tuena C., Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Riva G.Virtual Reality as a new tool for the assessment of self-awarenessFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019) DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00062 Download PDF
Ferrucci R., Serino S., Ruggiero F., Repetto C., Colombo D., Pedroli E., Marceglia S., Riva G.,Priori A.Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), Leaves Virtual Navigation Performance UnchangedFrontiers in Neuroscience (2019) 13:198. Download PDF
Riva G.Nativi Digitali. Crescere ed Apprendere nel Mondo dei Nuovi MediaIl Mulino, Bologna (2019). Vai sul sito.
Serino S., Polli N., Riva G.From avatars to body swapping: The use of virtual reality for assessing and treating body‐size distortion in individuals with anorexiaJournal of Clinical Psychology (2019) 75 (2), Pages 311-322; Download PDF
Colombo, D.; Fernández-Álvarez, J.; Patané, A.; Semonella, M.; Kwiatkowska, M.; García-Palacios, A.; Cipresso, P.; Riva, G.; Botella, C. Current State and Future Directions of Technology-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment and Intervention for Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2019), 8, 465; Download PDF
Gaggioli A., Falletta EM, Ferrise F., Graziosi S., Gallace A., D’Ausilio A., Cipresso P., Riva G.. and Chirico A.Effects of Interpersonal Sensorimotor Synchronization on Dyadic Creativity: Gender MattersFrontiers in Psychology (2019) 9:2604. Download PDF
Wiederhold B.K., Riva G., Virtual Reality Therapy: Emerging Topics and Future ChallengesCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019) 22 (1), 82-96; Download PDF
Arlati, S., Colombo, V., Spoladore, D., Greci, L., Pedroli, E., Serino, S., Cipresso, P., Goulene, K., Stramba-Badiale, M., Riva G., Gaggioli, A., Ferrigno, G. e Sacco, M.A Social Virtual Reality-Based Application for the Physical and Cognitive Training of the Elderly at HomeSensors 2019, 19(2), 261; Download PDF
Di Lernia D, Serino S, Polli N, Cacciatore C, Persani L and Riva G., Interoceptive Axes Dissociation in Anorexia Nervosa: A Single Case Study With Follow Up Post-recovery Assessment Frontiers in Psychology (2019) 9:2488. Download PDF
Ferrer-Garcia M., Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Dakanalis A., Vilalta-Abella F., Riva G., Fernandez-Aranda F., Forcano, L, Riesco N, Sanchez, I., Ribas-Sabaté J., Andreu-Gracia A., Escandon-Nagél N., Gomez-Tricio O., Tena V., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J.A Randomized Trial of Virtual Reality-Based Cue Exposure Second-Level Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Second-Level Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder: Outcome at Six-Month FollowupCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019) 22 (1), 60-68.
Pedroli,E., Serino S., Cipresso P., De Leo G., Goulene K., Morelli S., D’Avenio G., Stramba-Badiale M., Gaggioli, A., Riva G.An Immersive Cognitive Rehabilitation Program: A Case StudyBiosystems and Biorobotics (2019) Volume 21, 2019, 711-715
Negro Cousa E., Brivio E., Serino S., Heboyan V., Riva G., De Leo G. New Frontiers for Cognitive Assessment: An Exploratory Study of the Potentiality of 360° Technologies for Memory EvaluationCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2019) 22 (1), 76-81.
Montana, J.I.; Tuena, C.; Serino, S.; Cipresso, P.; Riva, G. Neurorehabilitation of Spatial Memory Using Virtual Environments: A Systematic ReviewJournal of Clinical Medicine (2019), 8, 1516 Download PDF
Riva G.,The Neuroscience of Body Memory: from the Self through the Space to the OthersCortex (2018) 104. (July) 241-260 Download PDFCorno G., Serino S., Cipresso P., Baños R.M., Riva G.Assessing the Relationship Between Attitudinal and Perceptual Component of Body Image Disturbance Using Virtual RealityCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2018), 21(11), 679-686.
Villani D., Cognetta C., Repetto C., Serino S., Toniolo D., Scanzi F., Riva G.Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Older Breast Cancer Patients: Results From an eHealth InterventionFrontiers in Psychology (2018) 9:2279. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Zanetti M.A., Colmegna F., Riva G., Clerici M.Classifying binge eating-disordered adolescents based on severity levelsJournal of Adolescence (2018); 62:47-54.
Cipresso P, Pedroli E, Serino S, Semonella M, Tuena C, Colombo D, Pallavicini F, Riva G. Assessment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect Using a Free Mobile Application for Italian CliniciansFrontiers in Psychology (2018) 9:2241. Download PDF
Caffo A.O, Lopez A., Spano G. ,Serino S., Cipresso P., Stasolla F. ,Savino M., Lancioni G.E., Riva G., Bosco A. Spatial reorientation decline in aging: the combination of geometry and landmarksAging & Mental Health (2018) 22 (10): 1372-1383 Download PDF
Colombo D., Palacios A. G., Alvarez J. F., Patané A., Semonella M., Cipresso P., Kwiatkowska M., Riva G., Botella C.Current state and future directions of technology-based ecological momentary assessments and interventions for major depressive disorder: protocol for a systematic reviewSystematic Reviews (2018) 7(1),233 Download PDF
Cipresso P., Giglioli I.A.C., Alcaniz Raya M., Riva G.,The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality Research: A Network and Cluster Analysis of the LiteratureFrontiers in Psychology (2018) 9:2086. Download PDF
Triberti S., Milani L., Villani D., Grumi S., Peracchia S., Curcio G., Riva G.What matters is when you play: Investigating the relationship between online video games addiction and time spent playing over specific day phasesAddictive Behaviors Report (2018) 8(18): 185-188 Download PDF
Riva G.,Fake News. Vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-veritàIl Mulino: Bologna (2018) Vai al sito del volume
Di Lernia D., Serino S., Pezzulo G., Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Riva G.Feel the Time. Time Perception as a Function of Interoceptive Processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2018) doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00074 Download PDF
Zanier E.R., Zoerle T., Di Lernia D., Riva G.Virtual Reality for Traumatic Brain InjuryFrontiers in Neurology (2018)9:345. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00345 Download PDF
Di Lernia D., Cipresso P., Pedroli E., Riva G.Toward an Embodied Medicine: A Portable Device with Programmable Interoceptive Stimulation for Heart Rate Variability EnhancementSensors (2018), 18(8), 2469 Download PDF
Poletti B, Carelli L, Faini A, Solca F, Lafronza F, Pedroli E, Zago S, Ticozzi N, Ciammola A, Morelli C, Meriggi P, Cipresso P, Lulé D, Ludolph A.C., Riva G, Silani V.The Arrows and Colors Cognitive Test (ACCT): A new verbal-motor free cognitive measure for executive functions in ALSPlos One (2018,) 13(8):e0200953 Download PDF
Gaudio S., Dakanalis A., Fariello G., Riva G., Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, and Body Image in Eating and Weight DisordersIn Cuzzolaro M. & Fassino S. (Eds) Body Image, Eating, and Weight A Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention (pp. 97-111). Springer, New York, 2018.
Riva G., Dakanalis A.Altered Processing and Integration of Multisensory Bodily Representations and Signals in Eating Disorders: A Possible Path Toward the Understanding of their Underlying CausesFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2018) doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00049 Download PDF
Riva G., Gaudio S., Dakanalis A., Ferrer Garcia M., Guitiérrez-Maldonado J.Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Body Image Disturbances in Eating and Weight DisordersIn Cuzzolaro M. & Fassino S. (Eds) Body Image, Eating, and Weight A Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention (pp. 333-351). Springer, New York, 2018.
Fernández-Álvarez J., Molinari G., Colombo S., García-Palacios A., Riva G., Botella C.La regulación emocional como factor transdiagnóstico en psicoterapia: Luces y sombras de un campo en desarrolloRevista de Psicoterapia (2018) 29, 110
Triberti S., De Pasquale C., Riva G.,I Mondi Virtuali e i Criteri Multipli: Il Problema Morale nei Videogiochi MassiviLessico di etica pubblica (2018) 1, 61-72. Download PDF
Serino S., Morganti F., Colombo D., Pedroli E., Cipresso P. Riva G.Disentangling the Contribution of Spatial Reference Frames to Executive Functioning in Healthy and Pathological Aging: An Experimental Study with Virtual RealitySensors (2018), 18(6), 1783 Download PDF
Wiederhold B.K., Cipresso P., Pizzoli D., Wiederhold M. Riva G.,Intervention for physician burnout: A systematic reviewOpen Medicine (2018) 13 (1), DOI: 10.1515/med-2018-0039 Download PDF
Fernández-Álvarez J., Colombo D., Riva G., Baños R, Botella C.Virtual Reality Therapie und Serious Gamesvon Oswald David Kothgassner, Anna Felnhofer (Eds.) Klinische Cyberpsychologie und CybertherapieUTB GmbH, Stuggart (2018) 65-77
Pedroli E., Greci L., Colombo D., Serino S., Cipresso P., Arlati S., Mondellini M., Boilini L. Giussani V., Goulene K., Sacco M., Stramba-Badiale M., Riva G., Gaggioli A.Characteristics, Usability, and Users Experience of a System Combining Cognitive and Physical Therapy in a Virtual Environment: Positive BikeSensors 2018, 18(7), 2343. Download PDF
Serino S., Scarpina F., Dakanalis A., Keizer A., Pedroli E., Castelnuovo G., Chirico A., Catallo V., di Lernia D., Riva G.The Role of Age on Multisensory Bodily Experience: An Experimental Study with a Virtual Reality Full-Body IllusionCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2018) 21 (5) 304-310. Download PDF
Villani D., Carissoli C., Triberti S., Marchetti A., Gilli G., Riva G.Videogames for Emotion Regulation: A Systematic ReviewGAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications (2018) 7(2): 1-15 Download PDF
Castelnuovo G, Giusti E, Manzoni GM, Saviola D, Gabrielli S, Lacerenza M, Pietrabissa G, Cattivelli R, Spatola CAM, Rossi A, Varallo G, Novelli M, Villa V, Luzzati F, Cottini A, Lai C, Volpato E, Cavalera C, Pagnini F, Tesio V, Castelli L, Tavola M, Torta R, Arreghini M, Zanini L, Brunani A, Seitanidis I, Ventura G, Capodaglio P, D'Aniello GE, Scarpina F, Brioschi A, Bigoni M, Priano L, Mauro A, Riva G, Di Lernia D, Repetto C, Regalia C, Molinari E, Notaro P, Paolucci S, Sandrini G, Simpson S, Wiederhold BK, Gaudio S, Jackson J, Tamburin S, Benedetti F.What is the role of the placebo effect for pain relief in neurorehabilitation? Clinical implications from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in NeurorehabilitationFrontiers in Neurology (2018) 9:310. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00310 Download PDF
Chirico A., Glaveanu V.P., Cipresso P., Riva G., & Gaggioli A. Awe Enhances Creative Thinking: An Experimental StudyCreativity Research Journal (2018) 30:2,123-131 Download PDF
Cacciamani S., Villani D., Bonanomi A., Carissoli C, Olivari M.G., Morganti L., Riva G., Confalonieri E.Factors Affecting Students' Acceptance of Tablet PCs: A Study in Italian High SchoolsJournal of Research on Technology in Education (2018) 50:2, 120-133 Download PDF
Di Lernia D., Cipresso P., Riva G.i-Stim. A New Portable Device for Interoceptive StimulationLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (2018) 253: 42-49 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Timko A.C., Colmegna F., Riva G., Clerici M.Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity ratings for anorexia nervosa in a clinical samplePsychiatric Research (2018) 262: 124-128
Pedroli, E., Serino, S., Stramba-Badiale, M., Riva G.An innovative virtual reality-based training program for the rehabilitation of cognitive frail patientsLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST (2018) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74935-8_8
Pedroli E., Serino S., Pallavicini F., Cipresso P., Riva G.Exploring Virtual Reality for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Executive FunctionsInternational Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (2018) 2(1): 32-47 Download PDF
Chirico, A., Graziosi, S., Ferrise, F., (...), Riva G., Gaggioli, A. COLLEGO: An interactive platform for studying joint action during an ecological collaboration taskLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST (2018) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74935-8_9
Riva G., Cipresso P.Essere psicologi nell'era delle tecnologie cognitiveGiornale Italiano di Psicologia (2018) 1: 141-146
Chirico, A., Cipresso, P., Riva G., Gaggioli, A. A process for selecting and validating awe-inducing audio-visual stimuliLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST (2018) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74935-8_3
Villani D., Morganti L., Carissoli C., Gatti E., Bonanomi A., Cacciamani S., Confalonieri E., Riva G.Students' acceptance of tablet PCs in Italian high schools: Profiles and differencesBritish Journal of Educational Technology (2018) 49 (3) 533-544.
Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Ferrer-García M, Dakanalis A., Riva G.Virtual Reality: Applications to Eating DisordersW.S. Agras, A.H. Robinson (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders, Second Edition (2018) DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190620998.013.26 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Colmegna F., Zanetti M.A., Di Giacomo E., Riva G., Clerici M.Evaluation of the DSM-5 Severity Specifier for Bulimia Nervosa in Treatment-Seeking YouthChild Psychiatry & Human Development (2018) 49(1):137-145
Riva G., Gaudio S.Locked to a wrong body: Eating disorders as the outcome of a primary disturbance in multisensory body integrationConsciousness and Cognition (2018) 59: 57-59 Download PDF
Serino S., Baglio F., Rossetto F., Realdon O., Cipresso P., Parsons T.D., Cappellini G., Mantovani F., De Leo G., Nemni R., Riva G.Picture Interpretation Test (PIT) 360°: An Innovative Measure of Executive FunctionsScientific Reports (2017) 7, 16000, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16121-x Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Bartoli F., Caslini M., Crocamo C., Riva G., Carrà G.Risk and maintenance factors for young women’s DSM-5 eating disordersArchives of Women s Mental Health (2017) 20(6):721-73 Download PDF
Parsons T.D., Riva G., Parsons S., Mantovani F., Newbutt N., Lin L., Venturini E., Hall T.Virtual Reality in Pediatric PsychologyPediatrics (2017) 140; S86-S91 Download PDF
Triberti S., Chirico A., La Rocca G., RIva G.Developing Emotional Design: Emotions as Cognitive Processes and their Role in the Design of Interactive TechnologiesFrontiers in Psychology (2017) doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01773 Download PDF
Riva G.,Letter to the Editor: Virtual reality in the treatment of eating and weight disordersPsychological Medicine (2017) 47 (14): 2567-2568 Download PDF
Ferrer-Garcia M., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Vilalta-Abella F., Riva G., Clerici M., Ribas-Sabaté J., Andreu-Gracia A., Fernandez-Aranda F., Forcano L, Riesco N., Sánchez I., Escandon-Nagel N., Gomez-Tricio O., Tena V., Dakanalis A.A randomised controlled comparison of second-level treatment approaches for treatment-resistant adults with bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder: assessing the benefits of virtual reality cue exposure therapyEuropean Eating Disorders Review (2017) 25 (6): 479-490 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Gaudio S., Riva G., Clerici M., Severity of bulimia nervosa and its impact on treatment outcomeEating and Weight Disorders (2017) 22(4):727-729 Download PDF
Colombo D., Cipresso P., Pedroli E., Riva G.Setting-up a clinical trial: Some methodological recommendationsAnuario de Psicologia (2017) 47 (3): 130-139 Download PDF
Colombo D., Serino, S., Tuena C., Pedroli E., Dakanalis A., Cipresso P., Riva G.Egocentric and allocentric spatial reference frames in aging: A systematic reviewNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2017) 80: 605-621 Download PDF
Riva G., Serino S., Di Lernia D., Pavone E.F., Dakanalis A, Embodied Medicine: Mens Sana in Corpore Virtuale SanoFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2017) doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00120 Download PDF
Riva E.F.M., Riva G., Talò C., Boffi M., Rainisio N., Pola L., Diana B., Villani D., Argenton L., Inghilleri P.Measuring Dispositional Flow: Validity and reliability of the Dispositional Flow State Scale 2, Italian versionPlos One (2017) 12(9): e0182201. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Bartoli F., Caslini, M., Crocamo C., Zanetti M.A., Riva G., Clerici M., Carrà G.Validity and clinical utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for bulimia nervosa: results from a multisite sample of patients who received evidence-based treatmentEuropean Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (2017) 267(8):823-829 Download PDF
Triberti S, Durosini I, Aschieri F, Villani D, Riva G.Changing Avatars, Changing Selves? The Influence of Social and Contextual Expectations on Digital Rendition of IdentityCyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. (2017) Aug;20(8):501-507 Download PDF
Serino S., Riva G.The Proactive Self in Space: How Egocentric and Allocentric Spatial Impairments Contribute to Anosognosia in Alzheimer’s DiseaseJournal of Alzheimer's disease: JAD (2017) 55 (3):881-892 Download PDF
Graffigna G., Barello S., Riva G., Castelnuovo G., Corbo M., Coppola L., Daverio G., Fauci A., Iannone P., Ricciardi W., Bosio A.C. Promozione del patient engagement in ambito clinico-assistenziale per le malattie croniche: raccomandazioni dalla prima conferenza di consenso italianaRecenti Progressi in Medicina (2017) 108 (11): 455-475. Download PDF
Chicchi Giglioli I.A., Parra E., Cardenas-Lopez G., Riva G., and Alcañiz Raya M.Virtual Stealth Assessment: A New Methodological Approach for Assessing Psychological Needs Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2017) 10622, 1–11 Download PDF
Chirico A., Cipresso P., Yaden D.B., Biassoni F., Riva G., Gaggioli A.Effectiveness of Immersive Videos in Inducing Awe: An Experimental StudyScientific Report (2017) 7: 1218, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01242-0 Download PDF
Graffigna, G., Barello, S., Bonanomi, A., Riva G.,Factors affecting patients’ online health information-seeking behaviours: The role of the Patient Health Engagement (PHE) ModelPatient Education and Counseling (2017) 100(10):1918-1927 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Riva G., Serino S., Colmegna F., Clerici M.Classifying Adults with Binge Eating Disorder Based on Severity LevelsEuropean Eating Disorders Review (2017) 25(4):268-274 Download PDF
Serino S., Pedroli E., Tuena C., De Leo G., Stramba-Badiale M., Goulene K., Guidone N. Riva G.A Novel Virtual Reality-Based Training Protocol for the Enhancement of the “Mental Frame Syncing” in Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Development-of-Concept TrialFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2017) 9:240 DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00240 Download PDF
Carelli L., Solca F., Faini A., Meriggi P., Sangalli D., Cipresso P., Riva G., Ticozzi N., Ciammola A., Silani V., Poletti B.Brain-Computer Interface for Clinical Purposes: Cognitive Assessment and RehabilitationBioMed Research International (2017), Article ID 1695290, Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Colmegna F., Riva G., Clerici M., Validity and utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for binge-eating disorderInternational Journal of Eating Disorders (2017) 50(8):917-923 Download PDF
Coco M., Badino L., Cipresso P., Chirico A., Ferrari E., Riva G., Gaggioli A., D'Ausilio A.Multilevel behavioral synchronisation in a joint tower-building taskIEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (2017) 9 (3): 223-233 Download PDF
Cipresso P., Bessi A., Colombo D., Pedroli E., Riva G.Computational Psychometrics for Modeling System Dynamics during Stressful DisastersFrontiers in Psychology (2017) 8: 401, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01401 Download PDF
Ferrer-Garcia M., Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Dakanalis A., Vilalta-Abella F. Riva G., Fernandez-Aranda F., Sánchez I., Ribas-Sabaté J., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J.Eating behavior style predicts craving and anxiety experienced in food-related virtual environments by patients with eating disorders and healthy controlsAppetite (2017) 117: 284-293 Download PDF
Gaudio S., Quattrocchi C.C., Piervincenzi C., Zobel B.B., Montecchi F.R., Dakanalis A., Riva G., Carducci F.White matter abnormalities in treatment-naive adolescents at the earliest stages of Anorexia Nervosa: A diffusion tensor imaging studyPsychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2017) 266:138-145 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Manzoni G.M., Castelnuovo G., Riva G., Clerici M., Towards novel paradigms for treating dysfunctional bodily experience in eating disordersEating and Weight Disorders (2017) 22 (2) 373-375 Download PDF
Parsons T.D., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Virtual Reality for Research in Social NeuroscienceBrain Sciences (2017) 7(4), 42; doi:10.3390/brainsci7040042 Download PDF
Carelli L, Solca F, Faini A, Meriggi P, Sangalli D, Cipresso P, Riva G, Ticozzi N, Ciammola A, Silani V, Poletti B.Brain-Computer Interface for Clinical Purposes: Cognitive Assessment and RehabilitationBioMed Research International (2017), Article ID 1695290, DOI:10.1155/2017/1695290 Download PDF
Cipolletta S., Malighetti C., Serino S., Riva G., Winter D.Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and physical space in anorexia nervosa: a virtual reality and repertory grid investigationPsychiatry Research (2017) 252, 87-93 Download PDF
Pietrabissa G, Sorgente A, Rossi A, Simpson S, Riva G., Manzoni G.M., Prochaska J.O., Prochaska J.M., Cattivelli R., Castelnuovo G.Stages of change in obesity and weight management: factorial structure of the Italian version of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment ScaleEating and Weight Disorders (2017) 22 (2) 361-367 Download PDF
Poletti B, Carelli L, Solca F, Lafronza F, Pedroli E, Faini A, Zago S, Ticozzi N, Ciammola A, Morelli C, Meriggi P, Cipresso P, Lulé D, Ludolph A.C., Riva G, Silani V.An eye-tracker controlled cognitive battery: overcoming verbal-motor limitations in ALSJournal of Neurology (2017) 264:1136–1145
G Graffigna, S Barello, G Riva, M Savarese, J Paola, G Castelnuovo, M Corbo, A Tzannis, A Aglione, A Bertoni, D Bettega, S Bigi, D Bruttomesso, C Cazzaniga, L Del Campo, S Donato, S Gilardi, C Gulglielmetti, M Gulizia, M Lastretti, V Mastrilli, A Mazzone, G Muttillo, S Ostuzzi, G Perseghin, N Piana, G Pitacco, G Polvani, M Pozzi, L Provenzi, G Quaglini, MG Rossi, P Varese, N Visalli, E Vegni, W Ricciardi, CA BosioFertilizing a Patient Engagement Ecosystem to Innovate Healthcare: Toward the First Italian Consensus Conference on Patient EngagementFrontiers in Psychology (2017) 8:812. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00812 Download PDF
Riva G.,Interrealtà: Reti fisiche, reti digitali e post-veritàIl Mulino (2017) 2: 210-217. Download PDF
Gaggioli, A., Riva G., Peters D., Calvo R.A.Positive Technology, Computing, and Design: Shaping a Future in Which Technology Promotes Psychological Well-BeingJeon, M (Ed.) Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human–Computer Interaction (2017) Academic Press, London, 477-502. Download PDF
Poletti B, Carelli L, Solca F, Lafronza F, Pedroli E, Faini A, Zago S, Ticozzi N, Ciammola A, Morelli C, Meriggi P, Cipresso P, Lulé D, Ludolph A.C., Riva G, Silani V.An eye-tracking controlled neuropsychological battery for cognitive assessment in neurological diseasesNeurological Sciences (2017) 38(4):595-603 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Riva G., Carrà G.Testing the DSM-5 severity indicator for bulimia nervosa in a treatment-seeking sample.Eating and Weight Disorders (2017) 22 (1), pp. 161-167 Download PDF
Gaggioli A., Chirico A., Mazzoni E., Milani L., Riva G.Networked flow in musical bandsPsychology of Music (2017) Vol 45, Issue 2, pp. 283 - 297. Download PDF
R. M. Baños, E. Etchemendy, A. Mira, G. Riva, A. Gaggioli, C. BotellaOnline Positive Interventions to Promote Well-being and Resilience in the Adolescent Population: A Narrative ReviewFrontiers in Psychiatry (2017) 8: 10, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00010 Download PDF
Dakanalis A, Timko A, Clerici M, Riva G., Carrà G,Objectified Body Consciousness (OBC) in Eating Psychopathology: Construct Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance of the 24-Item OBC Scale in Clinical and Nonclinical Adolescent SamplesAssessment (2017) Vol 24, Issue 2, pp. 252 - 274 Download PDF
Villani, D., Serino, S., Triberti, S., Riva, G.Ageing Positively with Digital GamesLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (2016) 187: 148-155 Download PDF
Pedroli E., Padula P., Guala A., Meardi M.T., Riva, G., Albani G.A Psychometric Tool for a Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Approach for DyslexiaComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2017), Article ID 7048676, DOI: 10.1155/2017/7048676 Download PDF
Villani, D. Rotasperti, C., Cipresso, P, Triberti, S., Carissoli, C. Riva, G.Assessing the emotional state of job applicants through a virtual reality simulation: A psycho-physiological studyLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (2016) 187: 119-126 Download PDF
Villani D., Caputo M., Balzarotti S., Riva G.Enhancing self-efficacy through a blended training: A pilot study with basketball playersInternational Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2017) 15 (2): 160-175 Download PDF
Riva G.Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa: Serotonin Dysfunctions Link Self-starvation with Body Image Disturbances through an Impaired Body MemoryFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2016) doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00600 Download PDFDi Lernia, D. Serino S., Riva G.Pain in the body. Altered interoception in chronic pain conditions: a systematic reviewNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2016) 71:328-341. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Gaudio, S., Serino S., Clerici M., Carrà G., Riva G.Body Image Distortions in Anorexia NervosaNature Reviews Disease Primers (2016) 2, Article number: 16026 doi:10.1038/nrdp.2016.26 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Caslini M., Volpato C., Riva G., Clerici M., Carrà G.Predicting onset and maintenance of men's eating disordersInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16 (3) 247-255. Download PDF
Repetto C., Serino S., Macedonia M., Riva G.,Virtual Reality as an Embodied Tool to Enhance Episodic Memory in ElderlyFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:1839 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01839 Download PDF
Poletti B., Carelli C., Solca F., Lafronza A., Pedroli E., Faini A., Zago S., Ticozzi N., Meriggi P., Cipresso P., Lulé D., Ludolph A.C., Riva G., Silani V.Cognitive assessment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by means of P300-Brain Computer Interface: a preliminary studyAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration (2016) 17(7-8):473-481 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Colmegna F., Riva G.Neuroscientifically Informed Models of Body Image Distortion in Eating DisordersT. Wade (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Behavior, Springer, Berlin, Download PDF
Riva G., Banos R.M., Botella C., Mantovani F., Gaggioli A.Transforming Experience: The Potential of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Enhancing Personal and Clinical ChangeFrontiers in Psychiatry (2016) 7:164. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00164 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Carrà G., Riva G.Dysfunctional bodily experiences in anorexia nervosa: where are we?Eating and Weight Disorders (2016) 21 (4), 731-732 Download PDF
Bravo J., Cook D., Riva G.Ambient intelligence for health environmentsJournal of Biomedical Informatics (2016) 64:207-210 Download PDF
Chirico A., Yaden D.B., Riva G., Gaggioli A.The Potential of Virtual Reality for the Investigation of AweFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:1766. 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01766 Download PDF
Bosio A.C., Riva G.Guardare la ricerca oltre la bibliometriaVita e Pensiero (2016) XCIX (4), 129-139 Download PDF
Cipresso, P., Riva G.Computational Psychometrics Meets Hollywood: The Complexity in Emotional StorytellingFrontiers in Psychology (2016), 7:1753. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01753 Download PDF
Riva G.Selfie. Narcisismo e IdentitàIl Mulino: Bologna (2016). Vai al sito del volume
Villani D., Gatti E., Triberti S., Confalonieri E., Riva G.Exploration of virtual body-representation in adolescence: the role of age and sex in avatar customizationSpringer Plus (2016) 5: 740. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Caslini, M., Gaudio, S., Serino S., Riva G., Carrà G.Predictors of Initiation and Persistence of Recurrent Binge Eating and Inappropriate Weight Compensatory Behaviors in College MenInternational Journal of Eating Disorders (2016) 49 (6), 581-590. Download PDF.
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K., Cipresso, P.Psychology of Social Media: From Technology to IdentityIn Riva G., Wiederhold B.K., Cipresso, P. (Eds). The Psychology of Social Networking. Personal Experience in Online Communities, De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2016). Download PDF
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K., Cipresso, P. (Eds). The Psychology of Social Networking. Personal Experience in Online Communities (Vol. 1), De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2016). Download FULL BOOK in PDF
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K., Cipresso, P. (Eds). The Psychology of Social Networking. Identity and Relationships in Online Communities (Vol. 2), De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2016). Download FULL BOOK in PDF
Triberti S., Villani D., Riva G.Unconscious goal pursuit primes attitudes towards technology usage: A virtual reality experimentComputers in Human Behavior (2016) 64:163-172 Download PDF
Di Lernia D., Serino S., Cipresso P., Riva G.Ghosts in the Machine. Interoceptive Modeling for Chronic Pain TreatmentFrontiers in Neuroscience (2016) 10(47). DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00314 Download PDF
Riva G.Embodied Medicine: What Human-Computer Confluence Can Offer to Health CareIn Gaggioli A., Ferscha A., Riva G., Dunne S., Viaud-Delmon I. (Eds). Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies, De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2016). Download PDF
Gaggioli A., Ferscha A., Riva G., Viaud-Delmon I.Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic TechnologiesDe Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2016). Download full book here
Serino S., Scarpina F. ,Keizer A., Pedroli E., Dakanalis A., Castelnuovo G., Chirico A.,Novelli M., Gaudio S., Riva G.A novel technique for improving bodily experience in a non-operable super-super obesity caseFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:837. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00837 Download PDF
Villani D., Gatti E., Triberti S., Confalonieri M., Riva G.Exploration of virtual body-representation in adolescence: the role of age and sex in avatar customizationSpringer Plus (2016) 5:740. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2520-y Download PDF
Riva G., VIllani D., Cipresso P., Repetto C., Triberti S., Di Lernia D., Chirico A., Serino S., Gaggioli A.Positive and Transformative Technologies for Active AgeingStudies in Health Technology and Informatics (2016) 220 308-315. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Timko A., Serino S., Riva G., Clerici M., Carrà G.Prospective Psychosocial Predictors of Onset and Cessation of Eating Pathology amongst College WomenEuropean Eating Disorders Review (2016) 24 (3): 251-256. Download PDF
Fleming T.F., de Beurs D., Khazaal Y., Gaggioli A., Riva G., Botella C., Baños R.M., Aschieri F., Bavin L.M., Kleiboer A., Merry S., Ming Lau H., Riper H.Maximizing the impact of e-therapy and serious Gaming: time for a Paradigm shiftFrontiers in Psychiatry (2016) 7 (65) DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00065 Download PDF
Riva G., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Wiederhold, B.K.Virtual Worlds versus Real Body: Virtual Reality Meets Eating and Weight DisordersCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2016) 16 (2) 63-66. Download PDF
Cipresso, P., Serino, S., Riva G.Psychometric assessment and behavioral experiments using a free virtual reality platform and computational scienceBMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (2016) 16:37, DOI: 10.1186/s12911-016-0276-5 Download PDF
Triberti S., Villani D., Riva G.No Man Is a Monkey Island: Individual Characteristics Associated with Gamers’ Preferences for Single or Multiplayer GamesLecture Notes in Computer Science (2016) 9599:342-347 Download PDF
Castelnuovo G, Giusti E, Manzoni G, Saviola D, Gatti A, Gabrielli S, Lacerenza M, Pietrabissa G, Cattivelli R, Spatola CA, Corti S, Novelli M, Villa V, Cottini A, Lai C, Pagnini F, Castelli L, Tavola M, Torta R, Arreghini M, Zanini L, Brunani A, Capodaglio P, D'Aniello G, Scarpina F, Brioschi A, Priano L, Mauro A, Riva G., Repetto C, Regalia C, Molinari E, Notaro P, Paolucci S, Sandrini G, Simpson SG, Wiederhold B and Tamburin S Psychological considerations in the assessment and treatment of pain in neurorehabilitation and psychological factors predictive of therapeutic response: evidence and recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in NeurorehabilitationFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:156. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00468 Download PDF
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G., Gaggioli A., Wiederhold, M.D,Physician Burnout: Improving Treatment Efficacy with Virtual RealityStudies in Health Technology and Informatics (2016) 220 454-458. Download PDF
Villani D, Cognetta C, Toniolo D, Scanzi F, Riva G.,Engaging Elderly Breast Cancer Patients: The Potential of eHealth InterventionsFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:1825. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01825 Download PDF
Riva G., Villani D., Cipresso P., Gaggioli R.Positive Technology: The Use of Technology for Improving and Sustaining Personal ChangeIn Villani D., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., Riva G. (Eds.) Integrating Technology in Positive Psychology Practice,Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global) (2016) 1-37. Download PDF
Villani D., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., Riva G. (Eds.) Integrating Technology in Positive Psychology Practice(2016) Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global). Download full book in PDF
Triberti S., Repetto C., Costantini M., Riva G., Sinigaglia C.Press to grasp: how action dynamics shape object categorizationExperimental Brain Research (2016) 234(3):799-806. Download PDF
Riva G.I Social Network(2016) Mulino, Bologna, Visita il sito Internet
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Virtual Reality in the Assessment and Treatment of Weight-Related DisordersCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2016) 16 (2) 67-73. Download PDF
Castelnuovo G, Giusti E, Manzoni G, Saviola D, Gatti A, Gabrielli S, Lacerenza M, Pietrabissa G, Cattivelli R, Spatola CA, Corti S, Novelli M, Villa V, Cottini A, Lai C, Pagnini F, Castelli L, Tavola M, Torta R, Arreghini M, Zanini L, Brunani A, Capodaglio P, D'Aniello G, Scarpina F, Brioschi A, Priano L, Mauro A, Riva G., Repetto C, Regalia C, Molinari E, Notaro P, Paolucci S, Sandrini G, Simpson SG, Wiederhold B and Tamburin S Psychological treatments and psychotherapies in the neurorehabilitation of pain: evidences and recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in NeurorehabilitationFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 7:115. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00115 Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Carrà G., Calogero RM., Zanetti A., Volpato C., Riva G., Clerici M., Cipresso P.The Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in Italian Adolescent Populations: Construct Validation and Group Discrimination in Community and Clinical Eating Disorders SamplesChild Psychiatry and Human Development (2016) 47 (1) 133-150. Download PDF.
Triberti S., Riva, G.Being present in action: a theoretical model about the “interlocking” between intentions and environmental affordancesFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 6:2052, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02052 Download PDF
Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G.Future Directions: How Virtual Reality Can Further Improve the Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders and ObesityCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2016) 16 (2) 148-153. Download PDF
Cipresso P., Riva, G.Personality Assessment in Ecological Settings by Means of Virtual RealityIn U. Kumar (Ed.) The Wiley Handbook of Personality AssessmentNew York, John Wiley & Sons (2016) 240-248 Download PDF
Manzoni M., Cesa G., Bacchetta M., Castelnuovo G., Conti S., Gaggioli, A., Mantovani F., Molinari E., Cárdenas-López G., Riva G.Virtual Reality-Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Morbid Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Study with 1 Year Follow-UpCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 16 (2) 134-140. Download PDF
Morganti, L., Scaratti, C., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., Bonfiglio, S., Riva, G.How can technology help intergenerational reminiscence? A pilot study International Journal of Web-Based Communities (2016), 12 (1), pp.35–54. Download PDF
Pallavicini F., Serino S., Cipresso P., Pedroli E., Alice Chicchi Giglioli I., Chirico A., Manzoni G.M., Castelnuovo G., Molinari E., Riva G.Testing Augmented Reality for Cue Exposure in Obese Patients: An Exploratory Study Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Feb 2016, 19(2): 107-114. Download PDF
Mardegan, P., Riva G, Scatena S.Digital Advertising 3.0. Il futuro della pubblicità digitale(2016) Maggioli, Milano. La pagina del sito del volume
Pedroli E., Pallavicini F., Serino S., Cipresso P., Chicchi Giglioli I.A., Riva G.The Use of Virtual Reality Tools for the Assessment of Executive Functions and Unilateral Spatial NeglectIn F. Hu, J. Lu, T. Zhang (Eds.) Virtual Reality Enhanced Robotic Systems for Disability Rehabilitation
IGI Global: Hershey PA, USA (2016) 115-140 Download PDFSerino S. Pedroli E., Keizer A., Triberti S., Dakanalis A., Pallavicini F., Chirico A., Riva G.Virtual Reality Body Swapping: A Tool for Modifying the Allocentric Memory of the Body
CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2016) 16 (2) 127-133. Download PDFBarello S., Triberti S., Graffigna G., Libreri C., Serino S., Hibbard J., Riva G.eHealth for Patient Engagement: a systematic reviewFrontiers in Psychology (2016) 6:2013, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02013. Download PDF
Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G.Eating Disorders and Obesity in Virtual Reality: A Comprehensive Research ChartCyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (2016) 16 (2) 141-147. Download PDF
Serino S., Dakanalis A., Gaudio S., Carrà G., Cipresso P., Clerici M. Riva G.Out of body, out of space: Impaired reference frame processing in eating disordersPsychiatry Research (2015) 230:2, 732-734 Download PDFDakanalis A, Carrà G, Calogero R, Fida R, Clerici M, Zanetti MA, Riva G.The developmental effects of media-ideal internalization and self-objectification processes on adolescents' negative body-feelings, dietary restraint, and binge eatingEuropean Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2015) 24(8):997-1010 Download PDF
Tartarisco G., Carbonaro N., Tonacci A., Bernava G. M., Arnao A., Crifaci G., Cipresso P., Riva G., Gaggioli A., De Rossi D., Tognetti A., Pioggia G.Neuro-Fuzzy Physiological Computing to Assess Stress Levels in Virtual Reality TherapyInteracting with Computers (2015) 27 (5):521-533. Download PDF
Riva, G., Graffigna G., Barello S., Triberti S.Searching for the Holy Grail: Patient Engagement in Computerized TherapyBMJ (online) (2015); 351:h5627/rr-8 Download PDF
Pedroli E., Serino S., Cipresso P., Pallavicini F., Riva G.Assessment and rehabilitation of neglect using virtual reality: a systematic reviewFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2015) 9:226. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00226. Download PDF
Gaudio S., Piervincenzi, C., Zobel B.B., Montecchi F.R., Riva G., Carducci F., Quattrocchi C.C.Altered resting state functional connectivity of anterior cingulate cortex in drug naïve adolescents at the earliest stages of anorexia nervosaScientific Reports (2015) 5(10818): 1-11. DOI:10.1038/srep10818 Download PDF.
Serino, S., Morganti, F., Di Stefano F., Riva G.Detecting early egocentric and allocentric impairments deficits in Alzheimer's disease: an experimental study with virtual realityFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2015); 7:88. DOI:10.3389/fnagi.2015.00088 Download PDF.
Cipresso P., Serino S., Gaggioli A., Albani G., Mauro A., Riva G.Psychometric modeling of the pervasive use of Facebook through psychophysiological measures: Stress or optimal experience?Computers in Human Behavior (2015) 49:576-587. Download PDF.
Villani D., Morganti F., Cipresso P., Ruggi S., Riva G., Gilli G.Visual exploration patterns of human figures in action: an eye tracker study with art paintingsFrontiers in Psychology (2015) 6:1636. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01636 Download PDF
Triberti S., Serino S., Argenton L. Riva, G.Being in an Avatar: Action and Embodiment in a Digital MeAnnual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine (2015), 13, 107-111 Download PDF
Triberti S., Villani D., Riva G.Moral positioning in video games and its relation with dispositional traits: The emergence of a social dimensionComputers in Human Behavior (2015) 50, 1-8. Download PDF.
Chirico A., Serino S., Cipresso P., Gaggioli A., Riva G.When music “flows”. State and trait in musical performance, composition and listening: a systematic reviewFrontiers in Psychology (2015) 6:906. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00906. Download PDF
Riva, G, Wiederhold B.K.The New Dawn of Virtual Reality in Health Care: Medical Simulation and Experiential InterfaceAnnual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine (2015), 13:3-6. Download PDF
Riva G., Graffigna G., Gambetti R.C.Are Positive Narratives a Possible Marketing Tool? Preliminary Insights from Narrative and Cognitive PsychologyMicro & Macro Marketing (2015) 3: 439-462. Download PDF.
Repetto C., Colombo B., Riva G.Is Motor Simulation Involved During Foreign Language Learning? A Virtual Reality ExperimentSage Open (2015) 1-10 DOI: 10.1177/2158244015609964 Download PDF
Serino S., Mestre D., Mallet P., Pergandi J-M., Cipresso P., Riva G.Don't get lost in translation: the role of egocentric heading in spatial orientationNeuroscience Letters (2015) 602: 84-88 Download PDF
Pallavicini F., Pedroli E., Serino S., Dell'Isola A., Cipresso P., Cisari C., Riva G.Assessing unilateral spatial neglect using advanced technologies: The potentiality of mobile virtual realityTechnology and Health Care (2015) 23(6), 795-807 Download PDF
Villani, D., Gaggioli, A., Riva G.Tecnologie Positive per il benessere: Proposte di InterventoRicerche di Psicologia (2015) 1: 255-266. Download PDF
Serino S., Riva G.How different spatial representations interact in virtual environments: the role of mental frame syncingCognitive Processing (2015) 16(2): 91-101. Download PDF
Cipresso P., Villani D., Repetto C., Bosone L., Balgera A., Mauri M., Villamira M., Antonietti A., Riva G.Computational Psychometrics in Communication and Implications in Decision MakingComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2015) 985032:1-10 Download PDF
D'Ausilio A., Badino L., Cipresso P., Chirico A., Ferrari E., Riva G., Gaggioli A.Automatic imitation of the arm kinematic profile in interacting partnersCognitive Processing (2015). 16(1): 197-201 Download PDF
Triberti S., Riva G.Engaging Users to Design Positive Technologies for Patient Engagement: the Perfect Interaction ModelIn Graffigna G., Barello S., Triberti S. (Eds.), Patient Engagement: a consumer centered model to innovate healthcare, De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2015). Download PDF.
Triberti S., Riva G.Positive Technology for Enhancing the Patient Engagement ExperiencesIn Graffigna G., Barello S., Triberti S. (Eds.), Patient Engagement: a consumer centered model to innovate healthcare, De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2015). Download PDF.
Triberti S., Barello S., Graffigna G., Riva G., Candelieri A., Archetti F.Evaluating Patient Engagement and User Experience of a Positive Technology Intervention: The H-CIM CaseIn Graffigna G., Barello S., Triberti S. (Eds.), Patient Engagement: a consumer centered model to innovate healthcare, De Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2015). Download PDF.
Dakanalis A, Carrà G, Timko A, Volpato C, Pla-Sanjuanelo J, Zanetti MA, Clerici M, Riva G.Mechanisms of influence of body checking on binge eatingInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2015) 15(2): 93-104. Download PDF
Riva G., Botella C., Baños R., Mantovani F., García-Palacios A,, Quero S., Serino S., Triberti S., Repetto C., Dakanalis A., Villani D., Gaggioli A.Presence-Inducing Media for Mental Health ApplicationsIn Lombard M., Biocca F., Freeman J., IJsselsteijn W., Schaevitz (Eds.) Immersed in Media: Telepresence Theory, Measurement & Technology, Springer: Berlin (2015) pp. 283-332. Download PDF.
Waterworth, J., Waterworth, E.L., Mantovani, F., Riva G.Presence: Form, Content and ConsciousnessIn Lombard M., Biocca F., Freeman J., IJsselsteijn W., Schaevitz (Eds.) Immersed in Media: Telepresence Theory, Measurement & Technology, Springer: Berlin (2015) pp. 35-58. Download PDF.
Riva G., Mantovani, F., Waterworth, E.L., Waterworth, J.Intention, Action, Self and Other: An Evolutionary Model of PresenceIn Lombard M., Biocca F., Freeman J., IJsselsteijn W., Schaevitz (Eds.) Immersed in Media: Telepresence Theory, Measurement & Technology, Springer: Berlin (2015) pp. 73-99. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Carrà G., Clerici M., Riva G.Efforts to make clearer the relationship between body dissatisfaction and binge eatingEating and Weight Disorders (2015) 20 (1), 145-146. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A, Favagrossa L., Clerici M, Prunas A, Colmegna F, Zanetti MA, Riva G.Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Latent Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Moderating Variables in 18-to 28-Year-Old MalesThe Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary and Applied (2015) 149(1): 85-112. Download PDF.
Albani G., Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Bulla D., Cimolin V., Thomas A., Mauro A., Riva G.Visual Hallucinations as Incidental Negative Effects of Virtual Reality on Parkinson’s Disease Patients: A Link with Neurodegeneration?Parkinson’s Disease (2015), Article ID 194629, 6 pages. Download PDF
Riva G., Gaudio S., Dakanalis A.The Neuropsychology of Self-ObjectificationEuropean Psychologist (2015) 20 (1), 34-43. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Zanetti M.A., G. Riva, Colmegna F., Volpato C., Madeddu F., Clerici M.Male body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptomatology: Moderating variables among menJournal of Health Psychology (2015) 20 (1), 80-90. Download PDF.
Chicchi Giglioli I.A., Pallavicini F., Pedroli E., Serino S., Riva G. Augmented reality: A brand new challenge for the assessment and treatment of psychological disordersComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2015) Article ID: 862942 Download PDF
Inghilleri P., Riva G., Riva E.Enabling Positive Change, Flow and Complexity in Daily ExperienceDe Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2015). Download the full open access book in PDF.
Repetto C., Cipresso P., Riva G.Virtual action and real action have different impacts on comprehension of concrete verbsFrontiers in Psychology (2015) 6 (176), 1-9. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Mazzoni E., Milani L., Riva G.The Creative Link: Investigating the Relationship Between Social Network Indices, Creative Performance and Flow in Blended TeamsComputers in Human Behaviors (2015) 42:157-166 Download PDF.
Carissoli, C., Villani, D., Riva G.Does a Meditation Protocol Supported by a Mobile Application Help People Reduce Stress? Suggestions from a Controlled Pragmatic TrialCyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2015) 18 (1), 46-53. Download PDF.
Pla-Sanjuanelo J., Ferrer-García M, Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Riva G., Andreu-Gracia A., Dakanalis A., Fernandez-Aranda F., Forcano L., Ribas-Sabaté J., Riesco N., Rus-Calafell M., Sánchez I., Sanchez-Planell L.Identifying specific cues and contexts related to bingeing behavior for the development of effective virtual environmentsAppetite (2015) 87: 81-89 Download PDF
Graffigna G., Riva G.Social media monitoring and understanding: an integrated mixed methods approach for the analysis of social mediaInternational Journal of Web Based Communities (2015) 11 (1), 57-72. Download PDF.
Riva G., Calvo R., Lisetti C.CyberPsychology and Affective ComputingIn Calvo R., D'Mello S., Gratch J., Kappas A. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Affective ComputingNew York, Oxford University Press (2015) DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199942237.013.017. Download PDF
Riva G., Dakanalis A., Mantovani F.Leveraging Psychology of Virtual Body for Health and WellnessIn S. Shyam Sundar (Ed.) The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication TechnologyNew York, Wiley Blackwell (2015) 528-547. Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Timko A.C, Madeddu F., Volpato C., Clerici M., G. Riva, Zanetti M.A.Are the Male Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Muscularity scales reliable and valid instruments?Journal of Health Psychology (2015) 20:48-59. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Favagrossa L., Clerici M., Prunas A., Colmegna F., Zanetti M.A., Riva G.Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Latent Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Moderating Variables in 18-to 28-Year-Old MalesThe Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary and Applied (2015) 149 (1): 85-112. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Riva G.Psychological treatments: Smart tools boost mental-health careNature (2014) 512, 28 (07 August 2014) Download PDF.Dakanalis A, Carrà G, Calogero R, Zanetti MA, Gaudio S, Caccialanza R, Riva G., Clerici MTesting the cognitive-behavioural maintenance models across DSM-5 bulimic-type eating disorder diagnostic groups: a multi-centre studyEuropean Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (2014) 265:8, 663-676 Download PDF
Cipresso P., Albani G., Serino S., Pedroli E., Pallavicini F., Mauro A., Riva G.Virtual multiple errands test (VMET): a virtual reality-based tool to detect early executive functions deficit in Parkinson’s diseaseFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2014) 8:405. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00405 Download PDF.
Riva G., Waterworth J., Murray D. (Eds.)Interacting with Presence. HCI and the Sense of Presence in Computer-mediated EnvironmentsDe Gruyter Open: Warsaw (2014). Download the full open access book in PDF.
Waterworth J., Riva G.Feeling Present in the Physical World and in Computer-Mediated EnvironmentsPalgrave Pilot: New York (2014). Download a book excerpt here.
Gaudio S., Brooks S., Riva G.Nonvisual Multisensory Impairment of Body Perception in Anorexia Nervosa: A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological StudiesPLOS One (2014) 9(10): e110087. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110087 Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Pallavicini F., Morganti L., Serino S., Scaratti C., Briguglio M., Crifaci G., Vetrano N., Giulintano A., Bernava G., Tartarisco G., Pioggia G., Raspelli S., Cipresso P., Vigna C., Grassi A., Baruffi M., Wiederhold B., Riva G.Experiential Virtual Scenarios With Real-Time Monitoring (Interreality) for the Management of Psychological Stress: A Block Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Internet Research (2014); 16(7):e167. Download PDF.
Riva G.Out of my real body. Cognitive Neuroscience meets Eating DisordersFrontiers in Human Neuroscience (2014) DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00236 Download PDF.
Serino, S., Cipresso, P., Gaggioli, A., Pallavicini, F., Cipresso, S., Campanaro, D., Riva G.Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a preliminary evaluation of Positive Technology AppRevista de Psicopatologia y Psìcologia Clinica (2014) 19:3, 253-260. Download PDF.19, N.º 3, pp. 253-260, 2014
Serino, S., Cipresso, P., Morganti, F., Riva G.The role of egocentric and allocentric abilities in Alzheimer's disease: A systematic reviewAgeing Research Reviews (2014) 16, 32-44. Download PDF.
Calvo R.A., Riva G., Lisetti C.Affect and Wellbeing: Introduction to Special SectionIEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2014); 5(3):215-216. Download PDF.
Serino, S., Riva G.What is the role of spatial processing in the decline of episodic memory in Alzheimer’s disease? The “mental frame syncing” hypothesisFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2014); 6 (33), 1-7 DOI: doi:10.3389/fnagi.2014.00033 Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Timko C.A., Carrà G., Clerici M., Zanetti M.A., Riva G., Caccialanza R.Testing the original and the extended dual-pathway model of lack of control over eating in adolescent girls. A two-year longitudinal studyAppetite (2014). 82: 180-193. Download PDF.
Benyon D., Quigley A., O’Keefe B., Riva G.Presence and Digital TourismAI & Society (2014) 29(4): 521-529. Download PDF.
La Paglia F., La Cascia C., Cipresso P., Rizzo R., Francomano A., Riva G. La Barbera D.Psychometric assessment using classic neuropsychological and virtual reality based test: A study in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Schizophrenic patientsLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (2014) 100: 23-32. Download PDF
Riva G.L come Libro, T come Tablet. Come si studia meglio?Il Mulino (2014) 475 (5): 790-794. Download PDF.
Riva G.Nativi Digitali. Crescere ed Apprendere nel Mondo dei Nuovi MediaIl Mulino, Bologna (2014). Ordina il volume. Vai sul sito.
Riva G., Marsan P.A., Grassi C. (Eds.)Active Ageing and Healthy Living: A Human Centered Approach in Research and Innovation as Source of Quality of LifeIOS Press, The Netherlands (2014). Download the full open access book in PDF.
Riva G., Gaudio S., Dakanalis A.I’m in a virtual body: a locked allocentric memory may impair the experience of the body in both obesity and anorexia nervosaEating and Weight Disorders (2014) 19 (1), 133-134. Download PDF.
Triberti, S., Repetto, C., Riva G.Psychological Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality–Based Analgesia: A Systematic ReviewCyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2014) 17 (6), 335-345. Download PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., Soomro, A., Riva G., Wiederhold, M.D.Future Directions: Advances and Implications of Virtual Environments Designed for Pain ManagementCyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2014) 17 (6), 414-422. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Timko A.C, Favagrossa L., G. Riva, Zanetti M.A., Clerici M.Why Do Only a Minority of Men Report Severe Levels of Eating Disorder Symptomatology, When so Many Report Substantial Body Dissatisfaction? Examination of Exacerbating FactorsEating Disorders (2014) 22(4), 292-305. Download PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G., Wiederhold, M.D.How Can Virtual Reality Interventions Help Reduce Prescription Opioid Drug Misuse?CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2014) 17 (6), 331-332. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P. Serino, S., Riva G.The pursuit of happiness measurement: A psychometric model based on psychophysiological correlatesThe Scientific World Journal (2014), Article ID 139128, DOI: 10.1155/2014/139128 Download PDF.
Riva G., Waterworth, J.Being Present in a Virtual WorldIn M. Grimshaw (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of VirtualityNew York, Oxford University Press (2014), pp.205-221. Download PDF.
Gaggioli, A., Morganti, L., Bonfiglio, S., Scaratti, C., Cipresso, P., Serino, S., Riva G.Intergenerational Group Reminiscence: A Potentially Effective Intervention to Enhance Elderly Psychosocial Wellbeing and to Improve Children's Perception of AgingEducational Gerontology (2014); 40 (7); 486-498. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A, Scaratti C, Morganti L, Stramba-Badiale M, Agostoni M, Spatola CA, Molinari E, Cipresso P, Riva G.Effectiveness of group reminiscence for improving wellbeing of institutionalized elderly adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trialTrials (2014) Oct 25;15(1):408. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-408. Download PDF.
Serino S., Triberti S., Villani D., Cipresso P. Gaggioli A., Riva G.Toward a validation of cyber-interventions for stress disorders based on stress inoculation training: a systematic reviewVirtual Reality (2014); 18 (1), 73-87. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Clerici M., Caslini M., Favagrossa L., Prunas A., Volpato C., G. Riva, Zanetti M.A.Internalization of sociocultural standards of beauty and disordered eating behaviours: the role of body surveillance, shame and social anxietyJournal of Psychopathology (2014); 20: 33-37. Download PDF.
Cárdenas-López G., Torres-Villalobos G., Martinez P., Carreño V., Duran X., Dakanalis A., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Virtual Reality for Improving Body Image Disorders and Weight Loss after Gastric Band Surgery: A Case SeriesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics (2014), 196, 43-47. Download PDF.
Carbonaro N., Cipresso P., Tognetti A., Anania G., De Rossi D., Pallavicini F., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Psychometric Assessment of Cardio-Respiratory Activity Using a Mobile PlatformInternational Journal of Handheld Computing Research. (2014); 5(1):13-29. Download PDF.
Argenton L., Triberti S., Serino, S., Riva G.Serious games as positive technologies for individual and group flourishingStudies in Computational Intelligence (2014), 536, 221-244. Download PDF.
Morganti, F., Riva G.Virtual Reality as Allocentric/Egocentric Technology for the Assessment of Cognitive Decline in the ElderlyStudies in Health Technology and Informatics (2014), 196, 278-284. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Timko C.A., Zanetti M.A., Rinaldi L., Prunas A., Carrà G., Riva G., Clerici M.Attachment insecurities, maladaptive perfectionism, and eating disorder symptoms: A latent mediated and moderated structural equation modeling analysis across diagnostic groupsPsychiatric Research (2014), 215 (1): 176-184. Download PDF.
Riva G.Medical Clinical Uses of Virtual WorldsIn M. Grimshaw (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of VirtualityNew York, Oxford University Press (2014), pp.649-665. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Cipresso P., Serino S., Pioggia G., Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Ferro M., Carbonaro C., Tognetti A., De Rossi D., Giakoumis D., Tzovaras D., A. Riera, Riva G.A Decision Support System for Real-Time Stress Detection During Virtual Reality ExposureStudies in Health Technology and Informatics (2014), 196, 114-120. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Timko, C.A., Clerici M., Zanetti M.A., Riva G.Comprehensive examination of the trans-diagnostic cognitive behavioural model of eating disorders in malesEating Behaviors, (2014), 15(1):63-67. Download PDF.
Ferrer-García M., Gutiérrez-Maldonado J., Riva G.Virtual reality based treatments in eating disorders and obesity: A reviewJournal of Contemporary Psychotherapy (2013) 43(4) 207-221. Download PDF.Morganti F., Stefanini S., Riva G.From allo-to egocentric spatial ability in early Alzheimer’s disease: A study with virtual reality spatial tasksCognitive Neuroscience (2013), 4 (3-4), 171-180. Download PDF.
Cesa G., Manzoni M., Bacchetta M., Castelnuovo G., Conti S., Gaggioli, A., Mantovani F., Molinari E., Cárdenas-López G., Riva G.Virtual Reality for Enhancing the Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obesity With Binge Eating Disorder: Randomized Controlled Study With One-Year Follow-upJournal of Medical Internet Research, (2013), 15(3):e113 doi:10.2196/jmir.1906. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Zanetti M.A., Clerici M., Madeddu F., G. Riva, R. CaccialanzaItalian version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. Psychometric proprieties and measurement invariance across sex, BMI-status and ageAppetite (2013) 71: 187-195. Download PDF.
Graffigna, G., Barello S., Riva G.How to Make Health Information Technology Effective: The Challenge of Patient EngagementArchives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2013) 94 (10) 2034-2035. Download PDF.
Cipresso P., Paglia F.L., Cascia CL, Riva G., Albani G., La Barbera D.Break in volition: a virtual reality study in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorderExperimental Brain Research. (2013) 229 (3) 443-449 Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Zanetti, M.A., G. Riva, M. ClericiPsychosocial moderators of the relationship between body dissatisfaction and symptoms of eating disorders: A look at a sample of young Italian womenRevue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, (2013), 63 (5) 323–334. Download PDF.
Villani D., Grassi A., Cognetta, C., Toniolo, D. Cipresso, P., Riva G.Self-Help Stress Management Training Through Mobile Phones: An Experience With Oncology NursesPsychological Services. (2013), 10 (3) 315-322. Download PDF.
Wiederhold B.K., Riva G.Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2013: Positive Technology and Health Engagement for Healthy Living and Active AgeingIOS Press, Amsterdam, 2013. Download PDF.
Graffigna, G., Barello S., Wiederhold B.K., Bosio C. Riva G.Positive Technology as a Driver for Health EngagementStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. (2013) 191: 9-17. Download PDF.
Pallavicini F., Gaggioli A., Raspelli S., Cipresso P., Serino S., Vigna C., Grassi A., Morganti L., Baruffi M., Wiederhold B. Riva G.Interreality for the management and training of psychological stress: study protocol for a randomized controlled trialTrials. (2013) 14:191. Download PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G., Graffigna, G.Ensuring the Best Care for Our Increasing Aging Population: Health Engagement and Positive Technology Can Help Patients Achieve a More Active Role in Future HealthcareCyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking. (2013) 16(6):411-2. Download PDF.
Gaudio S., Riva G.Body Image in Anorexia Nervosa: The Link Between Functional Connectivity Alterations and Spatial Reference FramesBiological Psychiatry. (2013), 73 (9), pp. e25-e26 Download PDF.
Graffigna, G., Barello S., Riva G.Technologies for Patient EngagementHealth Affairs (2013), 32:6, 1172 (letter). Download PDF
Riva G., Cipresso P., Mantovani, F.,Dakanalis A.,Gaggioli A.New Technologies for Improving the Psychological Treatment of ObesityIn Capodaglio, P., Faintuch, J. & Liuzzi, Antonio (Eds.) DISABLING OBESITY: From Determinants to Health Care ModelsSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 269-284. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., G. RivaCurrent Considerations for Eating and Body-Related Disorders among MenIn Leroy B. Sams & Janet A. Keels (Eds.) HANDBOOK ON BODY IMAGE: Gender Differences, Sociocultural Influences and Health ImplicationsNova Publishers, pp. 195-216. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., G. RivaMass Media, Body Image and Eating Disturbances: The Underlying Mechanism through the Lens of the Objectification TheoryIn Leroy B. Sams & Janet A. Keels (Eds.) HANDBOOK ON BODY IMAGE: Gender Differences, Sociocultural Influences and Health ImplicationsNova Publishers, pp. 217-236. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Zanetti M. Assunta , Madeddu F., Clerici M., G. RivaThe impact of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on body image disturbance, self-esteem and psychological well-being: An Italian follow-up studyJournal of Psychosomatic Research (2013), 74:6, 543 (Inaugural Conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine conference abstract). Download PDF
Dakanalis A., Madeddu F., Clerici M., G. Riva, Zanetti M. AssuntaThe role of body shame and body image avoidant behaviours in deliberate self-harmJournal of Psychosomatic Research (2013), 74:6, 543 (Inaugural Conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine conference abstract). Download PDF
Gaggioli A., Riva G., Milani L., Mazzoni E.Networked Flow: Towards an understanding of creative networksSpringer, New York, 2013. Buy the book. Read an excerpt.
Pallavicini F., Cipresso P., Raspelli S., Grassi A., Serino S., Vigna C., Triberti S., Villamira M., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Is virtual reality always an effective stressors for exposure treatments? Some insights from a controlled trialBMC Psychiatry (2013), 13:52 doi:10.1186/1471-244X-13-52 Download PDF.
Serino S., Riva G.Getting lost in Alzheimer’s disease: A break in the mental frame syncingMedical Hypotheses, (2013) 80 (4), pp. 416-421 Download PDF.
Repetto C., Gaggioli A., Pallavicini F., Cipresso P., Raspelli S., Riva G.Virtual reality and mobile phones in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders: a phase-2 clinical trialPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing. (2013) 17 (2), pp. 253-260. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Pioggia G., Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Cipresso P., Riva G.A mobile data collection platform for mental health research Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. (2013) 17 (2), pp. 241-251. Download PDF.
Repetto C., Colombo B., Cipresso P., Riva G.The effects of rTMS over the primary motor cortex: the link between action and languageNeuropsychologia (2013). 51 (1), 8-13. Download PDF.
Morganti, L., Riva, G., Bonfiglio, S. and Gaggioli, A.Building collective memories on the web: the Nostalgia Bits project’International Journal of Web Based Communities (2013). Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.83–104. Download PDF.
Serino S., Cipresso P., Gaggioli A., Riva G.The potential of pervasive sensors and computing for Positive TechnologyIn S. C. Mukhopadhyay and O. A. Postolache (Eds.) PERVASIVE AND MOBILE SENSING AND COMPUTING FOR HEALTHCARE. Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation Springer, New York, 2013, Volume 2, 207-232, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32538-0_10. Download PDF.
Riva, G.Personal Experience in Positive Psychology May Offer a New Focus for a Growing DisciplineAmerican Psychologist (2012), 67 (7), 574-575. Download PDF.Giakoumis D., Drosou A., Cipresso P., Tzovaras D., Hassapis G., Gaggioli, A., Riva, G. Using Activity-Related Behavioural Features towards More Effective Automatic Stress Detection. PLoS ONE 7(9): e43571. Download PDF.
Repetto, C., Colombo, B., Riva, G.The Link between Action and Language: Recent Findings and Future PerspectivesBiolinguistics (2012), 6 (3-4), 462-474. Download PDF.
Riva, G., Mantovani, F.From the body to the tools and back: a general framework for presence in mediated interactionsInteracting with Computers (2012), 24 (4), 203-210. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gaudio S.Allocentric lock in anorexia nervosa: New evidences from neuroimaging studiesMedical Hypotheses, (2012), 79 (1), 113-117. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Di Mattei V.E., Bagliacca, E.P, Prunas A., Sarno L., Riva G., Zanetti, M.A.Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Italian Men: Objectifying Media and Sexual Orientation DifferencesEating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 20 (5), 356-367. Download PDF.
Waterworth, J., Waterworth, E.L., Mantovani, F., Riva G.Special Issue: Presence and InteractionInteracting with Computers (2012), 24 (4), 190-192. Download PDF.
Villani, D., Repetto, C., Cipresso, P., Riva, G.May I experience more presence in doing the same thing in virtual reality than in reality? An answer from a simulated job interviewInteracting with Computers (2012), 24 (4), 265-272. Download PDF.
Riva G., Mantovani F.Being There: Understanding the Feeling of Presence in a Synthetic Environment and its Potential for Clinical Changein Eichenberg, C. (2012), Virtual Reality in Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Applications, New York: InTech, pp. 3-34. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P., Carelli, L., Solca, F., Meazzi, D., Meriggi, P., Poletti, B., Lulé, D., Ludolph, A.C., Silani, V., Riva G.The use of P300-based BCIs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: from augmentative and alternative communication to cognitive assessmentBrain and Behavior, (2012), 2 (4), 479-498. Download PDF.
Villani, D., Gatti, E., Confalonieri, E. Riva, G.Am I My Avatar? A Tool to Investigate Virtual Body Image Representation in AdolescenceCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2012), 15 (8), 435-440. Download PDF.
Dakanalis A., Di Mattei V.E., Prunas A., Riva G., Sarno L., Volpato, C., Zanetti, M.A.Il corpo oggettivato: media, benessere psicofisico e differenze di generePsicologia Sociale, (2012) 2, 259-282. Download PDF.
Raspelli S., Pallavicini F., Carelli L., Morganti F., Pedroli E., Cipresso P., Poletti B., Corra B., Sangalli D., Silani V., Riva G.Validating the Neuro VR-based virtual version of the Multiple Errands Test: preliminary resultsPresence-Teleoperators And Virtual Environments (2012), 21:1, 31-42. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P., Sellitti, L., El Assawy, N., Galli, F., Balgera, A., Dembele, J.M., Villamira, M., Riva G.Real Emotions for Simulated Social NetworksIn A. Abraham & A.-E. Hassanien (Eds.), Computational Social Networks: Tools, Perspectives and Applications, London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 385-409. Order the Volume. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P., Serino, S., Villani, D., Repetto, C., Selitti, L., Albani, G., Mauro, A., Gaggioli, A., Riva, G. Is your phone so smart to affect your states? An exploratory study based on psychophysiological measuresNeurocomputing (2012), 84 (1), 23-30. Download PDF.
Riva G., Banos, R., Botella, C., Wiederhold, B.K., Gaggioli, A.Positive Technology: Using Interactive Technologies to Promote Positive FunctioningCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2012), 15 (2), 69-77. Download PDF
Botella, C., Riva G., Gaggioli, A., Wiederhold, B.K., Alcaniz, M., Banos, R.The Present and Future of Positive TechnologyCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2012), 15 (2), 78-84. Download PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G.Positive Technology supports shift to preventive, integrative healthCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2012), 15 (2), 67-68. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P., Gaggioli A., Serino, S., Cipresso, S., Riva G.How to create memorable and strong passwordsJournal of Medical Internet Research, (2012), 14(1):e10 doi:10.2196/jmir.1906. Download PDF.
Riva G., I social networkIn Durante, M., Pagallo, U., (a cura di) Manuale di informativa giuridica e diritto delle nuove tecnologie. UTET: Torino, 2012. Ordina il volume. Download PDF.
Cipresso, P., Gaggioli A., Serino, S. Riva G.Stress diffusion through complex networksInternational Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems, (2012), 3(1): 46-64. Download PDF.
Villani D., Riva G.Does Interactive Media Enhance the Management of Stress? Suggestions from a Controlled Study Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2012), 15(1): 24-30. Download PDF.
Riva G.Neuroscience and Eating Disorders: The Allocentric Lock HypothesisMedical Hypotheses, (2012) 78 (2): 254-257. Download PDF
Mardegan, P., Pettiti, M., Riva G.Marketing Mobile: La pubblicità in tascaLogo Fausto Lupetti: Milano, 2012. La presentazione del volume. Ordina il volume. Il primo capitolo in PDF.
Riva G.The Key to Unlocking the Virtual Body: Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Obesity and Eating DisordersJournal of Diabetes Science and Technology, (2011), 5: 2, 283-292. Download PDF.Mauri M., Cipresso P., Balgera A., Villamira M., Riva G.Why Is Facebook So Successful? Psychophysiological Measures Describe a Core Flow State While Using FacebookCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (2011), 14 (12): 723-731. Download PDF.
Borroni P., Gorini A., Riva G., Bouchard S., Cerri G.Mirroring avatars: dissociation of action and intention in human motor resonanceEuropean Journal of Neuroscience, (2011), 34: 662–669. Download PDF.
Stetz MC., Kaloi-Chen MY, Turner DD, Bouchard S., Riva G., Wiederhold BK.The Effectiveness of Technology-Enhanced Relaxation Techniques for Military Medical WarriorsMilitary Medicine, (2011), 176, 9: 1065-1070. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., MIlani L., Mazzoni E., Riva G.Networked Flow: A Framework for Understanding the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration in Educational and Training SettingsThe Open Education Journal, (2011), 4, (Suppl 2:M2) 107-115. Download PDF.
Riva G.Presence, Actions and Emotions: A Theoretical FrameworkAnnual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, (2011), 9, 2-5. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Riva G.Crowdfunding e crowdsourcing: nuove strategie partecipate per supportare la ricerca scientificaIn E. Caroppo, D. Integlia, B. Rizzo (a cura di), La Ricerca Sostenibile. Idee per una nuova progettualità nel FUND RAISING. pp. 37-51. Ordina il volume. Leggi il PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., S. Bouchard, Riva G. (Eds.)Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2011 - Advanced Technologies in Behavioral, Social and NeurosciencesAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2011. Buy the book or read the index.
Grassi A., Gaggioli A., Riva G.New technologies to manage exam anxiety Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, (2011), 167:57-62.
Raspelli S., Pallavicini F., Carelli L., Morganti F., Poletti B., Corra B., Silani V., Riva G.Validation of a Neuro Virtual Reality-based Version of the Multiple Errands Test for the Assessment of Executive Functions Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, (2011), 167:92-7.
Riva G., Wiederhold B.K, Mantovani F., Gaggioli A.Interreality: The experiential use of technology in the treatment of obesityClinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (2011), 7, 51-61. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Capideville C.S., De Leo G., Mantovani F., Riva G. The Role of Immersion and Narrative in Mediated Presence: The Virtual Hospital ExperienceCyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking (2011),14 (3): 99-105. Download PDF.
Riva G., Banos R., Botella C., Gaggioli A., Wiederhold B.K,Personal Health Systems for Mental Health: The European ProjectsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, (2011), 163:496- 502.
Carelli L., Rusconi M.L., Scarabelli C., Stampatori C., Mattioli F., Riva G.The transfer from survey (map-like) to route representations into Virtual Reality Mazes: effect of age and cerebral lesionJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, (2011), 8:6 doi:10.1186/1743-0003-8-6. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Raspelli S., Grassi A., Pallavicini F., Cipresso P., Wiederhold B.K, Riva G.Ubiquitous Health in Practice: The Interreality ParadigmStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, (2011), 163:185-191.
Repetto, C., Riva G.From virtual reality to interreality in the treatment of anxiety disordersNeuropsychiatry, (2011), Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 31-43. Download PDF.
Villani D., Grassi A., Riva G.Tecnologie Emotive. Nuovi Media per migliorare la qualità della vita e ridurre lo stressLed Edizioni, Milano (2011). Buy the Paper Version of the Book. Download Full Book in PDF (Italian).
Riva G., Waterworth J.A, Waterworth E.L., Mantovani F.From Intention to Action: the role of PresenceNew Ideas in Psychology (2011), 29 (1), 24-37 Download PDF.
Riva G.I Social NetworkIl Mulino: Bologna, 2010. Go to the web site (Italian). Check the slides.Riva G.La psicología de la comunicación mediada por el ordenadorIn Conrad, I. (Ed.). INVESTIGAR EN PSICOLOGÍA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN. Nuevas perspectivas conceptuales y metodológicas (In press). Barcelona: Amentia Editorial. pp. 175-208. Download PDF.
Riva G.,Using virtual immersion therapeuticallyIn Antony K., Merz Nagel D., Goss S. (Eds.) Use of technology in Mental Health. Applications, ethics and practice. (2010). Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas Publisher. pp. 114-123. Buy the book. Download PDF.
Gaggioli, A., Gorini A., Riva G.Using Massive Multiplayer Online Games in TelehealthCyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2010, 3 (2): 38-41. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Schruers K., Riva G., Griez E.Nonhomogeneous results in place learning among panic disorder patients with agoraphobiaPsychiatry Research, 2010, 179: 297-305. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Griez E., Petrova A., Riva G.,Assessment of the emotional responses produced by exposure to real food, virtual food and photographs of food in patients affected by eating disordersAnnals of General Psychiatry, 2010, 9:30, doi:10.1186/1744-859X-9-30. Download PDF.
Riva G., Raspelli S., Pallavicini F., Grassi A., Algeri D., Wiederhold B., Gaggioli A.Interreality in the Management of Psychological Stress: a Clinical ScenarioStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2010;154:20-25. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Pallavincini F., Algeri D., Repetto C., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety DisordersStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2010;154:39-43. Download PDF.
Raspelli S., Carelli L., Morganti F., Poletti B., Corra B., Silani V., Riva G.Implementation of the Multiple Errands Test in a NeuroVR-supermarkets: a Possible Research Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (2010), 8, 92-95. Download PDF.
Riva G.,Psicologia e nuovi media: dalla tecnologia alla presenza mediante l’intuizioneIn Cesareni D., Manca S. (Eds.) Formazione, Innovazione e Tecnologie, 2010, Scripta Web: Buy the book. Download PDF.
Gaggioli, A., A. Amoresano, E. Gruppioni, G. Verni, G. RivaA Myoelectric-Controlled Virtual Hand for the Assessment and Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain in Trans-Radial Upper Extremity Amputees: a Research ProtocolAnnual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (2010), 8, 173-175. Download PDF.
Gorini, A., Gaggioli, A., Riva G.Virtual Reality as an Experiential Tool: The Role of Virtual Worlds in Psychological InterventionsIn Mohammed S. and Fiaidhi J. (Eds.). Ubiquitous Health and Medical Informatics: The Ubiquity 2.0 Trend and Beyond, IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. Buy the Book. Download PDF.
Riva G., Milani, L., Gaggioli A. (a cura di)Networked Flow. Comprendere e Sviluppare la Creatività di ReteLed Edizioni, Milano (2010). Buy the Paper Version of the Book. Download Full Book in PDF.
Albani, G., S. Raspelli, L. Carelli, F. Morganti, P. Weiss, R. Kizony, N. Katz, A. Mauro, G. RivaExecutive Functions in a Virtual World: a Study in Parkinson’s DiseaseAnnual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (2010), 8, 73-77. Download PDF.
Wiederhold, B.K., Riva G., Sun I. Kim (Eds.)Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2010 - Advanced Technologies in Behavioral, Social and NeurosciencesAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2010. Buy the book or read the index.
Riva G.Neuroscience and Eating Disorders: The role of the medial temporal lobeNature Precedings, 2010, doi:10101/npre.2010.4235.1. Download PDF.
Morganti F., Carassa A., Riva G.Intersoggettività e Inter-Azione: Le strade che portano all’altro in un dialogo tra scienze cognitive, scienze sociali e neuroscienzeBollati Boringhieri, Torino (2010). Buy the book.
Riva G., Raspelli S., Algeri D., Pallavicini F., Gorini A., Wiederhold B.K., Gaggioli A. Interreality in Practice: Bridging Virtual and Real Worlds in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 2010, 13 (1): 55-65. Download PDF.
Waterworth J.A, Waterworth E.L., Mantovani F., Riva G.,On Feeling (the) Present: An evolutionary account of the sense of presence in physical and electronically-mediated environmentsJournal of Consciousness Studies, 17, No. 1–2: 167-178, 2010. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Mosso J.L., Mosso D., Pineda E., Ruíz N.L., Ramíez M., Morales J.L., Riva G.Emotional Response to Virtual Reality Exposure across Different Cultures: The Role of the Attribution ProcessCyberPsychology & Behavior. December 2009, Vol. 12, No. 6: 699-705. Download PDF.
Riva G.Is Presence a Technology Issue? Some insights from Cognitive SciencesVirtual Reality. 2009, 13 (3): 159-169. Download PDF.
Repetto C., Gorini A., Vigna C., Algeri D., Pallavicini F., Riva G.The use of biofeedback in clinical virtual reality: The INTREPID projectJournal of Visualized Experiment, (2009), 33. Download PDF and view video.
Raspelli S., Carelli L., Morganti F., Albani G., Pignatti R., Mauro A., Poletti B., Corra B., Silani V., Riva G. A Neuro VR-based version of the Multiple Errands test for the Assessment of Executive Functions: A possible approachJournal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2009. 2 (4), 299-313. Download PDF.
Riva, G., Molinari, E.Virtual Reality in Eating Disorders and ObesityCyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, (2009), 2 (2), 16-19. Download PDF.
Riva, G., Gaggioli, A., Gorini A., Carelli, L., Repetto C., Algeri D., Vigna C.Virtual Reality as Empowering Environment for Personal ChangeAnuario de Psicologia, (2009), 40 (2): 171-192. Download PDF.
Riva G., Vatalaro F., Zaffiro G.Tecnologie della Presenza: Concetti e ApplicazioniMondo Digitale, 2009 (3): 32-45. Download PDF.
Morganti F., Marrakchi S., Urban P.P., Iannoccari G.A., Riva G.A virtual reality based tool for the assessment of “survey to route” spatial organization ability in elderly population: preliminary dataCognitive Processing. 2009, 10 (Supp.2): 257-259. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gaggioli, A.Rehabilitation as Empowerment: The Role of Advanced TechnologiesIn Gaggioli A., Keshner E.A., Weiss P.L., Riva G. (Eds.), Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation - Empowering Cognitive, Physical, Social and Communicative Skills through Virtual Reality, Robots, Wearable Systems and Brain-Computer Interfaces, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2009, pp. 3-22. Download PDF.
Gaggioli, A., Morganti F., Meneghini A., Pozzato I., Greggio G., Pigatto M., Riva G.Computer-Guided Mental Practice in NeurorehabilitationIn Gaggioli A., Keshner E.A., Weiss P.L., Riva G. (Eds.), Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation - Empowering Cognitive, Physical, Social and Communicative Skills through Virtual Reality, Robots, Wearable Systems and Brain-Computer Interfaces, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2009, pp. 195-208. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Keshner E.A., Weiss P.L., Riva G. (Eds.)Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation - Empowering Cognitive, Physical, Social and Communicative Skills through Virtual Reality, Robots, Wearable Systems and Brain-Computer InterfacesAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2009. Read the Index.
Manzoni M., Pagnini F., Gorini A., Preziosa A., Castelnuovo G., Molinari E., Riva G.Can Relaxation Training reduce Emotional Eating in women with Obesity? An exploratory study with 3 months of follow-upJournal of American Dietetic Association, 2009, 109 (8): 1427-1432. Download PDF.
Zurlo, R., Riva G.Online group creativity: The link between the active production of ideas and personality traitsJournal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2009. 2 (1), 67-76. Download PDF.
Riva G.I mille volti della cyberterapiaIl Sole 24 Ore Sanità, 2009, XII (26), 12-13. Download PDF.
Riva G.Virtual reality: an experiential tool for clinical psychologyBritish Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2009;37(3): 335-343. Download PDF.
Preziosa A., Grassi A., Gaggioli A., Riva G.Therapeutic Applications of the mobile phoneBritish Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2009;37(3): 313-324. Download PDF.
Carassa A., Morganti F., Riva G.Guest Editor Introduction: Intersubjectivity and CommunicationStudies in Communication Sciences. 2009;9(1):7–15. Download PDF.
Riva G.Presence as Cognitive Process.In D. Benyon, M. Smyth & I. Helgason (Eds.), Presence for everyone: A short guide to presence research (pp. 29-31). Edinburgh, UK: Napier University. Download PDF.
Grassi A., Gaggioli A., Riva G.The green valley: the use of mobile narratives for reducing stress in commutersCyberPsychology & Behavior. 2009 Apr;12(2):155-61. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gorini A., Gaggioli A.The Intrepid project - biosensor-enhanced virtual therapy for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders.Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009;142:271-6. Download PDF.
Riva G., Carelli L., Gaggioli A., Gorini A., Vigna C., Corsi R., Faletti G., Vezzadini L.NeuroVR 1.5 - a free virtual reality platform for the assessment and treatment in clinical psychology and neuroscience.Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009;142:268-70. Download PDF.
Morganti, F., Carassa, A., Riva G. (Eds.)Enacting Intersubjectivity: Paving the way for a dialogue between Cognitive Science, Social Cognition and Neuroscience (Conference Proceedings)Lugano, Università della Svizzera Italiana, 2009. Download full book in PDF.
Villani D., Lucchetta M., Preziosa A., Riva G.The Role of Interactive Media Features on the Affective Response: a Virtual Reality StudyeMind. International Journal on Human Computer Interaction, 2009, 1 (5), 1-21. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gaggioli A., Mantovani F.Are robots present? From motor simulation to "being there"CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2008 Dec;11(6):631-6. Download PDF.
Riva G.Psicologia dei Nuovi MediaBologna, Il Mulino, 2008. Download Slides in Italian.
Gaggioli A., Riva G.Working the CrowdScience. 2008 Sep 12;321(5895):1443. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gaggioli A.Virtual clinical therapyLecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 2008, 4650: p. 90-107. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Gaggioli A., Vigna C., Riva G.A Second Life for eHealth: Prospects for the Use of 3-D Virtual Worlds in Clinical PsychologyJournal of Medical Internet Research, 10 (3), e21. Download PDF.
Villani D., Riva, G.The role of media in supporting a stress management protocol: An experimental studyJournal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation. 2008 July 23;1(2):159-173. Download PDF.
Manzoni M., Gorini A., Preziosa A., Pagnini F., Castelnuovo G., Molinari E., Riva, G.New technologies and relaxation: An explorative study on obese patients with binge eatingJournal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation. 2008 July 23;1(2):182-192. Download PDF.
Morganti F., Carassa, A., Riva G. (Eds.)Enacting Intersubjectivity. A cognitive and social perspective on the study of interactionsAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2008. Download full book in PDF.
Riva G.Enacting Interactivity: The role of presenceIn Morganti, F., Carassa, A., Riva, G. (Eds.) Enacting Intersubjectivity. A cognitive and social perspective on the study of interactions. Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2008 (pp. 97-114). Download PDF.
Gorini A., Riva G.The potential of virtual reality as anxiety management tool: a randomized controlled study in a sample of patients affected by generalized anxiety disorderTrials, 2008 May; 9:25. Download PDF.
Villani D., Riva G.Presence and Relaxation: A preliminary controlled study PsychNology Journal. 2008 May;6(1):7-25. Download PDF.
Gorini A., Riva G.Virtual reality in anxiety disorders: the past and the futureExpert Review of Neurotherapeutics. 2008 Feb;8(2):215-33. Download PDF.
Riva G., Grassi A., Villani D., Preziosa A.Why You Really Eat? Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Obese Emotional Eaters Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2008;132:417-9. Download PDF.
Gatti E., Massari R., Sacchelli C., Lops T., Gatti R., Riva G.Why Do You Drink? Virtual Reality As An Experiential Medium For The Assessment Of Alcohol-Dependent Individuals Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2008;132:132-7. Download PDF.
Riva, G.From Virtual to Real Body: Virtual Reality as Embodied TechnologyJournal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation. 2008 Jan 23;1(1):7-22. Download PDF.
Gorini A, Gaggioli A, Riva G.Virtual Worlds, Real HealingScience. 2007 Dec 7;318(5856):1549. Download PDF.Riva, G.Virtual Reality and TelepresenceScience. 2007 Nov 23;318(5854):1241-1242. Download PDF.
Gaggioli, A., Riva, G. Qualità dell'esperienza e nuove tecnologie: Progettare l'interazione ottimaleIn A. Delle Fave (a cura di) La condivisione del benessere. Il contributo della Psicologia Positiva, pp. 292-310. Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007. Download PDF.
Riva, G., Pettiti, M. Uggé, E.Oltre la Televisione, Dal DVB-H al Web 2.0Edizioni LED, Milano, 2007. Download PDF.
Riva G., Grassi A., Villani D., Gaggioli A., Preziosa A.Managing exam stress using UMTS phones: the advantage of portable audio/video supportStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2007;125:406-8. Download PDF.
Riva G., Gaggioli A., Villani D., Preziosa A., Morganti F., Strambi L., Corsi R., Faletti G., Vezzadini L.An Open-Source Virtual Reality Platform for Clinical and Research Applications.Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2007 Vol 4563 (Aug) 699-707. Download PDF.
Riva G., Grassi A., Villani D., Preziosa A.Cellular phones for reducing battlefield stress: rationale and a preliminary researchStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2007;125:400-5. Download PDF.
Botella, C., García-Palacios, A., Villa, H., Baños, R.M., Quero, S., Alcañiz M., Riva, G.Virtual reality exposure in the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia: A controlled studyClinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2007 May-Jun Vol 14(3) 164-175. Download PDF.
Morganti F., Gaggioli A., Strambi L., Rusconi M.L., Riva G. A virtual reality extended neuropsychological assessment for topographical disorientation: a feasibility studyJ Neuroengineering Rehabil. 2007 Jul 11;4:26. Download PDF.
Riva, G.Cyberterapia: Ambienti Reali, Emozioni VirtualiPsicologia Contemporanea, 2007, 201 (3) 18-23. Download PDF.
Villani, D., Riva, F., Riva, G.New technologies for relaxation: The role of presenceInternational Journal of Stress Management. 2007 Aug Vol 14(3) 260-274. Download PDF.
Riva G., Mantovani F., Capideville C.S., Preziosa A., Morganti F., Villani D., Gaggioli A., Botella C., Alcaniz M.Affective interactions using virtual reality: the link between presence and emotionsCyberpsychology & Behavior. 2007 Feb;10(1):45-56. Download PDF.
Riva G., Anguera M.T, Wiederhold B.K., Mantovani F. (Eds.)From Commuication to Presence: Cognition, Emotions and Culture towards the Ultimate Communicative ExperienceAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2006. Download full book in PDF.Riva G., Wiederhold B.K.Emerging Trends in CyberTherapy: Introduction to the Special IssuePsychNology Journal. 2006 Vol 4(2) 121-128. Download PDF.
Morganti F., Goulene, K., Gaggioli A., Stramba-Badiale M., Riva, G.Grasping Virtual Objects: a Feasibility Study for an Enactive Interface Application in StrokePsychNology Journal. 2006 Vol 4(2) 181-197. Download PDF.
Riva G.Comprendere la mente multiculturale: embodiment, presenza e presenza socialeGiornale Italiano di Psicologia, Giugno 2006, 319-324. Download PDF.
Gaggioli A., Meneghini A., Morganti F., Alcaniz M., Riva G. A strategy for computer-assisted mental practice in stroke rehabilitationNeurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2006 Dec;20(4):503-7. Download PDF.
Riva G., Castelnuovo G., Mantovani F. Transformation of flow in rehabilitation: the role of advanced communication technologiesBehavior Research Methods. 2006 May;38(2):237-44. Download PDF.
Riva G., Bacchetta M., Cesa G., Conti S., Castelnuovo G., Mantovani F., Molinari E. Is severe obesity a form of addiction? Rationale, clinical approach, and controlled clinical trialCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2006 Aug;9(4):457-79. Download PDF.
Anolli, L. Zurloni, V., Riva, G.Linguistic Intergroup Bias in Political CommunicationJournal of General Psychology. 2006 Jul Vol 133(3) 237-255. Download PDF.
Riva G., Preziosa A., Grassi A., Villani D.Stress management using UMTS cellular phones: a controlled trialStudies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2007;119:461-3. Download PDF.
Riva G.Virtual RealityWiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, 2006 Volume 4, 117 . Download PDF.
Morganti, F., Riva, G.Conoscenza, Comunicazione e Tecnologia: Aspetti Cognitivi della Realtà VirtualeEdizioni LED, Milano, 2006. Download PDF.
Before 2006 (selected publications)
Riva G.Virtual reality in psychotherapy: reviewCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2005 Jun;8(3):220-30; discussion 231-40. Review. Gaggioli A., di Carlo S., Mantovani F., Castelnuovo G., Riva G.A telemedicine survey among Milan doctorsJ Telemed Telecare. 2005;11(1):29-34.
Anolli, L., Villani, D., Riva, G.Personality of People Using Chat: An On-Line ResearchCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2005;8(1):89-95.
Riva G., Mantovani F., Gaggioli A.Presence and rehabilitation: toward second-generation virtual reality applications in neuropsychologyJ Neuroeng Rehabil. 2004 Dec 8;1(1):9. Download PDF.
Riva G., Waterworth J.A., Waterworth E.L.The layers of presence: a bio-cultural approach to understanding presence in natural and mediated environmentsCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2004 Aug;7(4):402-16.
Riva G., Botella C., Legeron P., Optale G.Cybertherapy: Internet and Virtual Reality as Assessment and Rehabilitation Tools for Clinical Psychology and NeuroscienceAmsterdam, IOS Press, 2004. Download full book in PDF.
Gaggioli A., Mantovani F., Castelnuovo G., Wiederhold B., Riva, G.Avatars in Clinical Psychology: A Framework for the Clinical Use of Virtual HumansCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2003 6(1):117-124.
Riva G.The Sociocognitive Psychology of Computer-Mediated Communication: The Present and Future of Technology-Based InteractionsCyberpsychology and Behavior. 2002, 5(6):581-598. Download PDF.
Mantovani G., Riva G.Building a Bridge between Different Scientific Communities: On Sheridan's Eclectic Ontology of PresencePresence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 2001, (10) 5: 537-543.
Mantovani G., Riva G.“Real” Presence: How Different Ontologies Generate Different Criteria for Presence, Telepresence, and Virtual PresencePresence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1999, (8) 5: 540-550.
Riva G., Wiederhold, B.K., Molinari, E.Virtual Environments in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience: Methods and techniques in advances patient-therapist interactionAmsterdam, IOS Press, 1998. Download full book in PDF.
Riva G., Galimberti, C.The psychology of cyberspace: A socio-cognitive framework to computer-mediated communicationNew Ideas in Psychology, 1997, 15 (2), 141-158. Download PDF.
Riva G.Virtual Reality in Neuro-psycho-physiology: Cognitive, clinical and methodological issues in assessment and rehabilitationAmsterdam, IOS Press, 1997. Download full book in PDF.