Life and Letters of Paul


Nothing SunGrist_Bible has done online and through email newsletters

during the last 5 years has excited us as much as this introduction to

another free online Bible course, this one on "The Life and Letters of

Paul". It amazes me when I talk to young Muslims in America working in Aerospace as they know about Jesus and the Prophets, but plead dumb on the Apostle Paul. So much of our Bible comes from the Apostle Paul, having written from the human side 14 of the New Testament books and as chief editor sponsored 3 more for a total of 17 out of the 27 total books of the New Testament.

In short, to sit at the feet of the Apostle Paul is to sit at the feet of Bible

truth. No other sub head of Bible study affords so much Bible meat and

solid Bible doctrines as the letters of Paul.

My wife and I remember with great pleasure the Bible Study Course at

Ouachita Baptist College in the 1960's called "The Life and Letters of

Paul" and using for a textbook David Smith's book on the same title, a

large, black marvelous textbook. Surely Smith and Ouachita with Baylor

and Southwestern Seminary must be extended credit for this heritage,

however you will find that we go far beyond Smith in an emphasis on the

Apostle Paul as called to be chief editor of the Bible. It was a highlight of

my life and ministry, only to be compared to the excitement of

post-graduate work in the book of Revelation at the tutelage of Dr. Ray

Summers, formerly of Baylor, while doing graduate work in Physics at

Baylor and on summer leave of absence from Eastern New Mexico


Ah, these are pleasant memories of hours in the Word of God, and you

can have for yourself during the coming months {surely not 3 years of

coming months like Jeremiah}, some such exciting times in the Word.

During the wrap-up of Jeremiah and Prophesy with the Appendix to

National Dens of Thieves, it became apparent that there is a new and

popular trend to replace Prophesy with Tongues. In order to counter that trend chapters and excerpts from the LEARN CHRIST COMMENTARY FROM THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, volume 3, "Believe and Be Baptized" was included in the Appendix, most of it under the Appendix chapter heading of "One Baptism". For reference, the Appendix Table of Contents is shown above.

4 primary sources will be used as the foundation, inspiration, and

even quotes for these monthly Bible sessions on "The Life and

Letters of Paul": (1) The Bible as the Word of God; (2) David

Smith's "Life and Letters of Paul"; (3) Volume 3 of the LEARN

CHRIST COMMENTARIES, "Believe and Be Baptized" on the life

and letters of Paul; and (4) a previously unpublished book by

SunGrist_Bible on "Remember My Bonds", the Life and New

Testament books of the Apostle Paul. To look at the complete Table of Contents for BELIEVE AND BE BAPTIZED, the Life and 14 Letters of Paul, please go to the webpage

Of the 18 chapters of this Life and Letters of Paul, the One Baptism commences this study of all 14 letters of the Apostle Paul in the Bible.

1. The One Baptism is the One Salvation.

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