The Cultural Plan
The Umatilla County Cultural Plan is one of 36 county and nine tribal plans developed throughout Oregon as a result of the establishment of the Oregon Cultural Trust. This plan is used in determining how Trust funds are re-granted in Umatilla County. Click on the link below to download a full copy of the Plan. The Oregon Cultural Trust was established in 2001 to support and protect Oregon's culture. Trust funds are disbursed through three methods: one-third to the Cultural Development Grants (competitive statewide program), one-third to the specific State cultural agencies, and one-third to the Community Cultural Participation Grant Program, administered by Cultural Coalitions in each of Oregon's 36 counties and nine tribes. The Community Participation Grants are disbursed in support of each county or tribal cultural plan. In 2003, the Umatilla County Cultural Planning Committee, a committee of nine Umatilla County citizens was nominated by the Umatilla County Commissioners and appointed by the Oregon Cultural Trust to develop Umatilla County's Cultural Plan.