Evangelistic Medical Missions Abroad

Many UK health professionals would love to use their God-given medical skills in serving the poor overseas. EMMA provides the opportunity to do so in a practical way. In addition to the healthcare service, the strong evangelistic element within all our mission trips allows team members to fulfil the Great Commission in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missions vary from 2 - 3 weeks duration. Typically, our team spends 2 days working in a particular village before moving onto the next location. In total 8-9 days are spent in medical work.

Food, water, accommodation and transport are the responsibility of the local church pastors or evangelist to whom we are linked and they also have the responsibility for setting up the evangelistic events or gospel outreaches of each trip.

Evangelism is very much part of the ethos of EMMA. Team members have the chance to pray and counsel individual patients, lead team Bible study, share their testimony publicly or preach to the assembled patients either at the beginning of the working day or in the evening outreaches. Being an active Christian is thus essential, but there is no compulsion to be an upfront preacher!

To donate to 2023 Maasailand, Kenya  trip please click here:  Donate to Uganda 2025 Mission

EMMA Mission Photos