
Who is Up-A-Creek Robotics?

Up-A-Creek Robotics is a high-school robotics team based in Longmont, Colorado (www.team1619.org). We compete in FIRST robotics programs. We created this curriculum for beginning programmers at the middle-school and high-school level. We hope you find it useful!

Why should you learn to code?

  • Software is the language of computers, and computers are an increasingly important part of our world.

  • Graduates with Computer Science degrees get top-paying jobs.

  • Our nation desperately needs programmers....look at any employment website and it's filled with ads for programmers.

  • Knowledge of computers will help you in every job. Even teaching!

What is Processing?

  • Processing is a computer programming language. It is a collection of instructions that you can use to draw artwork, create animations, video games or movies.

  • Processing was created by two MIT students, Ben Fry and Casey Reas, who were interested in creating free, open-source language that was easier for visual artists to use.

  • Processing is built on top of Java - a popular language used by many professional software engineers.