
Welcome to my website. I am Turash Mosharraf. I am a first year Masters student in Computing Science Thesis program at Simon Fraser University, Canada. My fields of interest are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Data Mining. I am currently working with professor Dr. James Delgrande and Professor Dr. Fred Popowich on co-reference resolution for the well known Winograd Schemas using natural language processing and common sense reasoning.

Turash Mosharraf



Previously, I was a graduate student at Temple University, Philadelphia, United States. Prior to that, I was a lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Eastern University, Bangladesh. I have received my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Sept, 2015.

I was involved in several research activities during both my undergraduate and graduate studies. While studying at Temple University, i designed and implemented routing algorithms for vehicular networks with an objective to help the UBER driver to schedule their pickups and drop-offs during car pooling in order to minimize service delay and gas cost. Another routing algorithm helped the bicycle re-balancing vehicles to plan their routs optimally while re balancing the docks. In my undergraduate thesis, I developed an asynchronous parallel algorithm to find k nearest points of interests (e.g.,Restaurants, Gas Stations) in a large graph (e.g., Road network in a large city) by performing computation of single source and multi source shortest paths (SSSP or MSSP). In another research, I developed a probabilistic model to predict future crimes based on historical data. I was also a part of the research team which created the first traffic simulator for the capital city of Bangladesh.