Trude Gunnes

Researcher at Statistics Norway

Phone: 0047 46961559


Research interests:

Ongoing Projects:

Teacher supply and demand. Financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

(Project Manager: 2015-2019; 2019-2023; 2023-2027)


Cultural norms and financial incentives: A model of how to fund universities

Review of Economics and Institutions 2021, Vol. 12 – No. 1 – Article 1 

Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: Findings from employees in child care centers 

Empirical Economics 2021, 61, 3375-3400  (with Nina Drange and Kjetil Telle)

How school accountability affects teacher mobility and teacher sorting 

Education Economics 2020, 28:5, 455-473   (with Hege Marie Gjefsen) 

Becoming "We" instead of "I": Identity management and incentives in the workplace

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2018, 148, 105 -120 (with Jocelyn Donze) 

Financial incentives and study duration in higher education

Labour Economics 2013, 25, 1-11 (with Lars J. Kirkebøen and Marte Rønning)  

Revise and resubmit

Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics: Results from a randomized controlled trial

(with Lars J. Kirkebøen, Lena Lindenskov, and Marte Rønning)  

Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Work in progress

Class size, class composition, and teacher sickness absenteeism

The management of heterogeneous students (with Jocelyn Donze)

Out-of-sector mobility and mismatches in the teacher labor market (with Paul Diegert, Ana Gazmuri, and François Poinas)

Student dropout in high school, performance, and well-being in class (with John K. Dagsvik)