Triangle Machine Knitters

Welcome to the Triangle Machine Knitters club page!

We meet on the third Saturday of each month from 10 a. m. to about noon at 1712 E Millbrook Rd, Raleigh, NC. 

Meetings usually include a demonstration of a specific knitting topic, a brief club business meeting, time for "show and tell" about knitted projects members bring in for others to see, and discussion of knitting problems.

Dues are $40 a year and can be paid biannually in January and July.  Please keep them up to date for the meetings.

Contact Rita or Mary (see below) if you want to be included when we email the link to the zoom meeting. 

Experienced, beginners, and anyone interested in learning more about machine knitting (with any brand of knitting machine) are welcome.

For more information or to join our mailing list, contact either Rita (rita27612 at or Mary (marykar22000 at

The schedule is posted once per year and may change without notice.

So please check often for last minute substitutions or changes.

When possible, changes will be emailed to members.