2013 11月分


Do people automatically track others’ beliefs? Evidence from a continuous measure (Cognition)



顔を科学する: 適応と障害の脳科学 (東京大学出版会)

ヒトはなぜ協力するのか (勁草書房)

Chronic and Acute Intranasal Oxytocin Produce Divergent Social Effects in Mice (Neuropsychopharmacology)

Further Evidence for The Impact of a Genome-Wide Supported Psychosis Risk Variant in ZNF804A on The Theory of Mind Network(Neuropsychopharmacology)


A Person-by-Situation Approach to Emotion Regulation Cognitive Reappraisal Can Either Help or Hurt, Depending on the Context (Psychological Science)

※統制可能性が低いstress eventでは認知的再評価のスキルとDepressionが負の関係だが,統制可能性が高いstress eventでは正の関係


Calculating and Reporting Effect Sizes to Facilitate Cumulative Science: A Practical Primer for t-tests and ANOVAs (frontiers in PSYCHOLOGY)


The New Statistics Why and How (Psychological Science)


The shared neural basis of empathy and facial imitation accuracy (NeuroImage)

※模倣課題中のMirror Neuron Systemsの活動が,模倣の正確性及び共感特性と相関.

Emotion self-regulation and empathy depend upon longer stimulus exposure (SCAN)


Emotional Distractors Can Enhance Attention (Psychological Science)
