Torben Krüger





Department Mathematik der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Cauerstraße 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

Office 2.332

I am chair for stochastics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. The main focus of my research lies on the areas of random matrix theory (RMT), probability theory and mathematical physics. I apply and develop robust mathematical methods in order to rigorously study statistical properties of large complex systems that typically originate from applications in physics, statistics or engineering. My research group is dedicated to the study of disordered quantum systems and dynamic evolution on random networks through the use of RMT. 

Dynamics on Correlated Networks

Our group started a new project that studies dynamic evolution of activities on high dimensional correlated networks. For more information please visit the project webpage:

Universality in Disordered Quantum Systems

My research group studies universal phenomena in disordered quantum systems. For more information please visit the project webpage:


Currently, I am working on the following topics:  

Publications and preprints

with J. Alt

preprint, arXiv:2404.17573, 2024 

with Jacob Fronk and Yuriy Nemish

preprint, arXiv:2308.16778, 2023

with Seung-Yeop Lee and Meng Yang

preprint, arXiv:2306.12263, 2023

with Yuriy Nemish

preprint, arXiv:2303.17020, 2023

with D. Renfrew

preprint, arXiv:2108.08811, 2021

with J. Alt

Bernoulli, 28(2): 886-909, 2022

with J. Alt

J. Funct. Anal., 281(7):109120, 2021

with L. Erdős and Yu. Nemish 

Ann. Henri Poincaré, Vol. 22, 4205-4269, 2021

with L. Erdős and D. Renfrew

to appear in Ann. Appl. Probab., 2019 

with J. Alt and L. Erdős

Prob. Math. Phys., Vol. 2, No. 2, 2019 

with G. Cipolloni, L. Erdős and D. Schröder 

Pure Appl. Anal., 1(4):615–707, 2019

with L. Erdős and D. Schröder 

Commun. Math. Phys., 378:1203–1278, 2020

with L. Erdős and Yu. Nemish 

J. Funct. Anal., 278(12):108507, 2020

with J. Alt and L. Erdős

Doc. Math. 25:1421-1539, 2020

with J. Alt, L. Erdős and D. Schröder

Ann. Probab., 48(2):963–1001, 2020

with L. Erdős and D. Renfrew

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 50(3):3271–3290, 2018

with J. Alt, L. Erdős and Y. Nemish

Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat., 55(2):661–696, 2019

with L. Erdős and D. Schröder

Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 7:e8, 2019

with J. Alt and L. Erdős

Ann. Appl. Probab., Vol. 28, No. 1, 148-203, 2016

with J. Alt and L. Erdős

Electron. J. Probab. 22, no. 25, 41 pp., 2017

O. Ajanki and L. Erdős

Probab. Theory Related Fields, 173(1):293–373, 2019

with O. Ajanki and L. Erdős

J. Stat. Phys., 163(2):280–302, 2016

with O. Ajanki and L. Erdős

Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 70(9):1672–1705, 2017

with O. Ajanki and L. Erdős 

Probab. Theory Related Fields, 169(3):667-727, 2017

with O. Ajanki and L. Erdős

to appear in Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 2015

with J. Knebel, M. F. Weber and E. Frey 

Nat Comms 6:6977, 2015

with O. Ajanki and L. Erdős

Electron. Commun. Probab. 19, no. 33, 1–9, 2014

with J. Knebel, M. F. Weber and E. Frey

Phys Rev Lett, vol. 110 (16) pp. 168106-5, 2013

My papers on arXiv.

Brief Curriculum Vitae:


2021-present Professor at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

2020-2023 Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen

2017 - 2020 Postdoctoral researcher at University of Bonn

2015 - 2017 Postdoctoral researcher at IST Austria

2014 - 2015 Research assistant at IST Austria

2012 - 2014 Research assistant at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)


2015 Ph.D. in mathematics at LMU Munich

2013 Diploma in physics at LMU Munich

2012 Diploma in mathematics at LMU Munich

Teaching before 2022

2021 Mathematical Analysis and Probability for Computer Scientists at Copenhagen University 

2020 Mathematical Analysis and Probability for Computer Scientists at Copenhagen University

 2019 Graduate seminar on Supersymmetry at HCM Bonn

 2019 Lecture series at Heidelberg Graduate Days

 2018 - 2019 Graduate seminar on Random Matrices, Spin Glasses and Deep Learning at HCM Bonn

 2018 Graduate seminar on Dyson Brownian motion at HCM Bonn

 2017 Teaching assistant at PCMI 2017

 2014 - 2016 Teaching assistant for lectures at IST Austria, including 'Random Matrices' and 'Random Schrödinger Operators'

2009 - 2011 Crash courses in 'Stochastics' and 'Probability Theory' at LMU Munich

2008 - 2013 Teaching assistant for various lectures at LMU Munich, including 'Stochastic Processes', 'Probability Theory', 'Mathematical Quantum Mechanics' and 'Functional Analysis'

Selected Invited Talks

2024 Random Matrices and Related Topics (Jeju, South Korea)

2024 Non-commutative Function Theory and Free Probability (Oberwolfach, Germany)

2023 One world IMPA seminar (Online)

2023 Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematical Physics (Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany)

2023 Rhein-Main Probability Kolloquium (Mainz, Germany)

2021 Holomorphic Day (Copenhagen, Denmark)

 2020 RMTA-2020 (New York, USA)

 2019 QMath14 (Aarhus, Denmark)

 2018 Vilnius IMS-2018 (Vilnius, Lithuania)

 2018 Sums & Products of Random Matrices (Bielefeld, Germany)

 2017 PCMI (Park-City, USA)

 2017 QMath Kick-off (Copenhagen, Denmark)

 2016 Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics (Toronto, Canada)

 2015 ICMP (Santiago, Chile)

 2015 Think & Drink talk at IST Austria (Klosterneuburg, Austria)

 2014 SFB TR12 Workshop (Bad Honnef, Germany)

Honors & Awards

2021 NNF project grant (2.7 Mio. DKK)

2020 Villum Young Investigator Award (9.3 Mio. DKK)

2017 Carathéodory dissertation prize at LMU Munich

2006 Student scholarship German National Academic Foundation


 2015 Local spectral universality for random matrices with independent entries (PhD Thesis)

 2012 Formulierung der Theorie des zweitquantisierten elektromagnetischen Feldes im Schrödingerbild (The external current problem for the second quantized electromagnetic field in the Schrödinger picture) (Physics Diploma Thesis)

 2011 Konstruktion der unitären Dynamik eines Photonenfeldes in L2-Räumen über Distributionen (Construction of unitary dynamics for the photon field in L2-spaces on distributions) (Mathematics Diploma Thesis)

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--- Last updated on January 01, 2023 ---